So i have been having alot of success with the GO line but i have currently run into a problem and dont know how to go about it
I had to switch to using my city water because i couldnt go to the store to buy distilled/RO water there(started using to much per day). I bought a RO system and have been using the water from there since after letting it sit for 24hrs as you are supposed to. Since i am not sure if my water has Chlorine/Chloramine in it i also went ahead and purchased a product called Start Right by Jungle created for fishtanks to remove Chlorine/Chloramine(contains sodium chloride, aloe vera, polyvinlpyrrollidone(8 drops per gallon). I have noticed the new growth starting to be effected. I did use full nutes for the first time the day before these pictures were taken so that may be the problem but i feel it is pH related(nutes have been used extremely lightly since they were started and have been slowly been built up in strenght).
I have read everywhere pH doesnt matter but i have been checking my h20 regardless before i go watering my babies. these readings are before any nutes are added just plain RO h20 thats been sitting for 24hrs. ph-7.43-7.00 /ppm-3 / uS-6-5.
Is that to high of a pH to be watering with? what can i do to lower my ph when not adding nutes which lower the pH? I have always been told 6.5-5.5 outside of that things start getting locked out(nutes and then growth is obviously effected).
I have advanced and pro mix (wanted to see which is better)both mixed with perlite and dolomite lime(ph buffer) in the pots. Only other thing i have been using is The GO line, and some AZamax for the bugs.
Help is greatly appreciated! also if you need anymore information to help determain the problem feel free to ask.

I had to switch to using my city water because i couldnt go to the store to buy distilled/RO water there(started using to much per day). I bought a RO system and have been using the water from there since after letting it sit for 24hrs as you are supposed to. Since i am not sure if my water has Chlorine/Chloramine in it i also went ahead and purchased a product called Start Right by Jungle created for fishtanks to remove Chlorine/Chloramine(contains sodium chloride, aloe vera, polyvinlpyrrollidone(8 drops per gallon). I have noticed the new growth starting to be effected. I did use full nutes for the first time the day before these pictures were taken so that may be the problem but i feel it is pH related(nutes have been used extremely lightly since they were started and have been slowly been built up in strenght).
I have read everywhere pH doesnt matter but i have been checking my h20 regardless before i go watering my babies. these readings are before any nutes are added just plain RO h20 thats been sitting for 24hrs. ph-7.43-7.00 /ppm-3 / uS-6-5.
Is that to high of a pH to be watering with? what can i do to lower my ph when not adding nutes which lower the pH? I have always been told 6.5-5.5 outside of that things start getting locked out(nutes and then growth is obviously effected).
I have advanced and pro mix (wanted to see which is better)both mixed with perlite and dolomite lime(ph buffer) in the pots. Only other thing i have been using is The GO line, and some AZamax for the bugs.
Help is greatly appreciated! also if you need anymore information to help determain the problem feel free to ask.