The aftermath of the 2012 election.


New Member

Ron Paul...The only liberal/independent/progressive option for CHANGE PERIOD THE END



Active Member
If the people like you voted for who someone they actually believed in, they would easily win. Instead, you don't vote at all. Ron Paul isn't perfect, but he is almost exactly what you just described, and for once, there is some chance it could happen if people like you actually tried.
Nope not buying it, If he wins we shall see what happens and when he does you will recieve one of two messages either ha you see what a sellout he is, or wow you were right. But i doubt he will actually do what he says, and if he isnt taking corporate cash then his campaig funds must be running dry by now. Lol i doubt the american people are donating millions of dollars his way


New Member
They are in money bombs, he has one like every month millions of dollars, he raises at least 1 million dollars every money bomb

from 2007:


Well-Known Member
Nope not buying it, If he wins we shall see what happens and when he does you will recieve one of two messages either ha you see what a sellout he is, or wow you were right. But i doubt he will actually do what he says, and if he isnt taking corporate cash then his campaig funds must be running dry by now. Lol i doubt the american people are donating millions of dollars his way
He gets small amounts from hundreds of thousands of people. People like you and me who actually work for that money. He is supported by the people.


Active Member
He gets small amounts from hundreds of thousands of people. People like you and me who actually work for that money. He is supported by the people.
Well the only obstacle is if he gets the vote from his party if not..... sorry ron paul maybe next election. If he wins and goes into office all i am hoping for is that he will keep to his word and do what the people want. Nothing more nothing less, simple instructions yet no one can follow. You can't and will not convince me in any way to vote for this man, my opinions are my beliefs and i dont just change them because someone tells me what i want to hear =)


Well-Known Member
They are in money bombs, he has one like every month millions of dollars, he raises at least 1 million dollars every money bomb

from 2007:
I would like to contribute some money to Ron Paul- How can I give to him? It seems like a good investment.


Well-Known Member
Well the only obstacle is if he gets the vote from his party if not..... sorry ron paul maybe next election. If he wins and goes into office all i am hoping for is that he will keep to his word and do what the people want. Nothing more nothing less, simple instructions yet no one can follow. You can't and will not convince me in any way to vote for this man, my opinions are my beliefs and i dont just change them because someone tells me what i want to hear =)
You should watch some of his interviews. He doesn't say what people want to hear... ever lol. No one can make you vote. However, not voting doesn't mean you should remain ignorant of someone who personifies your beliefs. He has been in politics for 30+ years and does not vote for things that are wrong. He never betrays his beliefs. That is why I follow him. Up until I saw Ron Paul speak and then researched him I figured armed revolution was the only chance of fixing the problem.


New Member
A)The people are protesting the financial crisis, corporatism, the drug war, and militarism; (and the drug war)

B)Ron Paul is protesting the financial crisis, corporatism, the drug war, and militarism for 30 years;

C)the other canidates and obama are not protesting the financial crisis, militarism, the drug war, and corporatism. They support all 3 fully as corporate puppets.




Well-Known Member
You can't and will not convince me in any way to vote for this man
That is closed minded- but even if you stand by that statement
Ron Paul stood before congress and asked that you not be subject to assasination without trial - Ron Paul spoke out in defence of Your life regardless of weather you understand him or vote for him.


Active Member
They are in money bombs, he has one like every month millions of dollars, he raises at least 1 million dollars every money bomb

from 2007:
Oh and i think this vid is outdated from last election. Can we get some recent vids like for this campaign plz


Well-Known Member
That is closed minded- but even if you stand by that statement
Ron Paul stood before congress and asked that you not be subject to assasination without trial - Ron Paul spoke out in defence of Your life regardless of weather you understand him or vote for him.


New Member
well heres one for $700,000 in one day in 2011, you make a hard request to find a news report video because the news media doesn't report Ron Paul, they black him out its a smear, no joke (see thread on this forums the truth about Ron Paul part 2 page 1)


Oh heres a good one for July 2011 - 4.5 million


Theres one every few weeks on



New Member
Sep 19: the one million dollar speech! over 17,000 donors..20.12$ from me tyvm

