Take Too Many Pictures? Stop.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Gift and a curse if you ask me, has great intentions but people often give it too much of their time. I found that too many of my friends were turning into the "must update" freaks, and as such reduced my usage only to get grief for being untouchable. So in the end i just deleted my account and resorted to good old face to face or telephone exchanges although not a huge fan of the phone :p

And i see makeup as better than editing but still the same thing at the end fo the day. I don't mind a little this or that but generally makeup is just silly and not my cuppa. While women do hold the position of having to be the more attractive ones, they do take it way way too far, and for some reason think they are doing themselves favours. Don't get me going on boob jobs and botox injections.


Well-Known Member
dont like makeup.

my wife almost never uses makeup, dont like when she does, dont like the smell and dont think it looks good unless from a certain distance.
think it also ruins the skin, vast difference in the skin of a girl around 30 that never used makeup compared to a girl that always uses makeup.

saw once a show on those miss pretty contests, it showed the girls without makeup in one scene, the girls all looked just like average girls.nothing that would make you stare.
well, a girl from that contest went on to win miss universe or whatever its called.

ever seen before and after shots with makeup?

lol, its just funny though. would never date a girl simply for her looks. any fool that does that or woman that goes for that kinda fool.

deserve what they get :) (divorce when the woman gets older or a prettier girl comes along (the dude loses half his stuff probably lol, to a chick he probably even didnt like, once he started to live with her, to a chick that sells herself on her looks, whats that but a hooker?)

course in the past and still now, many people are just animals, the woman getting the best provider and the man the best looks.
simply because they feel a need to procreate.

maybe all these divorces are because people are waking up, realising this isnt what they need anymore, just havent realised what they really need.though some have.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i could care less about the edited pics with goofy poses or the stupid "coked out and drunk" party pics of people in their 30s and all that. what i hate about facebook is the assertion that if i don't have one i'm some kind of hermit party pooper. as if not updating your status every time you take a shit is rude or something. from what i can tell it's just jersey shore online. most of the people who would friend me i can't even stand. the kind of people where if you see them in walmart you turn around and go the other way. like i need another way to connect with these people. fuck that.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't date a girl who wore makeup... it's completely fake.

I don't get the generalized hate of Facebook though... it's not all for drama and taking pictures of yourself, if you have those types of friends then that's your own problem for befriending those types of people.
that's crazy. i think every single woman i know wears some makeup. i barely wear it and when i do, i don't wear much but to hold it against someone for wearing it is a tough requirement. some people dont have perfect skin and need coverup. if i could have laser correction to perfect the things i hate, id glady giveup makeup but until i can afford a few 1000 for laser (and the risk), i will continue to use some makeup. unless you have perfect skin, it looks splotchy and blemished without a little somethig. even women with millions of $s and access to the best skincare & plastic surgery wear makeup and coverup. even if you think yur gf isn't wearing it, she's in the bathroom applying something when you're not around. it's actually not acceptable in society for women to walk arond with no makeup on. i wish it weren't the case but it is. if i went on job interviews with no makeup, id never get a job!!


Pickle Queen
that's crazy. i think every single woman i know wears some makeup. i barely wear it and when i do, i don't wear much but to hold it against someone for wearing it is a tough requirement. some people dont have perfect skin and need coverup. if i could have laser correction to perfect the things i hate, id glady giveup makeup but until i can afford a few 1000 for laser (and the risk), i will continue to use some makeup. unless you have perfect skin, it looks splotchy and blemished without a little somethig. even women with millions of $s and access to the best skincare & plastic surgery wear makeup and coverup. even if you think yur gf isn't wearing it, she's in the bathroom applying something when you're not around. it's actually not acceptable in society for women to walk arond with no makeup on. i wish it weren't the case but it is. if i went on job interviews with no makeup, id never get a job!!
I don't wear makeup during the day unless it's for a special event, it is an option in society, i know plenty of women who do not wear it. I've gotten any job i've applied to without makeup on, i don't feel makeup is part of who i am so i wont fake myself out to have the approval of a few shallow people (not u sweety lol) I'm sorry but if someone wont hire me because im not wearing makeup i don't wanna work for them!!! i know women who need to apply their face b4 leaving the house, always the first to poke fun at someone else!!!! sorry but i laugh at women who fear people seeing them for who they truly are. It's one thing to want to look pretty it's another issue when u feel the need to have everyone say u are. sorry again not directed at u just my opinion on the subject lol


Well-Known Member
i always though any makeup that goes on the face (excluding the lips and eyes) were for covering up scars, acne, or marks left from acne.


Active Member
I dunno, facebook just seems like a bunch of people stuck in their highschool days(if more than rich kids had computers back then) are trying to climb to the top of the popularity squad sometimes. I have a derelict facebook account but I got sick of all the upkeep after about 3 months. What's with all these people I don't know trying to be my friend and sending stupid flash games that are just mods of other flash games? Maybe they should add a new word to the dictionary that describes somebody that you closely keep personal contact with and are fond of. Then change the definition of Friend to mean something along the lines of any loosely associated individual. At least it seems nobody seems to know what "friend" means anymore so they apply it to whatever.
Hey there fdd2blk you're my friend right? Hey there Morgan Lynn, I remember you from back in 2 minutes ago, friend? SocataSmoker you seem pretty cool so you're my friend now.
Personally I prefer to keep in touch with my friends vie email, IM, and phone. That helps to limit their numbers to more of a core group of actual friends and lets the others drift away. Losing friends is a fact of life, clinging to people that wouldn't naturally be your friends over time is pointless and artificial.


Well-Known Member
I usE Facebook to keep track of old friends, find family and share photos from events like weddings and christenings. I can also find the phone number of people if they changed it pretty quickly. The games are mostly crap, but I love bejewelled. My old school a d university use Facebook to contact students, set assignments and we use the discussion pages for group exercises when we all need to see messages for eachother without being online simultaneously.

My favorite thing is either the events calendar for parties and student functions or status updates. I don't do Twitter, but sometimes I come across something really funny or poignant scrolling through statuses and it can spark up a great discussion. I post alot of my baking up there X3

That being said Facebook and Vf are the only networking sites I will touch. Some people are devoted to it and have accounts on like 5 different sites for the same of it 0_o l Too much to keep track of in my opinion.

As for photos, I notice alot of people with 10 versions of the same photo or edited to hell. I have some good memories on Facebook. Prom photos and photos taken after my teacher took us out drinking.


Well-Known Member
I like facebook for stalking and harassing people...you can find out where they work, when they get paid, what bar their going to,it's like a buffet of victims.


Well-Known Member
I cannot stand facebook. I do not have a facebook. I just had the pleasure of browsing my sisters facebook and instead of being interested I was enraged.

Ladies, stop taking so many pictures of yourselves. You look foolish. It's almost like you are fishing for compliments.

When I was browsing, I realized how many girls edit their pictures. Now, I don't mean reducing the scale of the picture, I mean cropping, changing the tone, color, contrast, and lighting of the picture. It's so fucking annoying when an ugly chick edits her picture. It hides her shitty genetics and it's a huge mind fuck.

Also, I don't need to see a new picture of you everyday. We all know what you look like and we could care less about your new Walmart sweater.
What's wrong with a walmart sweater? Jeez people are judgmental.
But I do agree with you on the other things.


Well-Known Member
idk, all of my facebook pictures are ok. nothig too extreme, but alot of pics of me drinking

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Morgan Lynn just checked in at her bathroom she is experiencing diarrhea and mild cramping after last nights accidently undercooked chicken.