My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Ah, I'm just in time. I been wondering what she is gonna do for you. Looks like about 5 oz's there and still trimming.
Hey cruze, man this weekend has been fucked. Im hoping I get over this Sinus infection fast so i can leave the house, I got people waiting on me now ;) lol


Well-Known Member
Damn dude wtf are you going to do with all of those LOL. Looks like fun! Seeds get me all warm and fuzzy too!


Well-Known Member
Damn so many to choose from. Im looking for something to replace the AG, and for some reason the Thai Super Skunk is calling my name. Methinks I shall pop some of those soon as i have space in the veg box :) Regardless of sex, these beans will most likely get crossed, so that someday I too can share the love :)


Well-Known Member
Ag is mostly sativa right? so i guess id go with what gives you the most sativa effect right?
maybe you could veg em up in lil pots clone em flower the clones and test em out. in the meantime the donor plants get huge. :) just a though :joint:


Well-Known Member
Gotta love using males and females, no waste or disappointment....let alone waste of nutrients! How ya been Tryna?

Bill, correct me if I'm wrong but did you or Baja grow out Querkle? Or I am just high?


Well-Known Member
Gotta love using males and females, no waste or disappointment....let alone waste of nutrients! How ya been Tryna?

Bill, correct me if I'm wrong but did you or Baja grow out Querkle? Or I am just high?
Querkle was my first plant given to me by a friend :) She is at the very beginning of this journal!!
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