Hey, everyone! I fucked up a little bit. So it just goes to show you that even an old dog like me can make a mistake.
I was so fixated by their trouble absorbing N, that I thought the res needed more. So I added more. A little better, but they were drooping. I cut the watering schedule down drastically but the drooping persisted, got worse even. And today I noticed a tiny bit of browning on the tips of a couple of leaves on plant 1.
So I finally decided my ph was off. I've dialed it down to 5.4 and they seem better already. But I did screw up. Usually when I ride young plants at 5.7-5.8, they're more or less okay, but how quickly I forget I'm dealing with OG. But the more sensitive an OG clone is, the better the OG goodness will be. So this is kind of a good sign actually.
The ph never goes higher than 5.7 with this AN mixture, but the babies don't like that... no they don't. Now I'm watching the ph like a hawk to keep it low.
Pix in a moment.