

Well-Known Member
you're putting too much faith in people. all i said was there should be more criteria, because its too easy to get a gun. you're not the one who had to watch a little boy die because his uncle left the handgun on the table.

Tragic to be sure.

however, we have all kinds of accidents every year that involve the death of children. Swimming pools, dogs, cars. frikn highschool football has killed how many kids this year? Death is a fact of life, there is nothing that can be done to lessen that. That gun could have just as easily been a unstable bookshelf.

I am for harsh punishment for wrong doing, not punishing everybody because of a few. If you fuck up, you should pay the price, not get sent to a prison with fuking cable tv, free medical, conjugal visits, wtf is all that shit. Fuck that, bring on the chain gangs, and hard labor. public executions should be televised.

Maybe that will make some little punk bastard think twice before he gets the idea to car jack you at the next intersection.... course, if you were armed, he wont get the opportunity to think about it again now would he???


Well-Known Member
i have no problem with people being armed, i have a problem with the average dumbass being armed. so, im saying, there should be some kind of training, more thorough back ground check, etc. basically the people should have guns for protection, not intimidation. too many kids my age (i just turned 18 in april) have been shot this year. 7 by the last count, and 38 murders in general.


Well-Known Member
7 out of 38 murders huh? so it seems like guns really arent the majority of the problem then to me.
Even the average dumbass has the basic human right to be able to defend himself, and as long as he doesnt harm another, than he is no threat. even smart people can be a threat.

A threat will be a threat with or with out a gun. A gun doesnt do anything to increase your daily danger is my point. in fact, stabbings are the thing in my area. so you wanna do background checks, and psych evaluations on every tom, jane, or eddy that wants to buy a kitchen knife to? who pays for it?

Believe me I have no faith in people, but I also know that NO MAN or Woman on this planet has any authority over you or I. we all come from the same place. and for you to think that any one can tell some one else how to live just seem s a little pretentious to me. but fuck with me and I will unleash a fury of hell that you really dont want to come down on you ( not you personally,, just saying in general).

And im one of the most laid back, mello mutha fukrs out there, just passionate about personal freedoms, and liberty, so few actually understand what it really is.


Well-Known Member
Confucious say...

"It's better to own a gun and not need one, than to need a gun and not own one."

Well, maybe not Confucious, but definately some food for thought...


Well-Known Member
7 out of 38 murders huh? so it seems like guns really arent the majority of the problem then to me.
Even the average dumbass has the basic human right to be able to defend himself, and as long as he doesnt harm another, than he is no threat. even smart people can be a threat.

A threat will be a threat with or with out a gun. A gun doesnt do anything to increase your daily danger is my point. in fact, stabbings are the thing in my area. so you wanna do background checks, and psych evaluations on every tom, jane, or eddy that wants to buy a kitchen knife to? who pays for it?

Believe me I have no faith in people, but I also know that NO MAN or Woman on this planet has any authority over you or I. we all come from the same place. and for you to think that any one can tell some one else how to live just seem s a little pretentious to me. but fuck with me and I will unleash a fury of hell that you really dont want to come down on you ( not you personally,, just saying in general).

And im one of the most laid back, mello mutha fukrs out there, just passionate about personal freedoms, and liberty, so few actually understand what it really is.
they were all shootings, the 7 were my age and younger.
whatever. i still would feel safer knowing that the people who actually have respect for guns and know proper usage have them, rather than some fucking gang banger going and shooting a kid because the kid crossed out his tagging name. Ive seen it happen to so many people


Well-Known Member
they were all shootings, the 7 were my age and younger.
whatever. i still would feel safer knowing that the people who actually have respect for guns and know proper usage have them, rather than some fucking gang banger going and shooting a kid because the kid crossed out his tagging name. Ive seen it happen to so many people
ok my bad on the 7/38 thing, i misread it. That gang banger, didnt buy his gun from a gun store.. you did know that right? we have more guns in this country than cars. how many dumbass blind mutha fukrs are allowed to drive huh? way more than own guns im afraid. lol.

I guess im just saying you are responsible for your own safety. that includes being aware of your surroundings and the people who are around you. When your in the gas station getting a soda, do you notice who is walking behind you, walkning in the door, standing outside? who has their hand in pockets, who looks shady?

If you get caught up in a bad situation, maybe just paying attention a little bit would of been the proper solution. You always have to be thinking defensively as well as offensively. You really cant trust anyone, just because the government gets sued for racial profiling doesnt mean you can. expect the unexpected.

You never expect to get hit by a minivan at the salon until, BAMM, through the fuking wall it comes......

I dont have a huge problem with the way gun shops do business now, I walk in, 99 times out of 100 I can probly walk out with a gun. there may be a delay with a background check every now and then, but that im willing to deal with, because it probly does help keep guns out of the hands of people who all ready have been judged, and deemed not worthy. But i dont believe its the govs job to make sure people are properly trained. Thats what parents are for.

Oh thats right, little gang banger aint got a daddy..... I guess that really gets into the breakdown of the family as a social unit, the community as a social unit.... all much bigger problems that gun control........

Any ways, its been a really funn discussion. I hope you didnt get your feathers ruffled..... lol itrs 4:30 am here, and im bored, nuthn on tv.... lol.


