The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
romney is catching perry (based on the latest survey of likely voters, fuck all the surveys of registered voters).

all others lag behind. ron paul still in nowheresville with a whopping 7% or so of the vote.


Well-Known Member
romney is catching perry (based on the latest survey of likely voters, fuck all the surveys of registered voters).

all others lag behind. ron paul still in nowheresville with a whopping 7% or so of the vote.
I'm guessing you just made that number up and have nothing to support it in any way or form.


Well-Known Member
i should also mention to tryingtogrow that not only were his numbers phony and dishonest (and he does not have the chutzpah to admit it), but obama scored an approval rating of 44% among 1500 likely voters, which is about his average as of late.

tringtogrow, do you want to admit already that you published a bunch of phony and misleading numbers, or do you want to continue to occupy a cocoon devoid of reality?


Well-Known Member
according to the latest rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters, he garnered 6%.

which is around 7% OR SO.

nothing to support it except for a poll of 1,000 likely voters from a reputable polling source.
It's funny that I know where you are coming from with that but really it's a matter of how you read those polls. If you go by average Ron Paul has a solid 9.8 % combined with all the polls averaged. Just pointing that out.

i should also mention to tryingtogrow that not only were his numbers phony and dishonest (and he does not have the chutzpah to admit it), but obama scored an approval rating of 44% among 1500 likely voters, which is about his average as of late.

tringtogrow, do you want to admit already that you published a bunch of phony and misleading numbers, or do you want to continue to occupy a cocoon devoid of reality?
UB you pinned him on that, but is it not honestly safe to say that we ALL have at one point misconstrued something before based on our personal beliefs? I'll be the first to say I have , it's human nature.

Anyways, I thought it would also be fair to observe that a McClathy/Marist poll with a sample of 825 Republican voters knocked him down to that 39%, that's a given among the Red Camp. But what leads me to believe those numbers might be a fair representative is the Gallup poll released during the same survey period as the Rasmussen , 9/21-9/23, with a sample of 1500 anonymous people had the rating at 39% again.

Obama will only have a chance of winning the White House a 2nd term if all the GOP primaries can muster is Perry, Romney, or god forbid Bachmann. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Go to its the main link....
I'm aware now.. Not surprised, Herman has a message that people like, but I don't know if it was that many.

Now is it possible to buy supporters in the Republican Florida straw poll? Let's rewind to 2008.


Point made?


Well-Known Member
i should also mention to tryingtogrow that not only were his numbers phony and dishonest (and he does not have the chutzpah to admit it), but obama scored an approval rating of 44% among 1500 likely voters, which is about his average as of late.

tringtogrow, do you want to admit already that you published a bunch of phony and misleading numbers, or do you want to continue to occupy a cocoon devoid of reality?
He is gallup polling at the high 30's. what do you want?


Well-Known Member
I'm aware now.. Not surprised, Herman has a message that people like, but I don't know if it was that many.

Now is it possible to buy supporters in the Republican Florida straw poll? Let's rewind to 2008.


Point made?
Yeah for sure, it was just weird. lol and there is no way perry is second with as many times he was booed, these are establishment conjured up numbers.


Well-Known Member
It's funny that I know where you are coming from with that but really it's a matter of how you read those polls. If you go by average Ron Paul has a solid 9.8 % combined with all the polls averaged. Just pointing that out.
9.8% is still "7% or so", especially considering most of the rest of those polls used only registered voters, not likely ones.

UB you pinned him on that, but is it not honestly safe to say that we ALL have at one point misconstrued something before based on our personal beliefs? I'll be the first to say I have , it's human nature.

Anyways, I thought it would also be fair to observe that a McClathy/Marist poll with a sample of 825 Republican voters knocked him down to that 39%, that's a given among the Red Camp. But what leads me to believe those numbers might be a fair representative is the Gallup poll released during the same survey period as the Rasmussen , 9/21-9/23, with a sample of 1500 anonymous people had the rating at 39% again.

Obama will only have a chance of winning the White House a 2nd term if all the GOP primaries can muster is Perry, Romney, or god forbid Bachmann. Time will tell.
my predicition:

perry vs. obama = perry win

romney vs. obama = obama win (fucking asshole americans won' give mormons a chance)

paul vs. obama = fantasy, paul will NEVER get the nod.

if you want a bold prediction, here it is. romney or perry gets the nod, paul runs third party. he is old, this is his last chance. he said he will not even run for rep again. he siphons off enough votes from either candidate and obama wins.

i still don't think obama will win re-election, honestly (although i approve of his policies more than i disapprove of them).

you have revealed yourself as an honest enough person. what do you think?


New Member
Ron Paul speaking at LSU today:



Well-Known Member
Nope he is at the high 30's and has been, nothing phony about anything accept the fact you cant handle it.
do you think i give a shit who polls what?

a majority of people does not a right make.

i would give two shits if he polled in the single digits. a figure head is not important to me in the least.

if anyone can't handle something, it is you who can't handle the fact that you are posting phony numbers and are not man enough to admit such, even while your fellow ron paul supporters readily agree with me.

obama can post a negative approval rating for all i care. what does it matter to me what others think now that my wife can buy health insurance and the tax breaks i received allowed me to invest enough to work for myself?

btw, mr. mailbox checker, obama also saved you some money by exempting the first $2,400 of unemployment that you collected from tax. you're welcome.



Well-Known Member
i like you, deprave.

and i know you are among the reality-based ron paul supporters, and i know you will agree with me that tryingtogrow posted a list of numbers that did not comport with reality. george w bush did not have an 86% approval rating at this point in his term, as tryingtogrow tried to claim.

i also know that you support the notion that what a majority of people say or approve does not make it right.

finally, i know that you are one who readily admits their mistakes, unlike tryingtogrow.


New Member
I don't really care to argue the numbers or investigate that, but I will say that G Dub did have a high approval rating immediately after 9/11 and I will say that it is often claimed that obamas current approval ratings are incredibly low, I don't really care to investigate that either, Id say they are probably lower than ever in at least his history as president and possibly more....Don't really care about this statistic personally, its a number that can be quite misleading, especially when comparing one president to another one.


New Member
Next Ron Paul Moneybomb is being dubbed as Black-This-Out! ( OCT 19


We are sick of your lies, and your refusal to admit Ron Paul is a frontrunner for the GOP nomination. The media BLACKOUT immediately after the 2012 Ames Straw Poll proves just how far the media will go to suppress the message of freedom. This is the last straw!
We will not let you dictate who we should vote for. This October 19th will go down as one of the greatest grassroots donation efforts in history. We will do it WITHOUT you.
So go ahead, BLACK THIS OUT!



New Member
I will say one thing though, I think gdub and bama both are probably the worse of all time up there with Nixon and GDubs Daddie, thats just my opinion though..If I had to pick one of these bunch I couldn't do it.