Take Too Many Pictures? Stop.

I really don't understand how wearing make up is the same as editing a picture to create the illusion you are skinny or whatever. If I wear make up it doesn't take away from the fact I have big feet. If I wear make up it doesn't take away from the fact I have a birth mark on my leg. I guess make up can make your eyes stand out or give your cheeks more color but it doesn't compare to the fakeness that is found on facebook. Also, the shitty genetics comment wasn't ment to be taken seriously it was made to be comedic.
i edit pix. not to change things or wipe out pimples but i do change and brighten the color if they are too dark. i use photoshop a lot for work, i can't stand a dark, off color picture. i didn't do it to my acebook pix, i only have 2. i don't really post there
I really don't understand how wearing make up is the same as editing a picture to create the illusion you are skinny or whatever. If I wear make up it doesn't take away from the fact I have big feet. If I wear make up it doesn't take away from the fact I have a birth mark on my leg. I guess make up can make your eyes stand out or give your cheeks more color but it doesn't compare to the fakeness that is found on facebook. Also, the shitty genetics comment wasn't ment to be taken seriously it was made to be comedic.
makeup makes women look better to men. Example, lipstick makes your lips plump, it replicates what happens during sex when you're about to orgasm.
Women edit their pictures for the same reason that they put on makeup. Do you wear makeup?

I was going to say the exact same thing. Girls can do a lot of work on their face with makeup, I've seen girls go from 9's to 5's from makeup alone, it sucks.
i wish i could post the pics of this whore from my facebook. her dad died and she used the money to buy herself a pair of DD's....shes about 5'2 and maybe 110lbs, every pic stars her tits-ok, so iguess it isnt that bad lol
Nothing worse than seeing a sexy girl in a pic then weeks later meeting them in person & the girl is a grenade.

Ive never even been to facebook & never plan on seeing the site,the whole premise of the site makes no sense to me,i fail to even see any value in such sites.

Hey look at me ! Im on facebook ! Big fukin deal now stfu .

i have reconnected with over 150 GOOD friends that i've lost touch with over the years. dating back to my childhood. people i am GLAD to once again be in contact with.

facebook is a wonderful thing, if you actually have a life.

I wouldn't date a girl who wore makeup... it's completely fake.

I don't get the generalized hate of Facebook though... it's not all for drama and taking pictures of yourself, if you have those types of friends then that's your own problem for befriending those types of people.
lots of hate at this site....all I read I hate this or that bla bla bla...........Perhaps the people on facebook fucking hate you too. wanna know what I hate ? of course not, but ima tell ya anyway.I hate people who think they are better than everyone else.............sound familiar anyone ?

i love when people say, "i've never even been to facebook and i hate it".


to have no friends must suck. :(
facebook is good keeping in touch with family and friends, but yeah....for some women it's a vanity thing. I have one friend who on a daily basis posts all the oh-so-cutsie pics of herself and her dogs. She's always checking in from fancy restaurants, the ocean, the mountains. Pretty self-obsessed with herself, and she is certain everyone is dying to see what she did with her hair, what she is wearing, what she's doing and where she is
I noticed that a lot of people are "checking in" to places. What's that all about?

Well, I don't use that feature yet... but after college I will be using it a lot when I am out hiking or travelling the world... what's adventure without people knowing where you've been, to share that experience and hopefully push more people to let go of the sedentary lifestyles.
I thought I was the only person who refused to have a facebook...had one for maybe two years a while back but too much drama, bullshit, and twelve year old relatives posting their feelings every three minutes.
facebook is like a virtual bar for me.Hop on at 1am and the girls who are still online are looking for someone to fuck them,perfect for me.
I also like how it finds people you went to school with.
I thought I was the only person who refused to have a facebook...had one for maybe two years a while back but too much drama, bullshit, and twelve year old relatives posting their feelings every three minutes.

Your fault for adding them as friends... only keep those you wish to keep, those that create or spread negativity/drama are not the ones I keep around.
my drama is girlfriends and me getting messages from bitches trying to fuck. so I said fuck it, and got a new cell phone carrier/number.
i have reconnected with over 150 GOOD friends that i've lost touch with over the years. dating back to my childhood. people i am GLAD to once again be in contact with.

facebook is a wonderful thing, if you actually have a life.


i hear its alot better/easier then that "classmates" website for the older people