I was treated so bad at this clinic


Well-Known Member
And they still have alot of supporters too=) it's a crazy world we live in
I still have a t shirt that says "Free Sonny Barger" with the hands cuffed at the wrists logo,i dont wear it though.

Im not a big supporter of gangs,even if they call their selves a club.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
I see alot of them wearing their jackets when their out on their bikes in groups I've noticed when alone not so much anymore.. I was at my party last year and several that my friends is friends with were there none wearing jackets though.. They did all have stickers on their bikes though... I think they just got smart finally and realized that jacket is basically an excuse for a cop to pull them over=)...Maybe their finally trying to play the game since Sonny moved to Arizona..??

I had a support sticker on my dirtbike that said FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK.. but it washed off last time I pressure washed it=) I just bought it cus it was funny..The ranger didn't like it last time they pulled me over


Well-Known Member
I had a support sticker on my dirtbike that said FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK.. but it washed off last time I pressure washed it=) I just bought it cus it was funny..The ranger didn't like it last time they pulled me over
I have a shirt that says that in bold ass letters,i only wear it when im riding in a large group or not on my scooters.


Well-Known Member
the angels are around,and taxing independent growers,then they charge you for protection,then they send some street punks to kick in your door,but some have more class then others,just not around here.


Well-Known Member
the angels are around,and taxing independent growers,then they charge you for protection,then they send some street punks to kick in your door,but some have more class then others,just not around here.
Ive been on run's with clubbers & been to quite a few different club houses as a guest of club members & ive seen nothing good from people who wear a patch.

My older brother is a nomad of a club but i shouldnt mention the name,when he visits & sits his colors down i try to sneak over & replace the MC(Motorcycle Club) on his patch with MG(Motorcycle Gang),he gets pissed as hell :mrgreen:

I always tell him the same thing,patches are for pussies :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Try the O.C.I.C. in lake forest. They are really cool and have good quality products. They are listed on the California Norml page.


Well-Known Member
i'm torn between feeling bad that you caught some tude while shopping for marijuana at your local marijuana store and NOT GIVING A RATS ASS until I can even GO to a marijuana store....


Active Member
I'd just like to add that Bc bud is so 14 yrs ago. we get it for $600 a quarter pound now. Still looks good but ya gotta be puffin a whole 8th to get really high. And on another note try the OCIC i'm about to head there in about 15 minutes. They got the best.


Well-Known Member
dont go back, who cares if your only buying a 20 sac, meds is meds, you should get good treatment regardless of how much your spending, ive only had 1 problem at a club where some1 was rude, fuc them there loss!! i dont go there anymore, most clubs in the bay to sac are comfortable, good people!! i allways kick back watch some tv and shoot the shit, theres 2 many clubs poping up for club owners 2 b assholes theyll in time loss there business 2 the nice club owners