Obama's out


New Member
Tuesday Quotes: The Real Captain America
March 18, 2008

"Senator Obama is not the agent of racial healing. He is the product of it."

"Barack Obama blamed Jeremiah Wright's hatred on his generation, but there were a lot of blacks who grew up in the 50s and 60s who did not become Jeremiah Wright. Just because you grew up then does not entitle you to hate the country and build a ministry around it."

"America has transcended race; there is so much evidence of that that I don't even want to waste time citing it. But Barack Obama's church hasn't. His speech was an act of political necessity, not courage."

"Obama may want us to stop playing Reverend Wright videos and audios, but not here! I think we need a Reverend Wright segment every day on this program so that Americans know what's going on in the church of the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee."

"Stop the tape! 'Fierce critic', my sizable rear end! Yeah, it's a little larger than it was a year ago. I gotta work on it."

"I'm an individualist. I don't want to be told that I am who I am because of people way back in my family or the genetic code that led me to be born the way I'm born, because that gives me an excuse for being whatever reprobate I want to be."

"Here is Barack Obama's speech in a nutshell: 'Racism is wrong. Barking-mad racism and hate -- as uttered by Reverend Wright -- is wrong, but it's justified because we don't have nationalized health care.'"

"The greatness of this country did not come about by virtue of government policy. It came about by the ingenuity and creativity of the hard-working American."

"We all go through life not being liked by people, but you don't surrender power to those people to reshape your life in bitterness and rage for the rest of your days. You only get one life, and you have to make the most of it -- and with conservatism you can."

"If you 'profoundly disagree' with the Reverend Wright, Senator Obama, then why did you give him an advisory role in your campaign?"
Additional Quotes for Rush 24/7 Members Only...

"If anybody needs a lecture on race relations, Barack, it's not the people of this country -- it is the Reverend Jeremiah Wright."

"So Hillary is probably sitting in her hotel room watching this Obama speech, saying, 'I'm melting! I'm melting!' The house is just about to fall on her; I'm sure that's what she thinks."

"The Democrats have to ask themselves a question today: Do they really want their presidential campaign to be about race? Because Barack Obama has now made it about race."

"My generation has been hoping and praying to get rid of race as a dividing issue for as long as I've been an adult, but there's an entire race industry on the left that will not allow that to happen."

"Obama is an ultra-liberal. He's sees soup line America. He sees everybody as members of groups, while decrying victimology. So how does this relate to his character and judgment?"

"Liberals want to use government based on contempt and a lack of confidence in the average American to overcome things in life. But conservatives like us believe that if you just trust people, their inherent goodness and decency will come to the forefront."

"Ms. Quinn, can I ask you a question? If Obama is so accomplished at bringing people together, how come everybody in his immediate orbit is angry as hell?"

"Our DNA is no different than anybody else's on the planet, so how is it that we have come to be this awesome and for-good superpower? Because of our founding documents, because of an inherent understanding that freedom and ambition is part of our creation."

"Now Obama has become the candidate of race. And it was so unnecessary, because what everybody was concerned about with this preacher was not race, but hate for America -- and Mr. Obama's refusal in 20 years to find it repugnant enough to distance himself from it."

"I've even heard somebody say Obama's speech was the most important racial speech since Martin Luther King. That's a bunch of bunk! This was just a political speech in the state where the next primary is being held!"

"People are saying, 'I've never heard a more authentic Barack Obama than today.' Tactics, tactics. He's a liberal, folks -- they do tactics."

"I don't watch this stuff with emotion. I don't swoon, and I don't put the hopes of the planet in one man. I'm not sitting around waiting for a messiah in the form of a human being to become the next president. I never have."

"All my life we've been told, 'We must understand the rage of this or that liberal group that's upset about something on a particular day.' Why do I have to understand their rage when it's not justified? We're not living 200 years ago!"

"By the way, Barack Obama did admit something very, very casually: that welfare policies have had a big role in destroying the black family -- but I don't hear them wanting to change it."

"This whole speech of Obama's is about trying to put America on the defensive. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is out there saying we can't win in Iraq. Hell's bells! We are the United States of America! We can do anything we want when we set our mind to it!"

"Most people do not run around knocking on the doors of their neighbors, asking for help for their kids to go to college -- yet they vote for people who will do that for them."

"I get frustrated because this country is what it is, and it's not a secret. You don't get a password when you're born to access only certain parts of this country that are good -- everybody can!"

"The 20 years that Barack Obama has been spending listening to Reverend Wright could have better been spent listening to this program."



Well-Known Member
i know you who are talking about...

i was just making sure you were talking about the same rush that i know about

LIMBAUGH: Yeah. This is -- you're not going to believe this, but it's very simple. And the sooner you believe it, and the sooner you let this truth permeate the boundaries you have that tell you this is just simply not possible, the better you will understand Democrats in everything. You are right. They want to get us out of Iraq, but they can't wait to get us into Darfur.
CALLER: Right.
LIMBAUGH: There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur?
CALLER: Uh, yeah.
LIMBAUGH: It's black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc, they're in trouble.
CALLER: Yes. Yes. The black population.
LIMBAUGH: Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela -- who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.


New Member
Rush Limberger= Hate-hate hate. With the collective mentality of Rush fans lingering on sites like this, evil triumphs. I even shudder to define Rush fans with mentality at all, more like vermin sheep. Baaaaahahahahah!


Well-Known Member
Rush Limberger= Hate-hate hate. With the collective mentality of Rush fans lingering on sites like this, evil triumphs. I even shudder to define Rush fans with mentality at all, more like vermin sheep. Baaaaahahahahah!
but let me put the icing on the cake....

wasnt this the same dude who wanted to take away our cherished plant????

people seem to forget so quickly!!!


New Member
Obama drew the race card too early...he should have waited for the general election(if he wins) people are getting tired of it....:evil:


New Member
Obama drew the race card too early...he should have waited for the general election(if he wins) people are getting tired of it....:evil:
It wasn't Obama that threw this stinking pile of shit on the fire, it was the opposition. Blame the repukes or Hilllary, but Obama didn't instigate this. He tried to explain it in a very inspirational speech that should have the opposition cowering in their black holes with the demons of hate they play with.


New Member
It wasn't Obama that threw this stinking pile of shit on the fire, it was the opposition. Blame the repukes or Hilllary, but Obama didn't instigate this. He tried to explain it in a very inspirational speech that should have the opposition cowering in their black holes with the demons of hate they play with.
that was just another politician making another political speech...:roll:


New Member
"Most people do not run around knocking on the doors of their neighbors, asking for help for their kids to go to college -- yet they vote for people who will do that for them."

As Rush says ... "Talent on loan from God!" :hump:



New Member
"Most people do not run around knocking on the doors of their neighbors, asking for help for their kids to go to college -- yet they vote for people who will do that for them."

As Rush says ... "Talent on loan from God!" :hump:

My God, quoting the likes of Rush limberger. How fucking crazy are some members on this forum. I see stuff like this and know there is no hope. some people are just inherently evil, it's either that or gross ignorance. As Rambo said, "just kill em all and let God sort it out", or was that someone else?


Well-Known Member
this will help out hillary thats for sure.. im not voting for him anymore.. i agree with some of his politics.. but to sit and listen to that racist pathetic example of a pastor for 20 years.. and defend him.. it makes me sick to my stomach


Well-Known Member
Guys, please give me one (1) example, in quotes, of Obama actually 'defending' his pastor. preferable from his most recent speech.


Well-Known Member
"i can no more disown him than i can disown my black community".. he's a politician. thats political talk for "i support him"


New Member
I take it you've moved from "whats his name" to Hillary. Well even she is better than the current evil empire, so with either dem, we'll be better off.
if Obama wins the primary I will vote for him...and yes I would like to see Hillary get it...either one will beat McCain...I think I could beat McCain...I can not believe that stupid bastard went to Iraq......


New Member
Guys, please give me one (1) example, in quotes, of Obama actually 'defending' his pastor. preferable from his most recent speech.
I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.

These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.

Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable. I can assure you it is not. I suppose the politically safe thing would be to move on from this episode and just hope that it fades into the woodwork. We can dismiss Reverend Wright as a crank or a demagogue, just as some have dismissed Geraldine Ferraro, in the aftermath of her recent statements, as harboring some deep-seated racial bias.


Well-Known Member
how can you fault someone for something they didnt even say?

i be damn if im held accountable for another man's word(s)

i am my own man.
DUDE its ''his'' pastor!! Pastor isnt suppose to be saying racist things, jesus is white, how you think he would feel about that??