• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
so bat shit crazy stuff is just your opinion or you are stating a fact? back it up buddy, no pics to show that it doesn't exist or I call bullshit on your claim. Meanwhile, back in the land of rational people, I am going to post a post by Dr Barry Taff.

Back in the mid-1980′s there was a fascinating book written by Ronald M. McRae entitled Mind War, (St. Martin’s Press, N.Y., 1984) which discussed and chronicled the alleged development of psychotronic weapons, that is, weapons that use electronics to access and utilize paranormal forces to attack one’s enemies. If anything within this book is real, then warfare as we currently know it may soon become obsolete. Given that this book is now almost thirty years old and no such advanced psychotronics weapons have been deployed (as far as we know), strongly suggests that the validity of such claims are more science fiction or fantasy than reality.
However, the incredible nature of these potential miraculous weapons need to be known, therefore, I feel obligated to discuss them here. First up is a “Psychic Neuron Disruptor” (and no, it’s not Klingon!), a sort of electronic paranoia inducer that interferes with the synaptic connections of our brain’s nerve cells to induce temporary states of confusion, disorientation, memory impairment, loss of concentration and severe paranoia utilizing a combination of ultra-low-frequency (ULF) and radio-frequency (RF) radiation. This device might be similar to what was once known as “Oregon Woodpecker” signals that had similar effects from an undetermined, but theorized Soviet source.
Next up is the list is a device called “Lida-4″ (Soviet in design) that could more accurately be referred to as “radio sleep”, which can put large groups or populations of individuals to sleep at-a-distance without their consent through the controlled application of ULF & RF radiation. Don’t we already have this? I think it’s called television, specifically paranormal reality shows or political debates?
Next up is the “Multispectral Image Analyzer”, a device which denudes or “cures” weapons of their potency from a distance, especially nuclear weapon systems. Interestingly, in the real world this might be referred to as “lack of funding”. However, if this system is even partially real, then we’re wasting billions of dollars on maintaining our nuclear stockpiles.
You’re going to love this next one; “Photonic Barrier Modulator”, which is basically an electronic amplifier and focusing device for psychotronic forces. By inserting a photograph of the desired target (object or person), the target can be disabled or destroyed at-a-distance. Allegedly, this device would be excellent for transmitting illnesses and/or death via biological disorders of new varieties. This particular weapon sounds very similar to the way radionics was supposed to work many years ago. If this device exists, why do we need any form of conventional weapons whatsoever?
The next device is a real mouthful both literally and figuratively. It’s a “Hyperspace Nuclear Howitzer” in which a thermonuclear detonation is triggered within a specially controlled environment which then transmits all of it’s effects (light, thermal pulse, blast, EMP and radiation) to an unlimited number of distant sites without warning, once its receivers have been previously planted at these locations. With this type of weapon, no missile, rocket or aircraft delivery system is required. Well, if this is true, then the entire world should immediately scrap it’s nuclear arsenals as their obsolete and worthless.
The second to the last device is known as “SADDOR”, short for a “SAtellite Deployed DOwsing Rod” that could make all the mobile and submarine launched ICBMs obsolete even before their deployed. A really gifted psychic from any country (although presumably from the old Soviet Union) would be telepathically linked to SADDOR and could then pinpoint the exact location of any weapon system or person anywhere on earth. Given the problems we’ve had in the middle east finding and catching almost anyone, this is sure bet not to exist.
I’ve saved the best for the last as it’s so way over the top. It’s the “Anti-Missile Time Warp”, which is the ultimate anti-ballistic missile system, wherein fields of energy are transmitted up from the earth to intercept ICBM MIRVs in their mid-course busing or terminal course phase and literally send them backwards in time to say the Jurassic period where they would explode harmlessly, except of course for the dinosaurs. Yeah right?
Hey, maybe this is what really killed off the dinosaurs as opposed to a meteoric major impact in the Yucatan peninsula some 65 million years ago? Don’t bet on it. My god, who actually thinks this stuff up? Where’s Gene Roddenberry when we need him? Pushing up daisies with the dinosaurs, unfortunately. After reading all this, you’re probably scratching your head going “Come on, get real”, which was exactly the reaction I had when first reading this book back in 1984.
The author had pretty impressive credentials, so I was and am curious as to his sources at the time. Needless to say, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any of these weapons were successfully developed and deployed. But it does give one reason to think that such incredible, science-fiction oriented devices were even conceived of. Actually, I’d be far more concerned by the HAARP system up in Alaska, as such could theoretically be a precursor to such psychtronics weapons.


That's such a tinfoil hat theory, bat-shit crazy stuff.

So tell me, what exactly is the powersource for these microtransmitters?


