The aftermath of the 2012 election.


Well-Known Member
I am a Ron Paul supporter. I am an independent, however, I will be voting in the Republican primaries in my state for Ron Paul. In the election, I will be voting against Obama. Most Independents will be doing the same. I look to see the election following the trend of 2010. My prediction is not the topic. My support of Ron Paul is not the topic. My prediction is as follows:

Republicans take the white house. Republicans take congress. If Obama gets routed, Republicans could even end up with a filibuster proof majority. If Senate is a 50/50 split, then Republicans still win since the VP would be the deciding vote.

While I am excited about the prospect of fixing issues with spending, I am equally worried about the religious nutjobs being in charge of the country with no check on them. This takes us to the point of the post.

What will the Republican targets be from 2012-2014 when they completely control our government?


Active Member
I'm trying really hard not to watch the news, because it pisses me off to never hear his name(Ron Paul).
This bullshit has gone on for quite longer than I would have image.
I figured by now 2 thing would have happened:
1. people would be running in the streets crying out for Ron Paul to become president.
2. And the 2nd thing, I imaged the economy should be much worse that it is with the decisions that have transpired. So that's most likely why people are not crying out, things still are to comfortable for people to pay attention.

Jack Fate

New Member
Now that the younger generation who believed the hopeychangey BS have seen how bad things can get under leftists, we can now get on to real progress by drilling for our own oil, repealing Obamacare, rolling back restrictive regulations, and working together to fix problems instead of having a President who uses class warfare and racism to divide the American people. America is so much better than this.


Active Member
There is no such thing whatsoever of left-wing or right-wing. It is a mask.
The CTHULHU DAGON if that is both partys under one symbol than im in agreement.
People have to choose. Ron Paul or the same old crap


Well-Known Member
its not a mask the reason why you have no left and right any more is cause everything has shifted so far right that you got real crazies with a hope for presidential status right now

I am a Ron Paul supporter. I am an independent, however, I will be voting in the Republican primaries in my state for Ron Paul. In the election, I will be voting against Obama. Most Independents will be doing the same. I look to see the election following the trend of 2010. My prediction is not the topic. My support of Ron Paul is not the topic. My prediction is as follows:

Republicans take the white house. Republicans take congress. If Obama gets routed, Republicans could even end up with a filibuster proof majority. If Senate is a 50/50 split, then Republicans still win since the VP would be the deciding vote.

While I am excited about the prospect of fixing issues with spending, I am equally worried about the religious nutjobs being in charge of the country with no check on them. This takes us to the point of the post.

What will the Republican targets be from 2012-2014 when they completely control our government?
be worried be very worried


Well-Known Member
its not a mask the reason why you have no left and right any more is cause everything has shifted so far right that you got real crazies with a hope for presidential status right now

be worried be very worried
Actually, I think everything has shifted too far to the left and authoritarianism. The 'right' in the United States isn't exactly Conservative. They are whackjobs just like the left, who consequently aren't Liberals. That isn't the purpose of the thread. I know the Republicans will control the entire government in a year. The question is what will their targets be?


New Member
I am a Ron Paul supporter. I am an independent, however, I will be voting in the Republican primaries in my state for Ron Paul. In the election, I will be voting against Obama. Most Independents will be doing the same. I look to see the election following the trend of 2010. My prediction is not the topic. My support of Ron Paul is not the topic. My prediction is as follows:

Republicans take the white house. Republicans take congress. If Obama gets routed, Republicans could even end up with a filibuster proof majority. If Senate is a 50/50 split, then Republicans still win since the VP would be the deciding vote.

While I am excited about the prospect of fixing issues with spending, I am equally worried about the religious nutjobs being in charge of the country with no check on them. This takes us to the point of the post.

What will the Republican targets be from 2012-2014 when they completely control our government?
If all this happens
You get screwed
Really like voting against your own self interest dont you
BTW most independant voters will not vote for a Lunatic like Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
There targets will be the poor and the middle class- if Ron Paul doesnt win were fucked


Well-Known Member
If Ron Paul wins there wont be a Middle class Dullard
If Ron Paul was president and was able to have things his way, workers would be paid in Dollars- that alone would be enough to create growth in the middle class and eliminate the "working poor" and return our nation to prosperity


New Member
If Ron Paul was president and was able to have things his way, workers would be paid in Dollars- that alone would be enough to create growth in the middle class and eliminate the "working poor" and return our nation to prosperity
I get paid in "Dollars" every week


Well-Known Member
I get paid in "Dollars" every week
You get paid in fiat currency that only holds value because your government says it does.

Oh and, you can argue about how it's the world's "reserve" currency but at this rate the time will come when America falls as the Soviet Union did and our finicial system will collapse bringing down most of the modern world with it until a country like China, Russia, or maybe even Germany steps up.