Obama's out


New Member
He'll probably be assassinated anyway, we shouild be more concerned with who is going to be the vice-president.
I think the vice pres. will be more important this election than ever before, because of what you said and if McCain wins...you tell McCain is sick...have you seen the size of that growth on the side if his face? 71 years old...I hope nobody picks a Dan Quayle...


New Member
I think the vice pres. will be more important this election than ever before, because of what you said and if McCain wins...you tell McCain is sick...have you seen the size of that growth on the side if his face? 71 years old...I hope nobody picks a Dan Quayle...
If McCain is elected, we'll have to worry about much more than his successor. How about thermo-nuclear war?


New Member
I think the vice pres. will be more important this election than ever before, because of what you said and if McCain wins...you tell McCain is sick...have you seen the size of that growth on the side if his face? 71 years old...I hope nobody picks a Dan Quayle...

He's 71, but he's a tough 71. I admit, he's running out of runway, but he's got another good 4 to 8 years in him. Here's a link regarding his cancer operation: Press TV - McCain refusing to give medical records

Does this look like a guy you'd want to mess with? ~lol~



Well-Known Member
He's 71, but he's a tough 71. I admit, he's running out of runway, but he's got another good 4 to 8 years in him. Here's a link regarding his cancer operation: Press TV - McCain refusing to give medical records

Does this look like a guy you'd want to mess with? ~lol~

those are the best ones to mess with! Looks like he is trying really hard to look tough. I know he is not, but he looks like a baby crapping in his diaper.


New Member
He's 71, but he's a tough 71. I admit, he's running out of runway, but he's got another good 4 to 8 years in him. Here's a link regarding his cancer operation: Press TV - McCain refusing to give medical records

Does this look like a guy you'd want to mess with? ~lol~

I do not care what that shit says, I saw him on tv sunday and it looks like he has a softball stuck on the side of his face. And it's getting worse, the camera is always on the right side of his face...but you can see it's getting worse...


Active Member
Everyone should be smart enough to realize that Obama's relation with the pastier dude won't affect his actual ability as a president. Seriously folks, as Obama himself said, he doesn't agree with the pastier half the time, and just because Obama's faily chose to be with that pastier doesn't mean that that pastier will affect Obama's brains. Seriously? C'mon.

If elected president, Obama will be the best we ever had. Gara-fuckin-teed.


New Member
Obama's not out, not by a long shot. Long shot= long-------------------------------------------------------------------------shot.