Well-Known Member
lol im half asleep anyway. yeah, im just thinking, like they should have a training session or two before the gun is in your hand, and the price of which is included in the gun price. you wouldnt believe how many people buy guns and dont know how to use them properly, end up hurting themselves and other people.
Also, I think locked gun cabinents are a must for everyone who owns a gun.
that kid i told you about? His uncle, a kid ive known since i was like 12, was rolling with a tagging crew, had a gun. The uncle left the gun on the table, safety off. The three year old wandered in, started playing with the gun, and shot himself in the chest. The grandma ran out into the street holding him. My sister came and got me right as the ambulance was pulling away with the kid in it. There was blood everywhere. My neighbors who tried to help had blood up to their elbows, the mom of the little boy was covered in his blood.
Ill admit, i sat there and sobbed for a while


Well-Known Member
there isnt a lot to learn for basic gun rules.

1) Expect that the gun is loaded
2) Never point it at a anything that you are unwilling to destroy
3) Aim, place finger on trigger, and squeeze. repeat as necessary

This is a personal condensed version of the actual rules. but they work for me.


Well-Known Member
lol too simplistic.
have you guns locked up when not in use
maintain and treat your guns well
always have the safety on until ready to use.
no ex prisoners getting guns. not that they all did some violent crime, but prison changes people, makes people more mean, wouldnt trust it
I think there should be an age limit, say 21.
shit like that, non complicated, simple common sense rules that would save alot of time and hassle


Well-Known Member
lol too simplistic.
have you guns locked up when not in use
maintain and treat your guns well
always have the safety on until ready to use.
no ex prisoners getting guns. not that they all did some violent crime, but prison changes people, makes people more mean, wouldnt trust it
I think there should be an age limit, say 21.
shit like that, non complicated, simple common sense rules that would save alot of time and hassle
So when I'm being assaulted by a home invader I should just tell them to hold on while I get the key to my gun safe?? And you don't know how prison changes an individual, everyone is different and takes to different situations uniquely. You make assumptions like you know something for a fact, when all you do is make generalizations about hearsay and what you've seen on TV...


Well-Known Member
have you guns locked up when not in use
Because when you REALLY need it, thats where it should be, locked up..... I keep my shit loaded. my .45 (if I really had one), is less than 2' away from me.

maintain and treat your guns well
Depends on the gun. lol. An AK doesnt need any maintenance, just shoot tha dam thing.

always have the safety on until ready to use.
Ok, I got nuthn..... but my XD doesnt have a safety like that....

no ex prisoners getting guns. not that they all did some violent crime, but prison changes people, makes people more mean, wouldnt trust it
I think there should be an age limit, say 21.
Those are already rules here. My gun dealer cant even sell a gun (rifle or otherwise) to some one under 21, something to do with his class3, he sells full auto, and suppressors and shit like that also. So its not like we dont have guidelines, its just they dont work, people cant be policed. unless you are willing to go full blown microchip???? At which point, you go right ahead. I for one will use my rights, to protect myself from such invasion of my body.

Sorry, I really dont mean to come off so argumentative, just the way it is. I feel the very same way about our right to smoke some good herb. Its just your right. And you should be pretty familiar with all the BS that surrounds The good herb.. its the same thing with guns, you have been fed a precise amount of BS and think that somehow guns are related to the problem. Human nature is the problem. sometimes we hurt each other. doesnt matter how, its goin to be done. It used to be sticks/stones, bow n arrow, spears, we got guns now, pretty soon itl be pulsar lasers....


Well-Known Member
I carry a springfield xd 9mm if I feel like having a ton of bullets in my mag, otherwise I carry a Smith and Wesson MP .40.

Peace through superior firepower.


Well-Known Member
And if you run out of ammo, you can beat someone to death with it. Clunky, heavy as hell, but yes. they do fire a bullet.

Hotsauce: Yeah I love my 45. we just got a shitload of ammo from an auction, so iv been able to get out more with it lately. I have almost all the stuff to reload my own ammo. Need a few more pieces of equipment, and then supplies. I cant wait.

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i want a 1911 so bad....and yeah a 5-7 would be even more dope, the ammos crazy expensive tho right?


Well-Known Member
the 1911 is a 1918 colt .45. the 5.7 is pretty expensive about 11-1200 new. ammo for the crap they sell you is like 20-25 bucks a box of 50. and yeah 50 dont last very long. i usually can find about 80% of the rounds we fire so i save them suckers. You can find the better ammo on like gunbroker, but its really expensive. could be $700.00 for a box of 50 armor piercing.


Well-Known Member
not all mine, but this is some of the selection... theres a 10/22 in the other bag, my xd is there somewhere....
its a decent 150 yd walk to where we actually shoot, so we tend not to bring everything.
057 (Custom).JPG


Well-Known Member
its actually one of the korean made 100rnd mags. but works great. only had one jam and it was because a moron didnt load it right.
All semi's, cant afford a auto. wouldnt mind having one, but I think a semi is a much better shooting weapon. Full auto would be fun, and probly a necessity in a squad gun, m60, saw, etc...