Well-Known Member
outdoor can be just as good as indoor. Potency an such are the same if you know what your doing plus side to outdoors i think you can get more per plant in my opinion.

I agree.
outdoor can be just as good as indoor. Potency an such are the same if you know what your doing plus side to outdoors i think you can get more per plant in my opinion.
normal people dont pay 150 an oz for kind, in any part of cali, without a hookup. Legal club prices are street prices and up. Street prices are 40+ per 8th and so on. im only not 100% sure about this in nor nor cal, green emerald area. if ur from there, my really depends on where your located, but i would never pay more then $200/oz. where im at its usually $150/oz. but at the club expect that price to double easily. and if your on the east coast its probably $280/oz minimum.
Trust me, in Nor Cal people have weed coming out their ears! Thats a totally reasonable price range for up there.normal people dont pay 150 an oz for kind, in any part of cali, without a hookup. Legal club prices are street prices and up. Street prices are 40+ per 8th and so on. im only not 100% sure about this in nor nor cal, green emerald area. if ur from there, my bad.
i can see hookups having weed coming outta their ears and selling it for anything, but not street dealers.
*Most* kids won't even know! Hahaha!I sell mine for 150 to 250 an ounce.
its all about quality you could sell outdoor as indoor some kids wont even know.
But my indoor is usually better than my outdoor.At least, I've had much more yeild and better quality outdoors than in. Plus no cost for electricity, lighting etc