quick 911/need help


Active Member
i put my plant in a growbox i had built yesterday,went to check on em and the leaves are sticking straight up in the air!!! whats going on with this plant???



New Member
im NO VETERN OR SEASONED GROWER....I WANNA CALRIFY THAT. THAT SAID, U MIGHT what to seek out more experienced ppl.

the only thing i can offer, and i can be wrong~~~keep that in mind~~~ BUT it might be b/c ur lights r too high.....it looks as if they r reaching for the sky. if thats the case u might wanna lower ur lights. but the ppl. u ask for advice, the experts, are gonna want more detail probally....i.e. like what lights r u using? CFL's, or MH, HPS, LED..etc. how is ur box set up? i.e. exhust & intake fans.....there is soo many factors....but simply from my perspective it looks as if the lighting maybe is too high. best wishes & good luck.............joey


Active Member
leaves are kinda crispy in spots,i think it was getting to hot,i put a fan in the box and raised the lights a little..i hope it was just that but i got nutes if needed,i just havnt started them yet because i recently transplanted her and dont want to stress the poor girl out.


Well-Known Member
list off what you got working with, dimensions of your box, lights used, etc and we can give better recommendations on where to go from here...also feel free to start up a grow journal to keep track of things...even failures are worth a read...its something to learn from :)


Well-Known Member
shes dying.

you need to back off the lights big time. add a fan. and perhaps give a little h2o. if you can put her under a daylight cfl. and let her heal before you stick her under a HID lamp. seriously it looks like shes frying from the heat.


Active Member
i built a 5x3x1 grow box lined it with tin foil with a vent hole,but i hav 4 40w florecent t8 tubes, i think it got a little warm in there with no circulation so i droped a little fan down in there.


Well-Known Member
Your plant is either reaching upwards for more light or is trying to conserve what little moisture it has left. I would suggest watering it and perhaps moving the light source closer? It really depends on what type of lighting you are using as well. The light may be too powerful and it cooking your plant like freeman said.
Could be heat stress...best to get a cheap outdoor thermo to put in there to check temps. Air circulation is must too, give that baby that precious co2 for photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
its looking like crispy heat stress. your plants are going to die unless you move them to a cooler area to recover. the pic looks like i can grind them to powder with my fingers.


New Member
i built a 5x3x1 grow box lined it with tin foil with a vent hole,but i hav 4 40w florecent t8 tubes, i think it got a little warm in there with no circulation so i droped a little fan down in there.

BLUE: the tin foil is no good. all it's really doing is adding to the heat, albeit not much-BUT IT DOES ADD TO IT, and it relflects very little light. what u need is a MYLAR FILM OR WRAPS, u can buy it by the roll @ Home Depot cheap, walmart too. it's like the kinda thing that ppl. use to cover their windsheild. that kinda foil/film is specifically made to reflect sunlight; uv-a, uv-b rays..etc. its good reflective coating. but if ur using a HID (which idk) then yeah like Freeman said, u'll soon be able to crush it up and snort it.


Active Member
just got back from class and yes the leaf tips are very crumbly,i think it got to hot..do yall think its saveable or better to start over???


New Member
it depends, im not there to feel the soil ,the plant, etc. BUT u could try, might i suggest u plant another seed while trying to help this 1 recover. what is the total lumens?

click here~https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/471055-video-progress-i-hope-lol.html I TRY HARD TO EXPLAIN, AS A NOOB, THE OBSRVATIONS I HAVE MADE, i noticed that plants ebb & flow in there growing UNTIL ONE BECOMES A GOOD GROWER, WHO HAS FINE-TUNED HIS METHOD- BE IT HYDROPONIC OR SOIL, HID lights or LED or CFL. u'll get it & so will i....eventually, put u gotta let help help u.


Well-Known Member
really healthy , just let it be ( i think )
You're referring to "praying", this is not what that looks like. Looks hot and thristy.
just got back from class and yes the leaf tips are very crumbly,i think it got to hot..do yall think its saveable or better to start over???
You could try, growth is definitely going to come to a halt. Is this a seed or clone? If you have access to a clone then yeah grab another, if seed, I'd start germinating but continue to try to save this one while your waiting.
just got back from class and yes the leaf tips are very crumbly,i think it got to hot..do yall think its saveable or better to start over???
Get the temps down, mist her often and keep an eye on new growth. As long as the roots aren't damaged too bad the plant should recover. You might just end up vegging it a bit longer than anticipated.


Well-Known Member
Get the temps down, mist her often and keep an eye on new growth. As long as the roots aren't damaged too bad the plant should recover. You might just end up vegging it a bit longer than anticipated.
Mist her? Why and with what? If you take this advise only mist with water if you really are enticed and make sure lights are off so you don't burn it more. But my advice is to not mist.


New Member
mist her? Why and with what? If you take this advise only mist with water if you really are enticed and make sure lights are off so you don't burn it more. But my advice is to not mist.
@ 303~~~~ i could not agree more- if u mist those plants while lights r on they will burn even more......only mist underneath where the stoma is. If u r gonna mist them ON TOP - lights off then 4 now!!!!!
Under HIDs misting will burn plants yes. Plant looks young for HIDs IMO. Vegging under CFLs you can mist all you want. Mist only with water (thought that was implied or I would have said foliar feed), RO or distilled is best. Keeping her cool and moist is most important right now. I suggest misting because noobs like to over water and misting will help prevent that.