Well-Known Member
Hi guys. Just really upset and pissed off at the moment. had my big baby stolen from my own backgarden in the night! FUCKING THIEVES! it looks like i found a trail though. i found a bud they must have dropped climbing over the fence at the back of my garden. i have a few houses backing on to my back garden, must be one of those pricks! if i find out who done this im gonna go fuking apeshit at them. not just for stealing my baby, but also for coming into my property! thats what really fucks me off. just knwing some random stranger has come into my garden and stole from me. for some reason, i just done feel right now. dont feel safe for some reason. kinda lucky it wasnt a strong strain, only bagseed. but was gonna use it all for butter. i was gonna cut it just gone weekend, but i was like nah, it can do another week. next fucking day its gone!!. had been grwoing her since febuary, march time! all that! i shoulda just took that bitch down. fuck