How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke


Active Member
You can save moldy bud and make it perfectly safe to smoke/consume/vaporize.

It doesn’t matter if the bud is fresh or dried, water curing washes away every trace of mold.

I’ve done this a number of times and it works perfectly. Next time I do it, I will take pictures.

Place the moldy bud in a jar and fill with regular tap water until the bud is submerged. You will have to rig some kind of method to keep the bud completely submerged because some of it will want to rise above the surface. SImply putting a lid on it will not work. I usually use a weighted plate to hold it down.

Keep in a cool dark place for 24 hours then take it out and you will see dirty murky water. Pour it all off, then refill with fresh water and stash again for another 24 hours.
I was told to do this every day for 2 weeks, but in my experience the bud is completely clean in less time.

Every day, when you change the water, notice how dirty it is, when you have had several days of pouring off crystal clear water, you are done. Every trace of mold will be gone.

Drain the bud and dry as usual.

The upside is you will have the smoothest, cleanest smoke you have ever had, with all the original potency intact. In fact, some people say it increases that potency, because it takes out plant material but leaves the THC, thus making the thc more concentrated.

The downside is your lovely bud will now look like schwag, but who cares if your using it yourself, you know its not crap!

Water curing will improve any bud, even perfectly good bud, as it takes out a lot of the bad tasting plant material.
Thanks Jakabok,

I just did a search and found out it doesn't show up as a new post to me, because I made it.
But i see it now in "new posts" since you replied.
It would not be the Same Potency & Taste. ^_^ many trichs would be washed away with this method.

though I think it would be neat to see in action.
Cant see how this could work. It would make the mold worse.Its the same as getting a zombie throwing it into a swimming pool and a week later its alive fresh and clean bouncing around better than ever. Moldy buds have rotted and you cant bring rotted tissue back to life, and god knows what pathogens build in that jar in 1-2 weeks. :spew:
By it being completely under water it could easily kill the mold. It is a living organism and, like humans, can not survive in an anerobic (no oxygen) environment. He said he had done it several times and it works and even improves the taste and potency. THC is fat soluable, not water. You have to understand solvents to understand the concept.
By it being completely under water it could easily kill the mold. It is a living organism and, like humans, can not survive in an anerobic (no oxygen) environment. He said he had done it several times and it works and even improves the taste and potency. THC is fat soluable, not water. You have to understand solvents to understand the concept.

i think you might need to understand the definitions of solvents and what it means to be soluble

but have fun with that
Cant see how this could work. It would make the mold worse.Its the same as getting a zombie throwing it into a swimming pool and a week later its alive fresh and clean bouncing around better than ever. Moldy buds have rotted and you cant bring rotted tissue back to life, and god knows what pathogens build in that jar in 1-2 weeks. :spew:

this is simply untrue mold is a living fungis and it killed and then can be filtered just first by dying, and the water cure does work, i did it in high school, advise from an old hook, so i could smoke spliffs without arousing suspicion

and pathogens in water, what do you drink ? bottles tap water ?
I just did some water curing. I bubbled it with an airstone and aquarium pump. Takes only a couple of days with the bubbling but I think the agitation does knock off some trichs. There was a sticky gummy deposit on the container which was probably some resin. I was thinking next time I would save the water from the first rinse and see if I could recapture some of the resin. Perhaps chill it and pour it through the bubble bags? I emphasize, this was water curing with agitation. Plain water curing just soaks the weed.

Whatever the losses, this weed was damn potent when I smoked it. Yeah it really doesn't look very nice. Like something you pulled out of a compost heap and dried it out. It also has very little taste or odor, even when smoking it. But it smokes as smooth as silk and knocks your dick in the dirt.

Bear in mind that however you cure your dope, you are going to lose some trichs during handling.

I just had a batch of moldy dope which I salvaged by making hash. Didn't occur to me that water curing would be effective.

As PotPimp stated, being underwater kills the mold.

Adding fresh water every day washes away the mold and other yuckies

If you never added fresh water, it would kill the mold, and then proceed to rot/decay in another way.

changing the water every day, and keeping it completely submerged, keeps the weed fresh and only harms the mold.