Well-Known Member
It's only fail if it's inaccurate you gobshite ;)

Was the first Google hit tbh,and what powers these supposed microtransmitters? And does your tinfoil hat block it?

You're so full of shit man,go back to your bunker and pray some more.


Well-Known Member
Awkward like this?

Oh I was gonna say I feel stupid for not getting it when you said "awkward like this", but then when I quoted you I saw the YouTube link and was like Ohh now it makes sense lol.... I still can't see the movie though, what is it? Is it that little atheist stick guy who meets god?


Well-Known Member
i had no trouble at all and what rant? we are having a conversation ;)

love, is the deepest and strongest part of you, it awakens with your heart.

love dies for those it loves, if it must, it forgives all. (it just cant be around evil, not for a long time, the hurt is too great, love does not force others to be love, its against its nature)
and love exists only in the living. we are love.

we are just full of crap too..

love is the greatest power, the power to create, to heal.

but if you love someone, you love their happiness, you love their freedom to be themselves.
you´d get sick of yourself if you tried to force them to be something else. (and they would leave, sooner or later)

look at true loving humans? and if god is love?
is actually love and nothing else, then it must be the greatest, most kindest, most forgiving and fantastic being ever, nurturing caring and never bossy ;)


what is hate then? the devil?
so are both just emotions? (i actually control my emotions and can create emotions (yet be controlled by emotion if i let it)
hmm, so, mind body and emotions? emotions perhaps being the holy ghost? :) the holy trinity? :) lol
dunno, i guess there are always mysteries to be solved, but ill be damned if i start to worship that crap and be afraid of it.

without Jesus? Well yeah I'm sure I could still be a good person...

Do you hurt girls?
Nope not at all, and I only do certain things with girls that at the moment I think I love her....
Do you rape girls?
Lol no way...
How are drugs bad?
Exactly what I mean by how I'm a hypocrite, I don't think they're bad but the book where I get most of my beliefs from says they're bad...
Everyday sins?
Stuff like lying, being mad, cussing, or checking out a girl..

BBQ people?
Nope I do not believe god bbqs people...
Therefore your existence shall be ended?
God says my existence will be ended, so yes...

So I'm just a clay puppet?
I can't tell you that because I don't know what happens when we die..
I believe that you won't spend eternity I a grave because your existence we be annihilated...

"Feel free to come by my heaven"
Sure thing dude, if your heaven is right then I would be honored to be invited, :).

I don't know god so I can't tell you whether he is the most kindest forgiving being ever, I can only take people's word for it...

Dude common, I would love for you to not call it crap, lol. I mean it's someone's beliefs they hold dear to them, and even if those weren't my beliefs I would still not call them crap...

I love your view of love, haha....
And yeah people that believe in the trinity believe that the holy ghost is your loving emotion....

The devil is not hate... He has his own story lol...

Again I don't know anything, all I can do is trust that if there is a god that he will do the right thing....

If I sounded like a dick at all, that was not my intention, happy toking....


Well-Known Member
Pyschotronics works on frecuencies that are identical to what the brain utilizes everyday. What is your profession? Office drone? Management Drone? I doubt you have any background in technology engineering. you strike me as a hateful little prick that tells people to go fuck themselves on the day to day based on what they have researched and you haven't. I am not a group of people, unlike yourself as high leader of the jackass regime. I am an individual, not afraid to make opinions BY MYSELF, instead of jumping on the tin foil hat bandwagon. You are a cookie cutter slave and any government would be happpy to have millions just like you. Yes, I believe in Covert Planning. I'm sure you believe that raghead terrorists from the poorest countries flew AMERICAN airliners into 2 trade center towers in NYC and the US Government has shit for brains to avoid it in the first place. The only belief you have shared with us is your hateful, self-centered view point of denial. As if you were the professor! HAHAHA joke. Nothing new either. So what is this thread about, trolling? Hey, let's debate if Smurfs exist so Harrekin can shit out an opinion that everyone would agree on and like! This is a big boy topic, so you can GTFO with your toddler mindset and your hate against what really is possible. I am not talking about aliens, or demons or spirits, I am talking about a real threat. Read the bible much? no I wouldn't count on it. Everybody knows that the New World Order is coming except you. You are the moron sir, for believing that the technology CANNOT exist, You never even bothered to prove that it doesn't.
It's only fail if it's inaccurate you gobshite ;)

Was the first Google hit tbh,and what powers these supposed microtransmitters? And does your tinfoil hat block it?

You're so full of shit man,go back to your bunker and pray some more.


