What's up heis?
Umm I would like to say that I don't follow Jesus in order for him to have my back in my life. I gain respect and love from my family and friends alone, I don't need help from anybody. However, you can take some examples from the scriptures and apply them to everyday situations; but people still make their own decisions. At least that's what I always thought Christians thought, well that's what I think

I also think the only thing Christians would really need Jesus for is the afterlife, if there is an afterlife. That may sound bad, but it's just coming out wrong and I don't know how to say what I'm thinking lol. I'm saying that yes Jesus had good teachings (IMO) but it's up to you to follow those teachings. But we can't just do some ritual and get into heaven. No, in the Christian religion we need Jesus to get into heaven.
Ahh, I hope you kinda get what I'm saying lol.
On earth we make are own choices and are just as independent as anyone else. But if there is an afterlife, then we will need to depend on Jesus.
I'm saying we don't need Jesus to cover our asses on earth, at least I don't....
sounds like you are afraid of death and need assurances its going to be allright. (course with a freaky god like that, ya´d be jumping at jesus lol)
what if i told you, you are god, everything is god and you have nothing to worry about?
actually you can infer this from some of jesus´s "teachings"

though personally i think the majority of "jesus´s" "teachings" are absolute major crap
"ok, there is this dude, he´s got 3 slaves, one slave made him alot of money, the rest didnt as much, ok class, raise your hand if you think you know who is the best slave?"
kinda cant help but think the bible was heavily edited to favor later rulers
doesnt really fit with "if you havent got love, you havent got anything" (all joy comes from love) and lines like that.
the line "i am the way" (and whatnot) could be understood as "become like me (good and forgiving and loving dude that plays with children and is nice to women(fantastic for the times) and everyone)
"heaven is all around you" could be understood as "heaven is here, if you want it"
all great teachings, but the bible is full of crap too and obviously a mix of many different texts, edited to fit the rulers view of things (the poor should be humble and happy with their lot (so they dont stick a hayfork up your ass when you are sleeping))
did you know that when people were not allowed to read the bible (indirectly , they werent allowed to learn latin)
the line "honor your father and mother" was actually "honor your pope, your priest, your king, your lord and your mother and father" ?
believe in god (if it helps you "ye are gods" remember? "you are the light of the world")
believe in angels, believe in the afterlife,
but why the fuck you gotta believe in the bible? ("if your kid misbehaves, take him out in the courtyard and stone him to death in front of all the village")
god of the old testament = "love me or burn! i give you free will! so you can love me or burn!" (love meaning serve me and sing hosannahs to me when i go to sleep)
god of the new testament? eh...depends on what part you read.
but about being gods, "what i have done, ye will do and more"
i kinda think

jesus´s message was heavily misunderstood and later twisted too much.
or , it was simply just a mix from many sources, osiris, maybe teachings from buddha (lots of resemblance there)
plus others.
doesnt really matter, if i need jesus in the afterlife, im sure he´s bound to forgive me not worshipping him in life

after all he´s loving and forgiving and im a good man (i dont smack people till theyve smacked me at least once and arent stopping

(so according to old jesus himself i ought to be good enough)
or am i ? have i become as a child? well, i play games on the puter
have i given up all my possessions? no, cant really do that in frigging iceland (really clever that jesus) without freezing to death in moments

but im perfectly comfortable with just a small house, computer and a nice bed
so im sure we can reach some sort of agreement (happy to skip having a house in heaven if its really nice there, othervise ill pick other lodgings, thank you very much, after all, my idea of heaven might not match his

though im sure his is pretty allright