DSB Is Still Here

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Well-Known Member
I'm actually going to take that as a compliment because I'm a huge egotist and you're a fan in denial ;)

Pleasure to meet'cha
BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA yeah buddy keep thinking that and you will be fine little brother ;-) btw, me thinks thou dost protest too much (just sayn')


Well-Known Member
That's how rumors get started.. I'm going to assume you're being sarcastic and you're not too dense to get that I'm not a fag.
It's cool bro, I'm not gay either. By the way do you remember me? Because of you I made some ISO oil and I got a some black goo that is really potent, thanks for helping me out with that. :D


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Hey did you guys see the south park where Mr. Garrison goes around saying FAG all the time? And that was on TV..


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
It's cool bro, I'm not gay either. By the way do you remember me? Because of you I made some ISO oil and I got a some black goo that is really potent, thanks for helping me out with that. :D
Yeah no problem.. I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not though. =p

And yes, I do remember you LOL


Well-Known Member
I might just lie to you and say I am a fag.. that way I can say it all I want rite? LOL

Not that I don't anyway.. there's nothing wrong with saying it.
LOL i knew it, me too :peace: here, talk to Mrs Sunnyboy and ask her, she will tell you the truth ;-) or maybe you just wanna pm her and talk more discreetly about it


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
now you just aren't making sense, don't they need you over at the bubble farm????
No it's real quiet over there. I'll explain your statement to you.

You're telling someone that they're overdoing it by telling someone they're overdoing it (stay with me, this was what I was doing supposedly) while you feed it back to me the same way yourself with different sentence structure and a "no offense" ending.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Anyways, those that need more clarification are just going to have to realize that they're skewed perceptions won't be corrected until later.

In layman's.. I'm bored with explanations. Half of you are just trolling anyways, the other half too ignorant to know what they're doing.. and you know who you are..


Moderatrix of Journals
Yeah.. but I can't use wiki to cite sh!t, and I wouldn't use it for credibility on anything.. ever..

Citing wikipedia actually HURTS more than it helps.. IMO
i disagree; we're talking vernacular/colloquial here.... wiki is defined by "the people"..... if "fag" wasn't a pejorative that would have been edited by now.
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