Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Sheck, you get any more beans in yet? Popped all my White S1s, looks like I got 10 solid females to work with, not sure if I'll make seeds with a Fem momma but will run these for a run or 3 to find the winners...I remember back about 20 years when I went to Florida(probably where the White/Triangle originated) we were getting this bud called Sugar Bud which sounds real close to The White....we'll see...my older brother got me this vacuum sealed cannister over there that had a quarter oz in it, I took a hit and threw up and felt like I was in a haze all the next day....still looking to replicate that experience...


Active Member
Nice Chica's brah! What strains are you working with? on a side note what is the cloth that you are using on your hoop hizzies? I'm thinking about building a little green house and I’m considering using something similar to what you’re using.
Thanks Cooter ...Hoop hizzzzzzzies ...lmao ... that shade cloth ...I got it at the NEX landscape center because its half the price there vs the others stores. ... Ive got a multitude of strains going , stll trying to find the ones that love Hawaii as much as we do ..lol ..The photo has a DNA Chocolope , urban poison and a TH seed "darkstar" ... hoophizzies come in handy because i can run out and tarp them if a rainstorm blows in ... and uncover when it passes ..takes a minute ...like a rain delay in the majors ......lol


Active Member
Pepper - Nice sun shade and nugs too.

Oh yeah, just be aware, those type items can attract the curiosity of GH birds doing passes. The "man" just might want to know whatcha got goin' on under there. Be safe brother.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thanks Cooter ...Hoop hizzzzzzzies ...lmao ... that shade cloth ...I got it at the NEX landscape center because its half the price there vs the others stores. ... Ive got a multitude of strains going , stll trying to find the ones that love Hawaii as much as we do ..lol ..The photo has a DNA Chocolope , urban poison and a TH seed "darkstar" ... hoophizzies come in handy because i can run out and tarp them if a rainstorm blows in ... and uncover when it passes ..takes a minute ...like a rain delay in the majors ......lol
did you ever start those g13 hazes?


Active Member
Picture 008.jpg Short season get up ... with some freebie AF's that never got transplanted. watch ...by the time i weed out the males ill have 7 .

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Damn KG! your avatar made me sport some wood....(Spike down Spike)
Spike is your nickname for it eh? As a Trekkie, I used to use "Deep Space Nine" but it led to unreasonable expectations... I changed it to "peenie-weenie" and noticed it already disarms alot of the "tension" from both sides when it's time to show my hand...