Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Active Member
As soon as a bank error is fixed I will be getting seeds. I will be growing clones too. When he is ready then they will already be vegged ;}


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered what it would be like to grow a non-cannabis plant in my box. I bet I could grow the meanest tomatoes.


Active Member
We will see how his bellpepper turns out. He only has a couple weeks to a month before he has an ID to get his recommendation. Then he will probably rip it out and wanna plant a clone in it right away haha.

I kept telling him to put a tomato in there, he flat refuses haha.


Well-Known Member
We will see how his bellpepper turns out. He only has a couple weeks to a month before he has an ID to get his recommendation. Then he will probably rip it out and wanna plant a clone in it right away haha.

I kept telling him to put a tomato in there, he flat refuses haha.
I want you to post a picture of the bell pepper plant here in my journal before you kill it or eat it.


Well-Known Member
Hey, everyone! I fucked up a little bit. So it just goes to show you that even an old dog like me can make a mistake.

I was so fixated by their trouble absorbing N, that I thought the res needed more. So I added more. A little better, but they were drooping. I cut the watering schedule down drastically but the drooping persisted, got worse even. And today I noticed a tiny bit of browning on the tips of a couple of leaves on plant 1.

So I finally decided my ph was off. I've dialed it down to 5.4 and they seem better already. But I did screw up. Usually when I ride young plants at 5.7-5.8, they're more or less okay, but how quickly I forget I'm dealing with OG. But the more sensitive an OG clone is, the better the OG goodness will be. So this is kind of a good sign actually.

The ph never goes higher than 5.7 with this AN mixture, but the babies don't like that... no they don't. Now I'm watching the ph like a hawk to keep it low.

Pix in a moment.


Well-Known Member
A visual of my little fuck-up. Here's a comparison with yesterday's photos. Note the drooping on both plants and the brown tips on plant one. Again, noticing a very high sensitivity to the ph at young clone age... just like the Diablos before them. These young babies need very acidic ph it looks like.

Plant 1 Day 5

Plant 1 Day 6

Plant 2 Day 5

Plant 2 Day 6

Each new set of clones I plant behaves a little differently from the plants before them. Man, these elite OG's are a bitch. Patience...


I think growers don't talk enough about the clone re-vegging process. That's RE-vegging. Most of these clones come in a state of pre-flower, showing lone baby calyxes and single hairs. (The Diablos showed a single calyx at each node all through veg). These aren't any different. I think there is a critical period where the clones are struggling to revert fully to a vegetative state. They're prone to deficiencies at this crucial juncture. That's what these babies are trying to do now.


Active Member
Half the plants I'm vegging right now are re-veg, I had one start to look like that even go a little further I upped the dose of c/mag from 1/4 to 1/2 strength and haven't had it show up again.
How are your c/mag levels jin?


Well-Known Member
Half the plants I'm vegging right now are re-veg, I had one start to look like that even go a little further I upped the dose of c/mag from 1/4 to 1/2 strength and haven't had it show up again.
How are your c/mag levels jin?
I'm running just under 2ml per gallon. What do you consider half strength? Should I give them more?


I also think my ph was too high. I lowered it and increased my ppm to full cutting strength. I'm pretty sure they'll shake if off and explode soon. This always happens to me early when I'm figuring out the exact conditions they like.


Well-Known Member
I think they'll be fine, but here's a closer look at the brown tips and the general deficient look.

plant 1

plant 2 this one really stinks. I can already imagine the bud from this smell.

This one looks scraggly right now, but why is it the stinkier of the two? Look out for this one.


And although it looks a little shitty next to plant 1 at the moment, you'll notice this one doesn't have any of those brown tips... I'll go out on a limb right now and say this one will end up being the bigger yielder.

Edit 2:

I'm happy to show my 'bumpy starts' to you. I experienced almost the exact same thing with the Diablos early on. I just left that ugly little part out. Not this time. This time I'm committed to showing my ass fully in public. Hope you like it.


Active Member
The manufacturer says 5ml/g I started off at 2 then bumped to 3ml/g, as the grow goes on I'll continue to bump it slowly I just didn't want to start off full strength from cuttings.


Well-Known Member
The manufacturer says 5ml/g I started off at 2 then bumped to 3ml/g, as the grow goes on I'll continue to bump it slowly I just didn't want to start off full strength from cuttings.
Peace. I start off at one. I'm at two and will add another ml per gallon if things don't start shaping up quickly.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I got up this morning and checked the ph which was at 5.5 when I left them last night. It rose only to 5.6 overnight. Good sign.


That's why I love growing prime OGs. The challenge. They're harder to start, sometimes the height gets aways from you, AND let's not forget that they're notoriously stubborn yielders.

At times I think how easy it would be for me to drop a couple of fem seeds of some forgiving, large-budding strain in my system. When I've done this in the past, it was 'set it and forget it.' They just started kicking ass green from day one and never looked back.

Even though my past four grows have been OG strains, I still have trouble forgetting that it's not as easy as that with these OG clones. But I'm always reminded when they start drooping and yellowing in conditions that would be just fine for most seed strains.

So why do I (and other OG growers) put up with it? Because if I had to choose from a high-grade OG nug grown by a master right here in Cali or some of Arjan's "world's finest" Canna Cup winning Haze... I'll choose the OG Kush every time.

Arjan always describes the high of his Haze as "soaring and clear." Man, I wish he could have tried some of that Ghost I grew. THAT shit was "soaring and clear."