I was treated so bad at this clinic

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
So your the guy that holds up the limne bitching about his lousy gram purchase while Im waiting to buy an ounce having to listen to your bullshit=)..LOL..jk I hate places with shitty weed and prices unfortunately it happens..


Well-Known Member
i could flood your site with reviews......https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/46319-fdd-s-flavor-week.html

i should post a few of mine. :mrgreen:

Please fdd.. we could use some pro reviews!!! Register, ill make you admin :)

your experience is far more superior than ours! :hump: Honestly dude it would be an honor.

Fuck man.. anyone that can gimmie some damn reviews would be great! your helping me build the site... and ur helping people that dont know!

You will be surprised, So many people that are new medical marijuana users dont know SHIT!!! this site could actually help people... research before they go out and buy it....

Soon ima add where each strain is available at each Co-op in CALI


Well-Known Member
ok???? U SOUND LIKE U GOT A STICK UP UR ASS MAN.... BC IS the gowing cpaital off the world... infact many gorwers from bc are being contracted out to do work in the states and thats for a reason... cuz the know what they are doing
ok son.......



Well-Known Member
YaY I make gay threads. Live in cali and buy weed Yay Im gay woohoo....Fuckin rookies suck..How do you live in cali and buy weed thats like a double negative:neutral:


Well-Known Member
Caligrown u have some deep deep problems inside.... i complimented ur grow and todl u a tip that had worked for me and u took it as critism???? now u post this??? man u gotta get outt a the house what r u trying to prove???


Well-Known Member
Caligrown u have some deep deep problems inside.... i complimented ur grow and todl u a tip that had worked for me and u took it as critism???? now u post this??? man u gotta get outt a the house what r u trying to prove???
Im not mad....just tired of the whole "bc" thing...thats why I put this high times cover on my avatar.....bc is good...but there is no "best bud" sorry...:peace:


Well-Known Member
I live in BC and I grow some killer stuff that every one keeps on wanting to buy more off of me
i complety know what u mean ( winkie)... most of this stuff goes down south and these guys are tryin to tell us that its crap .. when the facts are that bc's supply does not even come close to usa demands


Well-Known Member
i complety know what u mean ( winkie)... most of this stuff goes down south and these guys are tryin to tell us that its crap .. when the facts are that bc's supply does not even come close to usa demands
and why does the Hells Angils and other gangs in BC get nailed for mass shipping of pot to the US ? and BC ships out smoke to Alberta to and they pay top price


Well-Known Member

especially if you cant figure out what is a enough lights.

you're a cfl grower. what are you talking about?
just because I wasn't sure if I was using enough lights and I'm growing with CFL doesn't meen any thing in this topic


Well-Known Member
and why does the Hells Angils and other gangs in BC get nailed for mass shipping of pot to the US ? and BC ships out smoke to Alberta to and they pay top price

sounds like mass produced B grade to me. :evil:
if it's soooooo damn good, why aren't i smoking it?


Well-Known Member
and why does the Hells Angils and other gangs in BC get nailed for mass shipping of pot to the US ? and BC ships out smoke to Alberta to and they pay top price
Why do people like to bring up the Hell's angels to legetimize shit,every one ive ever met needed to spend some serious time on personal hygene & change them dirty ass clothes.