LSD builds a rapid tolerance that lasts a couple days and then dissipates like magic. If you take another tab the day after your last one, you will experience NOTHING...
LOL I know.
I've tried explaining this sooooo many times.
When I went to the outdoors... we had like 8 people who were day tripping.... and these 2 kids INSISTED on eating their doses THERE AND THEN... at 8pm the night before...
and then they CLAIMED they would take MORE acid with us in the morning and trip ALL day. Because they were BADASS like that and could HANDLE it!
I kind of snickered, as obviously they hadn't had real L.
This one kid tripping that night even went so far to claim he knew some girl who "Made her own acid.... double dipped her sheets and everything" LMAO! I laughed in his face so hard at the double dip part. It was like a double punch line.
I asked where she got her masters degree in organic chemistry... He looked at me puzzled, so I entertained his claims ------ I led him into the conversation ----- I said "HEY, If shes making acid. She has to be making more than a few grams at once...right?"
He said, "Yeah, of course! Definitely!" then I said, "So what does she sell it for? It goes for like 20,000 a gram. 10,000 doses to a gram. Could I get like a gram? She's making 20,000+ doses at a time right? Right? No?

" he shut the fuck up then and there.
The kids ended up tripping out all night, one sat under a rock freaking out on xanax bars/acid tripping out (was already on xanax? LOL!!!)... the other got bored because he had nobody to trip with... Then they went hiking in the morning and the one kid that was on xanax started freaking out about the hike, saying, "I cant go up there man! I can't! I can't!" AND I QUOTE, "I CANT ASSUME THE ROLE OF GOD! You gotta take me home, MAN!" and made the other kid take him out of the sticks in a Mitsubishi and drive him home LMAO!!!
Then 8 of us woke up, ate our doses, and had an AWESOME day together... looking at the sunlight illuminating the desert landscape around us.. Laughing at silly things, conversing with one another... Like a community based on LOVE and UNDERSTANDING... Watching the shrubs melt and combine with the sand to produce colors that weren't even there. From 9:45am to 9:45pm we tripped together.... and those two kids who insisted they were smarter than me had a terrible, terrible time together, at night wandering in the desert, alone in their thoughts..
& yeah, nobody that was tripping the night before, woke up and tripped with us