Well-Known Member
harrekin, do you know what powers a radio transmitter? what powers a radio receiver? DERRRRRR perhaps it is powered from fossilized angel feces. Pyschotronics is about transmission of interference to the brain. Do you need me to get out the crayons and scan an explanation of the similarities a brain has with a radio receiver? Brains ARE programmable, how do you think homosexuality came about? People are born that way? haahahaha, maybe you need a safety helmet instead of a tinhat, silly man
It's only fail if it's inaccurate you gobshite ;)

Was the first Google hit tbh,and what powers these supposed microtransmitters? And does your tinfoil hat block it?

You're so full of shit man,go back to your bunker and pray some more.


Well-Known Member
The only tool against the corruptive force that we have come to call by many names including the Illuminati is acknowledging that they exist and recognizing the tactics they use to round up mankind into a corral that leads to the slaughter house. I for example have moved away from my beloved 1st world home where I was born and now I live in South America. Trust me, living with the native indians is much easier than living around freaks that want to blow up their school or their office buildings. Plus,, marijuana is so fucking cheap outside fo the european union and United states, it's a big laugh! QPs of middies for 40 dollars, all buds smelling nice. Americans should demand to their government to reduce the prices of cannabis, as one of the things on a big list of demands!
Chronic obsession,
What do we do about the illuminati?


Well-Known Member
Knowing about the "hidden enemy" before he shows his face is all we can do. They control economics and politics on a huge level that our savings accounts combined could not even reach 1 percent of their massive capital. Money is king, when it falls into the wrong hands, any kind of deprave thing can and WILL go down. Keep your eyes open and avoid the Illuminatti and their slaves like the plague!


Well-Known Member
Knowing about the "hidden enemy" before he shows his face is all we can do. They control economics and politics on a huge level that are savings accounts combined could not even reach 1 percent of their massive capital. Money is king, when it falls into the wrong hands, any kind of deprave thing can and WILL go down. Keep your eyes open and avoid the Illuminatti and their slaves like the plague!
If we show their face, won't he just kill us faster? What do we do to stop them? If we show them it won't matter, nothing will change. All that will happen is that they won't be so discretion about what they do... They'll just admit to being a group of dictators...

We news some weapons....


Well-Known Member
that's why I believe in the mercy of Jesus Christ, who is the son of the Creator and also God at the same time. Funny how this escapes "common sense" that so many make poo-poo on it and continue their shallow lives crawling on their bellies when the shit hits the fan. We are not alone. The NWO is/has/and will continue persecuting millions of people until the stink of a new mountain of human carcasses reaches unto the heavens. If there is any magic, the magical thing is that everytime a new generation is born, they automatically pretend that the terrible shit that humanity just passed, like WW2 and all the little side histories packed inside, never happened. There are even people still claiming today that the Holocaust of the Jews never happened.
If we show their face, won't he just kill us faster? What do we do to stop them? If we show them it won't matter, nothing will change. All that will happen is that they won't be so discretion about what they do... They'll just admit to being a group of dictators...

We news some weapons....


Well-Known Member
that's why I believe in the mercy of Jesus Christ, who is the son of the Creator and also God at the same time. Funny how this escapes "common sense" that so many make poo-poo on it and continue their shallow lives crawling on their bellies when the shit hits the fan. We are not alone. The NWO is/has/and will continue persecuting millions of people until the stink of a new mountain of human carcasses reaches unto the heavens. If there is any magic, the magical thing is that everytime a new generation is born, they automatically pretend that the terrible shit that humanity just passed, like WW2 and all the little side histories packed inside, never happened. There are even people still claiming today that the Holocaust of the Jews never happened.
So why worry about it if Jesus is gonna take care of it for us and we can't do anything?


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ came to the earth. There is a plan for Humanity that is not evil. The followers of the beast system will bring themselves to destruction before Christ comes back, the 2nd coming. All of Man's kingdoms will collapse for a new kingdom of christ on earth to take place. But that does not happen before we go through the tribulation that is here right now and ramping it up!


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ came to the earth. There is a plan for Humanity that is not evil. The followers of the beast system will bring themselves to destruction before Christ comes back, the 2nd coming. All of Man's kingdoms will collapse for a new kingdom of christ on earth to take place. But that does not happen before we go through the tribulation that is here right now and ramping it up!
So what exactly do we do? Nothing right?
I mean Jesus is gonna stop them and we are useless so we shouldn't do anymore than a rabbit does. All we have to do is live life and love each other....


Well-Known Member
I feel that during my spare time, it is a noble cause to get into the people's faces that are in denial. It is a wake up call, and there are only a few left before the big sleep
Ok so they don't see how we might possibly be run by a dictatorship, but een if they did see, what would that matter?


Well-Known Member
Yea you got it. now we need to convince the rest of the rabbits to do the same. I don't have any plan to attack the illuminatti, just calling them out of their closets
So what exactly do we do? Nothing right?
I mean Jesus is gonna stop them and we are useless so we shouldn't do anymore than a rabbit does. All we have to do is live life and love each other....