Obama's out


New Member
"sounds a lot better than the BS we have now."

Yes it does and here's why: The Fair Tax is what is known as an "excise" tax. It is the tax of free men. That's why it was one of the powers given to Congress by the founders of the country. Its just a one-time, simple sales tax, only charged on new purchases. Nothing hidden. The citizen knows exactly how much he/she is being charged for his/her government representation.

The income tax, as we have now, is a slave tax. Think about it ... When our income is taxed, they are in reality, directly taxing our labor. Whatever the portion of labor taxed, is the portion of your labor that the government owns. What shall we call a system whereby another entity owns our labor? Ummm ... how about slavery? That seems accurate to me.



New Member
"sounds a lot better than the BS we have now."

Yes it does and here's why: The Fair Tax is what is known as an "excise" tax. It is the tax of free men. That's why it was one of the powers given to Congress by the founders of the country. Its just a one-time, simple sales tax, only charged on new purchases. Nothing hidden. The citizen knows exactly how much he/she is being charged for his/her government representation.

The income tax, as we have now, is a slave tax. Think about it ... When our income is taxed, they are in reality, directly taxing our labor. Whatever the portion of labor taxed, is the portion of your labor that the government owns. What shall we call a system whereby another entity owns our labor? Ummm ... how about slavery? That seems accurate to me.

B.S., Favors the rich and burdens the poor!


New Member
B.S., Favors the rich and burdens the poor!
Horse shit. It doesn't favor anyone at all ... and it sure as hell doesn't "burden" the poor. The people it WOULD burden are all those who are involved in our scam tax system and benefit by it. You know Med ... like tax preparers. :blsmoke:


PS: Med ... you need to put a disclamer in place of your signiture. Disclaimer to read: "When I, Medman, discuss the current income tax system, let it be known that my wife is a tax preparer, and that we make a sizable portion of our income helping others through the impossible maze that is now known in this forum, thanks to ViRedd, as our slave tax system."



New Member
Horse shit. It doesn't favor anyone at all ... and it sure as hell doesn't "burden" the poor. The people it WOULD burden are all those who are involved in our scam tax system and benefit by it. You know Med ... like tax preparers. :blsmoke:


PS: Med ... you need to put a disclamer in place of your signiture. Disclaimer to read: "When I, Medman, discuss the current income tax system, let it be known that my wife is a tax preparer, and that we make a sizable portion of our income helping others through the impossible maze that is now known in this forum, thanks to ViRedd, as our slave tax system."

And if you discuss the housing market and the bubble bursting, be sure to include that disclaimer about how you were in cahoots with greedy loan sharks to sell anything you could to make a buck off the backs of working stiffs that are now losing their homes, thanks to you!~LOL~


Well-Known Member
this will help out hillary thats for sure.. im not voting for him anymore.. i agree with some of his politics.. but to sit and listen to that racist pathetic example of a pastor for 20 years.. and defend him.. it makes me sick to my stomach
White people have done it for years, what's the difference? You think if Obama wins the election that white people will be oppressed? :roll: Nothing is going to change no matter who gets the nomination unless we all demand change which judging from the last 7 years, if we put up with this shit for this long... we will go through anything. PERIOD.


Well-Known Member
Cool, but we will need more than 12942 pledges to show up for sure. It's a 5 hour drive for me and I will do it.
im way up north myself(near Canada), no way could i make it unless i get rich between now and the summer :D

but i stand behind the principles and would love to be apart of upholding our constitutional rights!!!

all i can do at the time is spread the word, that will be my part until my situation changes :mrgreen:


New Member
As long as we keep talking about "it", "it" is going to be not only a topic of conversation, but "it" will be eluded to constantly, w"it"hout "it" ever being brought up. Funny how we perpetuate what we "hope" to eliminate. "Words mean things............................................................."


Well-Known Member
but "it" will be eluded to constantly, w"it"hout "it" ever being brought up. Funny how we perpetuate what we "hope" to eliminate. "Words mean things............................................................."
what are you talking about?????:shock:


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day, no one on this board has changed their opinion about Barac Obaham. And this reflects the nation as a whole. People will support or oppose this man, without concern for his preacher. I don't think anyone really gives a hoot about what Mrs Obahma says either.


Well-Known Member
Dear medicineman,

ANY tax formulation other than what is used today would be better for the entire country, including poor people. Please look at the macro-economics of other tax methods and you will change your mind.

However, there are two wild cards in this deal. States tend to make odd tax changes, usually to gouge perceived tax holes. Secondly, any tax change would result in greater tax collection. So, has anyone seen a congressman or senator who can't think of ways to spend a billion dollars?

If the added revenues were used to pay down the Federal debt, the value of the dollar would go up. That value increase would definitely help the poor. In fact, paying down the debt could probably happen in four years. Instead of poor people suffering from an annual inflation tax they would enjoy a revaluation windfall from a dollar increase.



Well-Known Member
You dont go to a church for 20 years, and not belive in what there preaching.
Obama disagrees with the revrand, because thats what you want to him to say.

Stop deffending these rich people, They dont know what ruff is.


Well-Known Member
Aw shit, now my decision on who to vote for is all catty-wompus.
I had decided to vote for Obama because he seemed nice and moderate, with a good score on all of my issues. I looked up his website and was very impressed with all of the well-organized info available on his exact position on each of the issues I cared about, as well as how he planned to confront them. Most of it sounded pretty solid. In comparison to Mrs. Clinton's website it was to-the-point, and informative, leaving me very confident.
McCain was struck out immediately, he wants to overturn Roe vs Wade and doesn't support gay marriage. The latter applies to me as a lesbian, I do hope to marry someday, and the former applies to every women who's ever had sex with a man.

Hillary was also quickly eliminated, I think the last thing we need is universal health care when our nation is in huge debt as it is. Also I don't think illegal immigrants should be given any breaks, they broke the law coming here, then gave birth. The lunch lines at my school are ridiculous. It's always those second generation shits that cut in line and throw gang signs when you say something, all the while they're wearing THE MEXICAN FLAG on their backpack! They aren't Americans, and they don't consider themselves as such, if they want to revel in the choas and 'glory' of gangs, let them ruin their country doing it, not mine.

Ron Paul was inspirational in his wish to re-empower the constitution and take the government down a couple notches in our personal lives, and of course I love his stance on marijuana. Unfortunately I don't see any chance in him winning, he is simply too revolutionary, and too unnoticed by the media.

This nonsense with Obama's preacher was easy enough to ignore. So his preacher is racist, so is my dad, and the majority of my father's side of the family. When my grandma calls chocolate-covered peanuts "nigger-toes" do I shun her? No, I politely ignore it and change the subject.
But Obama's wife laying it on so heavy that she wasn't proud of America for the majority of her adult life is disturbing to me. After all she is his wife. But perhaps she was simply trying to make a statement about how happy she was, and kind of overshot the melodrama? If he goes completely batshit in office and turns out to be a radical muslim, racist, what-ever the fuck, we can always impeach him, right?