Meth vs Weed


Well-Known Member
No... she was on a good one itching & scratching her neck non-stop. Took off the skin & did not feel a thing cause she was so high.
She said it was a stab wound. She was probably too out of it and fought another meth head, then your logic of she kept picking at it comes into play. But yes she is too high to feel it, just fucking sad.


Active Member
ha ha dont worry bro, the LSD already took care of that. but yes i understand, im not so adamant about stimulants.
I have never really had any issues mixing any sort of pills, although it is dangerous and I do not recommend it, the human body can take alot and still manage to recover to it's original state. :p
I would ask your doctor about the subject.


Active Member
Tell him your convinced you have adhd and I as long as you pass there requirment of a person with adhd (which is easy as hell) you qualify for any of the adhd prescriptions out there.


Active Member
well, since lithium is prescribed for mood disorders and most often bi-polar disorder, amphetamines have a much higher chance of making that person become manic and possibly psychotic.
Dude I have saw people do some fucked up shit out of rage after over dosing them selves with aderal O.O


Well-Known Member
No... she was on a good one itching & scratching her neck non-stop. Took off the skin & did not feel a thing cause she was so high.
Its sad, she is down and fucked up! not high... what a shame, I hope the cunt that filmed that is happy


Active Member
Its sad, she is down and fucked up! not high... what a shame, I hope the cunt that filmed that is happy
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. I mean yeah it seems inhumane to film that and all, but what if there's just one person out there who looked at that video and said "Holy shit, I've done/nearly done that, I need to get some help" and then picked up the phone. Yeah I'm not saying that seeing the video magically cures you of drug addiction but if one person compares themself to her and takes the first step to change, isn't it a positive?

Whether or not she was filmed she'd have acted that way anyway and carried on, but for someone it discouraged drug use, and for someone else perhaps even started them away from it.


Well-Known Member
i know i know. but its the problem with the lithium and stimulant. both those combined from whats been said doesnt end good. on the subject of LSD my brain didnt recover all the way. i manage 50's on class work. if thats as good as my life will get from here ill fucken sell my shit and hop to washington state and live on my disability and grow a fat ass legal non mary garden for the pleasure and MJ for the same thing. i do happen to think that some people after certain things just cant recover from it and they are perminatly stupified. and pot has never made me stupid compared to L and the half bottle of bacardi i chugged in under 10 minutes(on the come down) please someone tell me that some people do remain uniteligent. i know its very possible. o and i read and reasearch alot of stuff also. so not trying isnt a factor


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha dude im loving mine right now. its shutting down my overactive thoughts. i cant wait till it fully work.SILENCE IS GOLDEN.


Well-Known Member
after 1200 mg a day for a month my liver and other internal organs started shutting down, sleeping for days, i almost died.

things to be looking for are extreme drowsiness, hungry for butter and salty things, and unbalanced on your feet.


Well-Known Member
and unbalanced on your feet.
uhhh correction foot lol. but i see what you mean. so far no cravings, but i cant eat spam very much anymore. no big loss. o and i dont drink as much water as i should, but my body cares more about the food than water, i puked while i was supposed to be in class cause i had nothing to eat but made 5 trips to the fountain for water. funny pills