Why AzCS might not be all about compassion......


Well-Known Member
Do we really need to compare the MMJ collectives to the oil industry?? Our economy and way of life is not based off the need for cannabis. No one war profiteers for cannabis.
Its just the way the world is. Nobody has a right to force someone else to sell at what others deem a fair price. The market sets the prices. If his prices are too high he will soon lose business after the novelty wears off. If he sells it too cheap he will go bankrupt.


Well-Known Member
you are making a "projected opinion". what you are saying hasn't even happened. maybe you can stop it before it does. if it even does.

as of today, are you growing your own?
ahhh now you are saying we can no project what will happen? isnt this exactly what you have been doing? here is what you said:
i was here when we did it all in cali. same government BS, different state. as if suddenly we are all different.

this is wrong. it needs to be fought. it takes years, but it should all slowly work out. it's a shame that even though other states have gone thru it with the same results, it still continues to happen in the next one to come along. it's almost become a "right of passage".
so going with your logic the same thing WILL happen here right? and when the courts throw out the suit holding up the opening of dispensaries (which is what happened in CA right?) grow rights will be out the window. i am using your logic and applying what i have seen in other states and the current law in AZ.

oh and yes i do grow my own. thats why i could not really care what they charge at the clubs.


Well-Known Member
Its just the way the world is. Nobody has a right to force someone else to sell at what others deem a fair price. The market sets the prices. If his prices are too high he will soon lose business after the novelty wears off. If he sells it too cheap he will go bankrupt.

100% Understood , I will always stand up for what I believe is fair and right.


Active Member
This thread reminds me how shitty you guys can be and for such little reason. I originally joined this forum to meet some other cool people who were like minded in my town but god dayum you guys can be some mean motherfuckers.

You guys need to quit sippin that Haterade and pickup a nice Indica or something. You give entirely too many fucks about the next man and how he pays his bills.

The only thing free in life is your opion. And ill pass ya my haterade so you can keep hating.


Active Member
you are making a "projected opinion". what you are saying hasn't even happened. maybe you can stop it before it does. if it even does.

as of today, are you growing your own?
Projected opinion? Dude, it's what the law says. Seriously! Do you ever read up on anything before commenting. Get educated before you come talking like you know something. That's why cali-folk bother me. You guys think you know soooo much more you can't even fathom facts outside of those which are put in front of your faces. Did you know that there are provisions in prop 203 to prevent folk from elsewhere moving here and just opening up shop? We watched what happened in CA, NM, OR, CO, and WA. It's not all the same as you would profess. Take OR for instance. They have one of the most liberal mmj laws in the country and I think they did it with out clubs or dispensaries.


Well-Known Member
ahhh now you are saying we can no project what will happen? isnt this exactly what you have been doing? here is what you said:

so going with your logic the same thing WILL happen here right? and when the courts throw out the suit holding up the opening of dispensaries (which is what happened in CA right?) grow rights will be out the window. i am using your logic and applying what i have seen in other states and the current law in AZ.

oh and yes i do grow my own. thats why i could not really care what they charge at the clubs.
i never said any of that. :neutral:

based on what has happened here, you'll be able to grow 20 pounds in your backyard. once it all works out.

you are very unclear on what is happening here.

did you miss my grow pics? :?


Well-Known Member
the point that patient cultivation rights are at stake here. i could care less what these clubs charge so long as i am able to grow my own, but that will no longer be true once the dispensaries open. how else do you want me to say it?
Projected opinion? Dude, it's what the law says. Seriously! Do you ever read up on anything before commenting. Get educated before you come talking like you know something. That's why cali-folk bother me. You guys think you know soooo much more you can't even fathom facts outside of those which are put in front of your faces. Did you know that there are provisions in prop 203 to prevent folk from elsewhere moving here and just opening up shop? We watched what happened in CA, NM, OR, CO, and WA. It's not all the same as you would profess. Take OR for instance. They have one of the most liberal mmj laws in the country and I think they did it with out clubs or dispensaries.
i based my reply on the info i was given. you took my reply and applied it elsewhere.

it's nice that while i continue to try to help, all you guys can do is attack me. i strive for the same goals.