It works beautifully. Years ago i screwed up and let about 6 oz of bud get very moldy. It got stashed away in a jar when it was not quite dry. At that time overgrow dotcom was where I went for pot info and they did not let me down. I learned what I needed to do.
I water cured it and could not have been happier with the results.
Since then I have used it a few other times, mostly to smooth out nasty tasting weed. And its really amazing how at the end of the process when day after day the water remains crystal clear, you KNOW its clean!
I have water cured. I used a clean jar with a few holes poked in the lid (just in case there was any off-gassing). I submerged the buds completely in distilled water, which I changed daily for 7 days. The lid with the holes in it will allow you to fully submerge the buds. It works. I disagree with the statement that it would be the best, smoothest smoke or whatever. It's not as good as properly dried, well cured bud; but it's not bad.
I didn't properly cure my papaya strain and I jarred about 1.5 oz's in 2 separate plastic jars with screw on lids - the buds were soft and what happened was my fault. I wanted to low cure by opening the jar every day for 45 minutes then slowly down in time til was completely cured - well I had to work a back to back double at my job and I didn't get home in time to change out the air. Low and behold...mold. OK so I had a mini panic attack and everything I researched said to throw it away. fuck no. I worked hard to grow this smoke! I was able to save the whole lot by following these steps...

1) lay the buds out on a paper towel as soon as you see mold - dont try to seperate the "good" nugs from the "bad nugs" its all infected keep it together
2) get a jar - I used a plastic rice container that had a wide enough opening where I could put a smaller jar of baby food or something inside
3) fill jar 3/4ths of the way up with clean water (reverse osmosis water or filtered water preferred if possible)
4) add bud to the water slowly - if you have a lot you might want to use multiple jars
5) find something to hold down your buds - I used an upside down ramekin (thing that holds your 'side of ranch' at Outback steak house)
6) top off your water and cap - throw a small towel over the jar then put it in a dark area - do not open
7) every 24 hours carefully exchange your water - you'll see the white mold has either floated to the top or sunk to the bottom
8) depending on the severity of your mold - change your water daily for a week to 8 days (mine only took 4 days)
9) find a screen/oven rack/tray or any way of suspending your buds so that air can get around the whole nug (space them out)
10) put a small (disinfected) fan and direct it right to the buds for 4 to 5 hours

inspect your buds - if you still see mold you need to repeat the process for the next few days. when I started this process I caught the mold early and it was moderate...after the water cure for 4 days it was very difficult to find mold and even some of the original smell and texture remained the same - I'm very pleased and super fucking happy I didnt have to destroy my nugs or turn them into hash because of mold!
Dude...don't smoke moldy bud. Ever.

Even if you do clean it. I'm sure what your doing is brushing the mold away but those spores are already there and aren't going away.

check this out

As a rule, HIGH TIMES only uses mold results when a full mycotoxin test is performed on the entry samples. This was not the case at the 2015 MI Cup. Instead, a visual inspection was done by the lab as a PASS/ FAIL test. It is important to understand that complete myco tests are not routinely done at any cannabis competitions because the timeframe available for lab testing is prohibitive. Furthermore—from a technical standpoint—if all cannabis samples were subjected to myco testing, 99 percent of them would show some trace of mold spores, as they are nearly omnipresent on all living things. The question then is: What is the acceptable threshold for human consumption of mold spores?
check this out

As a rule, HIGH TIMES only uses mold results when a full mycotoxin test is performed on the entry samples. This was not the case at the 2015 MI Cup. Instead, a visual inspection was done by the lab as a PASS/ FAIL test. It is important to understand that complete myco tests are not routinely done at any cannabis competitions because the timeframe available for lab testing is prohibitive. Furthermore—from a technical standpoint—if all cannabis samples were subjected to myco testing, 99 percent of them would show some trace of mold spores, as they are nearly omnipresent on all living things. The question then is: What is the acceptable threshold for human consumption of mold spores?

A trace of mold is nothing to be worried about.

But if you got visible mold like OP has I wouldn't smoke it and I will quickly judge anyone who does because it's stupid and you're running the risk of making yourself very, very sick.