Hawaii Growers

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
A Puna thanks for the info on the Senerade yea my plants have it already so will stick with the Old Fashioned and Mildew Cure (safer grow) for now it works ok. Thanks for the Monsanto info they are worse then most people know. How did your reverse plants do?
Brah, I'm glad you asked about my use of 'Reverse', a product from Amsterdam. It worked for the most part. Outta six plants, four stayed female, and two went back to being 'Hermies'. But I highly reccomend that all growers keep a bottle of this product in their grow tool box!


Well-Known Member
ya Cooter Those plants are clones. On another note I went over to this rich guys house a couple of months ago where I've been remodling off and on for 2yrs and he popped up with a e-ciggret thing but it was weed. His cousin has some dispensaries in Colo. He threw a bunch of money to make these things. It has different flavors and strengths. I tried it all night it was ok I got stoned. On a plane, middle of wallmart, at a stop light next to a cop it would be prefect. But not even close to the real deal.
That's awesome! I've been wanting to try one of those e-ciggy things....I’ll have to look into getting one of those little jewels. “on a plane” that awesome brah! I hate airplanes and I prefer to be nice and toasted while I’m flying….thanks for the tip!


Well-Known Member
That's awesome! I've been wanting to try one of those e-ciggy things....I’ll have to look into getting one of those little jewels. “on a plane” that awesome brah! I hate airplanes and I prefer to be nice and toasted while I’m flying….thanks for the tip!
I was on a flight recently where some guy insisted on smoking an e-cigarette (smokeless etc) during a flight from LA to Honolulu.. After the flight attendant asked him to stop a 2nd time.. He lit up again..
It was pretty sweet when we landed and the guy was escorted out of the plane by LEO....


Well-Known Member
I figured it would only be a matter of time before they (the airline industry) frowned on such devices…the bloody cunts!...lmao! I suppose I’ll stick to my chocolates that are enhanced with marijuana + a few zannies and a $100 worth of airport beer (that’s roughly 3 beers…jk)....I really hate flying, i'm way to hyper and paranoid to sit around for that long


Well-Known Member
I figured it would only be a matter of time before they (the airline industry) frowned on such devices…the bloody cunts!...lmao! I suppose I’ll stick to my chocolates that are enhanced with marijuana + a few zannies and a $100 worth of airport beer (that’s roughly 3 beers…jk)....I really hate flying, i'm way to hyper and paranoid to sit around for that long
I've been averaging 60k of airline travel a year for the last few years and I love it!!! Unfortunately I have been traveling to countries that have insane laws against Marijuana (ex Thailand, China, Malaysia)... You need to chill on the plane~
I think your best bet is to eat a 3g chunk of bubble hash and you will be fine for about 12 hours!!!! I've got a 10 hour flight to Manila next month, I'll let you know how it turns out!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Note: The above pictures of Ohia and cannabis makes me happy!
Me too B-dawg. So far I have grown out the "tw X Bubba Kush", and "tw X 707". I currently have some "tw X Afgooey" in dixi cups. Will start some "tw X twisted sister",in next few days.

I love it in 'Hawaiian Acres' as oppose to 'Hawaiian Paradise Park'. Sure I'll miss the beach type weather that HPP had. But more importantly, my ladies all love it way more up here in 'Hawaiian Acres'. It's got to be around ten degrees cooler here than down in HPP!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Greenhorns have you grown those outside? They look nummie.
nah, haven't yet. that pic is indoor. it's from kkday's indoor grow. he got about 6 or 7 different strains going right now. I'll try to post the others up later. there is a utopia haze and kali mist growing outside that is doing real well with minimum care. I'll try to get pictures of that also


Well-Known Member
I've been averaging 60k of airline travel a year for the last few years and I love it!!! Unfortunately I have been traveling to countries that have insane laws against Marijuana (ex Thailand, China, Malaysia)... You need to chill on the plane~
I think your best bet is to eat a 3g chunk of bubble hash and you will be fine for about 12 hours!!!! I've got a 10 hour flight to Manila next month, I'll let you know how it turns out!
Rajah dat!....3g chunk will do it for sure! I just made a new batch of chocolate...i used one ounce of bud powder (whizzed up bud in a coffee grinder), melted one 12oz bag of chocolate chips then added the bud powder gave it a good stir and poured the molten chocolate it into a lined baking dish (parchment paper works pretty good for this)...once it hardens, pop the chocolate out and chop it into bars, chunks, shave it down and add it to your morning coffee ect. Because of the chocolate contains plant matter I usually add nuts, coconut, toffee/candy pieces…ect.ect. to improve the texture/mouth feel…..I ate two 1 inch squares of it yesterday around 4ish and I was cruzing pretty good until I went to bed 11ish

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
love the fade...that's going to be some smooth smoke
ya man, can't wait to smoke them bitches!

and I think the first pic might be a super lemonhaze. I do know for sure the 2nd pic is the g13 haze but the first pic I think is a superlemonhaze. looking at it, I know for sure it aint the g13, it got a different structure. maybe kkday can identify it. he's the one that took the pics, lol. I just own the camera:D

the frostiest of all the strains he is running is the yumboldt x arcata trainwreck. that's the bitch I really wanna smoke.


Well-Known Member
Man I regret to inform you that I have to leave these pretty islands due to jealous crazy people lol yes it is a sad and crazy story that I cannot even retell without sounded crazy myself........for real......I got rid of what I could save and I am flying out man......