I took aderal my entire childhood and most of high school, It differs from meth but overall long term you notice some of the effects meth has on a person, on a much milder scale though.fuck meth but if that shit can keep my ass focused(possible ADD ADHD) then ill take it. i was thinking about
MJ an the fact they have strains for those two things, reasonable thought, how can a plant that calms a person be able to stimulate them into the focus point. i took aderal from a friend in high school and damn i was working and answering the teach correctly. now im in GED just to try and get back to getting a deploma. half right everyday every class. hmmm meth sounds like a good idea at this point( along with pot to keep my body calm(what the fuck will is do to my phantom pain, almost scared to even think of it)

If your having a hard time focusing maybe a prescription of aderal is for you