Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
seems things run in waves i member i was getin them you was lookin for them

now you getinem an im lookin for um

but i tell you brodah if i have to complain of all the same sexed plants at one time -den by all means let dem be gals

an enjoy da moment we livin in right now pollin is for tomorrow an to spread the luv

tomorw will take care of tomorrow

if we just keep livin an enjoyin through today


Well-Known Member

on expermental basses
i threw larry in today @ 2.3wks

you ever convince yoself you dont like sumtin and never even tryed it
not justified

ever meet somebody and say i dont know why i dont like that guy
not justified

im gona give this a try and find out why- im thinkin its gona involve yield
father time will get together wit mother nature and we will see in a couple months


Well-Known Member
correct it is from seed
i took it from red cup yestdy
put into a 2 gal i think it is
i was gona leave till flower then trans to a five now gona leave period
now instead of mid stop it is final stop


Well-Known Member
could be im watchin it might get it together



Well-Known Member
yes all same thats why im in limbo on it

as of now still early still checkin an lookin for signs

just mostly reveled where shown whole plant not revealed yet
a few tips look fem and at the third internode down on the main stem is the
balls hangin in the breez so i got 3 or so spots showin

in time when more of plant reveals itself i think ill get more information from it right now

i think its having a hard time reading or translating its genetic code

but yes same plant
swerve has done it again



Well-Known Member
time will tell
pol from a shim from birth not woth a nickel
maybe just a little cofusion we will see an decision will be be based on how it shows
the future of seeds say 25 -30 years from now is scary
i look back at when i started puffin in 1966
none of these seed problems existed
im just wonderin where we gona end up wit everyone fkn wit seeds now
wheni started growin about 3 years ago everyone was scared of crossing now all doin it
thats lookin 3 years back

can you spell scary


Well-Known Member
i just want to wish nutin but the best to all my peeps
best health
best grows
best seeds
best karma
best love
best happyness
best luck
best fortune
best safety
best for family

the best of life to you
i cant do much to change your life but i can wish you the best of life
da best to you
and you know who the you refers to

1 day ther is gona be