Well-Known Member
Edit: full thread from AZCS

I went to AZCS website as a resource for MMJ shit. I go to ask a few simple questions in a thread started by someone else, and ill i did was simply consolodate the many questions in the thread and ask them all in one place, so we could have a straight concise answer. Here is what happens when you ask a question of the founder of AZCS.....
I thought it was a little odd that they want people to sign away there rights to grow to these people, that will make money off it, only to sell you 400 dollar oz;s......
I get that the price MIGHT go down eventually. I was only asking for clarification of there rules, and since it WAS A FORUM, a place for open discusion i figured it would be ok.... But apparently Bill doesnt like being bother with teh same problems at his work place.......
Pretty sure your getting paid to answer questions about YOUR CO-OP.....why all the attitude then?

My first post in the thread.
"Question: if i have the co-op grow for me, i STILL have to pay 400 an oz??

Why is that good at all? Just curious really not trying to be a dick.
But if you have the right to grow my plants, then why do i have to buy weed at the same price that i can on the street? YOU end up paying 300 for your CArd, then join a co-op, only to be paying teh same as you were before?
Im just confused....
When my 12 plants are done growing in your care, do i get those plants free? or a portion of them>----"

His response:

Not to single you out any but I AM going to use this post as kind of a "lesson" to others (hopefully)

#1- we have meds ranging from 280 - 400 so take your pick

#2- Why do you assume your cultivation rights get you "free" medication? Where did this idiotic idea get started?
Perhaps you assume that we are going to sell your excess like a dispensary would?
Perhaps you've assumed we will sell it to anybody and therefore make a bunch of money, which benefits us somehow?
On both accounts, common sense would tell you your wrong, see, we would need dispensaries for that.
What good are the cultivation rights you have when you dont use them? They are worthless, yet you seem to think there is some value there?

I actually spent about 20 minutes replying to this post only to delete it all and start over from here as I felt I was sugar coating things a little and that isn't my intent here.

let's just start here: "When my 12 plants are done growing in your care, do i get those plants free?"
You really think anyone is going to cultivate 12 plants from start to finish, with their equipment, their nutes, their power bill, their location, the whole 9 yards everything is on them and then they should just give you 12 plants worth of medication?

Maybe you can explain how that benefits AZCS or its collective members somehow?

Maybe you could explain how that benefits anyone BUT YOU?

Now, for this garbage: "But if you have the right to grow my plants, then why do i have to buy weed at the same price that i can on the street?"

well, for starters, the "street" is generally an illegal option, not even a gray area just illegal, clearly illegal at this point in the game actually. Unless your person on the street has a card and then you can both go to court and fight to stay out of jail with each other as co-defendants. Good luck.

second, if your "buying weed" "off the street" can you please leave my forums as you are not in compliance with ARS 28.1. And to the best of my knowledge (based on your lack of ETP verification) you are also NOT a registered patient.


Does the guy on the "street" have lawyers on deck with his herbs to protect you in case of a shake down or arrest, cause we do?

Does the guy on the "street" have three buildings worth of rent and bills to pay in order to offer you the same service, cause we do. In excess of 20K a month in overhead currently.

Does the "street" hire people and give people jobs that need them? We have a staff of over 20 currently and are hiring more soon for additional locations, add that to the overhead from above and there is your baseline.

So, since the guy down the "street" does NOT have all the same over head and employee costs that we do, how is it that the "street" has the same price as us? it should be MUCH LOWER!!

Granted once we are at full capacity at our cultivation facility we will be able to refine the process and thus reduce the overhead and in relation, the cost to the collective members, but until that happens (projected in late 2012) the cost is what it is.

Then, there is this: "Just curious really not trying to be a dick. "

lmao, try the search button, as has been suggested this is a dead horse. And in my experience people that say that or "no offense" have just made their intentions clear.

This topic has been covered over and over, and any of the co-op's have staff that will happily give you a free consultation and discuss how we operate as well as whether or not you qualify for the collective."
