Obama's out


Well-Known Member
i'm sitting here listening to him defend his pastor. i think once you have to start defending yourself and clearing names it's over. except for arny, silly gropinator.:blsmoke:


New Member
Like it or hate it, basically what the preacher said was the truth. It's a little far out for a presidential candidate to endorse though, so Obama will pay the price. Maybe The voters will see through the scam, maybe not, if not, prepare for another 8 years of Bush madness.


Well-Known Member
Does this have to do with the racist church? can someone give me a brief non partisan update on whats going on sorry i dont watch the news at all but im a lil curious on this one


Well-Known Member
Does this have to do with the racist church? can someone give me a brief non partisan update on whats going on sorry i dont watch the news at all but im a lil curious on this one

he was just on live. he was trying to defend his pastor while separating himself from him at the same time.


Well-Known Member
how can you fault someone for something they didnt even say?

i be damn if im held accountable for another man's word(s)

i am my own man.


Well-Known Member
i'm sitting here listening to him defend his pastor. i think once you have to start defending yourself and clearing names it's over. except for arny, silly gropinator.:blsmoke:

Its funny but I was thinking the same thing, I think this whole issue may sink him....only time will tell. I credit Clinton for this latest political bullshit mudslinging, she is donig more to hurt Democratic Presidential hopefuls than to help them. I suppose teh way she looks at it is, if I can't be president than no Democrat can.


Well-Known Member
Its funny but I was thinking the same thing, I think this whole issue may sink him....only time will tell. I credit Clinton for this latest political bullshit mudslinging, she is donig more to hurt Democratic Presidential hopefuls than to help them. I suppose teh way she looks at it is, if I can't be president than no Democrat can.

once they decide on who will run all this will be forgotten. it will move on to something else.
ron who?


Well-Known Member
He was NOT defending his preacher. Are you people NUTS? He stated that several times in his speech. He said that the man introduced him to the Christian faith, officiated his marraige, babtized his kids, etc. He reiterated that the preacher said some things that he disagreed with, just like all politicians say some things we disagree with, but we still vote for whomever we vote for. we can't totally agree with everything or support any candidate 100%, and, as he also pointed out, I'm sure you churchgoers out there have disagreed with some things your pastor said. He said that, had he heard his preacher make those inflammatory remarks, ("Goddamn America", or racist remarks), he would have called him on it. He also pointed out before this speech that this preacher is close to retirement...that sounds like he's politely hinting that the man may be senile and his comments may be attributed to senility. I actually thought this speech was pretty good. He addressed a lot of the 800 pound gorillas that he's been heretofore avoiding. I respect him for doing that. But I'm still voting for Hillary.


Active Member
why does obamas church talk about going back to africa and not do it. I'm sure obama alone could pay to get all the members back there. I agree that africans should go back to africa


Well-Known Member
ya im sure this will hurt him in such a close race, I bet many white males who are voting for him in large numbers are gonna be like wait what? wtf? and also the hispanics will not view this favorably

Foxs news broke this story, and I think this is all the doing or the republicans and I think Rove / bush / mcain and the "crew" has thier hands on it too

I think my republicans are trying to sink the dem party but hitting obama with this news barage thereby making obama and hillary parctiaclly tie at the convension

this will make them tear each other appart so Mcain can skate to victory amid the vitrial.

im a Mcain man but im tellin you the repulicans are turning knobs and swingin levers.

Dems do the same shit tho, they are all assholes in my book, just dont want niggas blowin up my country and takin my hard erned money

heres an analogy for your guys:

you are a hrad working student, you have a 4.0 GPA, u dont have a g/f cuz u too busy at school]

your roomate is not a good student he has a 2.0 GPA he has several G/f's and parties all the time

now the dean comes and tells you in the interest of fairness we are gonna redistrubute you GPA so the people with lower ones can get better.

he takes your 4.0 and lowers it to a 3.5 GPA and gives your partying roomate a 2.5 GPA instead of a 2.0 GPA.

your the 4.0 student.......... Are you mad? or are you cool with it?

pls dont say your cool with it cuz you a moron if you are. & thats not an insult just a fact.


Well-Known Member
why does obamas church talk about going back to africa and not do it. I'm sure obama alone could pay to get all the members back there. I agree that africans should go back to africa

i think what he is saying is that if you hate this country so much and bitch about leaving all the time then just fuckin leave you not helping anything your just a complainer, so get out.

its like me comming into a thread saying how dumb it is. why the fuck did i post in the thread if I think its so shitty? I should just leave the thread:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"I agree that africans (not Africans) should go back to africa (not Africa). That's a pretty disrespectful statement. Sounds racist to me.


New Member
"I'm an individualist. I don't want to be told that I am who I am because of people way back in my family or the genetic code that led me to be born the way I'm born, because that gives me an excuse for being whatever reprobate I want to be."

"Here is Barack Obama's speech in a nutshell: 'Racism is wrong. Barking-mad racism and hate -- as uttered by Reverend Wright -- is wrong, but it's justified because we don't have nationalized health care.'"

"The greatness of this country did not come about by virtue of government policy. It came about by the ingenuity and creativity of the hard-working American."

"We all go through life not being liked by people, but you don't surrender power to those people to reshape your life in bitterness and rage for the rest of your days. You only get one life, and you have to make the most of it -- and with conservatism you can."

"If you 'profoundly disagree' with the Reverend Wright, Senator Obama, then why did you give him an advisory role in your campaign?"

"Operation Chaos", Rush the vote..........:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
You're summing up the speech according to what YOU heard, not what the man said. Please don't use quotes, when you are not quoting verbatim, that's libelous.


New Member
"Senator Obama is not the agent of racial healing. He is the product of it."

"Barack Obama blamed Jeremiah Wright's hatred on his generation, but there were a lot of blacks who grew up in the 50s and 60s who did not become Jeremiah Wright. Just because you grew up then does not entitle you to hate the country and build a ministry around it."

"America has transcended race; there is so much evidence of that that I don't even want to waste time citing it. But Barack Obama's church hasn't. His speech was an act of political necessity, not courage."

"Operation Chaos", Rush the vote..........:mrgreen: