My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Like 1.2 ml /gallon. I use in the beginning only, because it is so expensive. Actually the only reason I use it at all is because I got hooked up with some samples.
That's not bad at all then. Yeah probably only necessary for seedlings/cuttings and when transplanting which is infrequently. Either way, they look nice.


Well-Known Member
i think afrin makes the situation worse in the long run. seems no one can breathe well through their nose. i use nasonex, nasalcort and patanase and the neti pot LOL. that's a lot of nose spray. i only use the nasacort if i run out of nasonex... my dr said i have a deviated septum but i am not going to have surgery over it so i am stuck spraying. actually i didn't spray today and i am fine. some days it's bad and other days i am fine. it must be allergy related.


Well-Known Member
i think afrin makes the situation worse in the long run. seems no one can breathe well through their nose. i use nasonex, nasalcort and patanase and the neti pot LOL. that's a lot of nose spray. i only use the nasacort if i run out of nasonex... my dr said i have a deviated septum but i am not going to have surgery over it so i am stuck spraying. actually i didn't spray today and i am fine. some days it's bad and other days i am fine. it must be allergy related.
I heard that alot of people that normally dont have allergies are having a real hard time right now too. Must be something in the air!!
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