Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
I found a 5year old seed @ the bottom of my safe.. Check it out, 2nd post in my Sig.. & on the last page I updated what that plant looks like today.. It is amazing, Must have been some good shyt I was smoking that day,.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I found a 5year old seed @ the bottom of my safe.. Check it out, 2nd post in my Sig.. & on the last page I updated what that plant looks like today.. It is amazing, Must have been some good shyt I was smoking that day,.
thats kewl...i wish i found an old seed from the hay days


Well-Known Member

There. Verification. Happy =\

I would love to include my face in these pics but, due to the nature of my job, i can't =\

But you can see it to the left so, use your imagination i guess =\

PS- Sorry for the blurry pic, I took only took one shot and didnt realize it was blurry until i uploaded it.
check out mine, you did a better job with the watercolor brush though :/



Pickle Queen
idk it looks like bethany finally logged off since "it" joined
Well if she is real and just posted pics she already had u guys probably scared her off, but i understand ur need to authenticate "her" as a she ;) One must prove their ass worthy to be lusted over on this forum ;) If it wasn't for stonedpony :( U , crypt and a few others would have scared me off a long time ago ;)


Well-Known Member
Well if she is real and just posted pics she already had u guys probably scared her off, but i understand ur need to authenticate "her" as a she ;) One must prove their ass worthy to be lusted over on this forum ;) If it wasn't for stonedpony :( U , crypt and a few others would have scared me off a long time ago ;)
lol well atleast you rode it out


Well-Known Member
that actually looks real and I would believe it if t wasn't from some porno
i just did that in ms paint and it took a good 13 seconds, imagine how good it would look if i took my time.

and i just tried to write RIU on my ass, it looked like a 2 year old drew it. that shit isn't easy to do.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to train wreck this thread,but is there any old school skunk's left or the strands been changed to other things?


Well-Known Member
Well if she is real and just posted pics she already had u guys probably scared her off, but i understand ur need to authenticate "her" as a she ;) One must prove their ass worthy to be lusted over on this forum ;) If it wasn't for stonedpony :( U , crypt and a few others would have scared me off a long time ago ;)


I remember THE STICKER!

Sorry about that :-P