G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
looks beautiful bwinn, any plans to clone the ladies you have? was the herm a fem seed? I am so in love with cloning i have gotten myself into trouble with space!!!!! I love how the bottom branches poke out on your plants, i cut all mine off so i never get to see the plants look like that, love it!!!!!! Glad you and your ladies are well bwinn, did you get more snow???


Well-Known Member
looks beautiful bwinn, any plans to clone the ladies you have? was the herm a fem seed? I am so in love with cloning i have gotten myself into trouble with space!!!!! I love how the bottom branches poke out on your plants, i cut all mine off so i never get to see the plants look like that, love it!!!!!! Glad you and your ladies are well bwinn, did you get more snow???
hi kaya. yes the red diesel was from a fem seed. i dident cut any clones dont have the room. but i just started 2 more red diesel seeds lol.


Well-Known Member
thanks bongspit. i need to get a better lenz lol. i wish you could see it in real life looks alot better then the pic's make it look.