Obama is it because he is Black or Democrat

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New Member
Pretty good basic overview from Monsanto themselves it appears dukeanthony, one major flaw....the fact that genes do spread naturally when plants fuck each other....pretty basic stuff...The fact that dozens and dozens of farmers have had this gene contaminate their crop, the fact that there has been studies done that find this gene has spread all over in the natural world.

Monsanto owns life....they own plants...they own nearly everything you eat...If your a farmer, your writing monsanto a check or they are going to shut you down. Is there not something wrong with that in your eyes?

Monsanto is one of the company's that WANT to keep cannabis illegal, the crop that doesn't need pesticides, the crop that would cause them to lose billions of dollars. As a marijuana grower, as a person, Monsanto is your enemy, may I ask you again dukeanthony, do you cut your wrists?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
The "black part" of Obama is one of the things I like best of him...it's the outright socialist-class-warfare-tax-and-spend-liberal that scares the bejesus outta me. Could not care less about his color or the countries' perception of his color.


New Member
The "black part" of Obama is one of the things I like best of him...it's the outright socialist-class-warfare-tax-and-spend-liberal that scares the bejesus outta me. Could not care less about his color or the countries' perception of his color.
Great give us examples of him being a socialist


New Member
monsanto is one of the company's that want to keep cannabis illegal, the crop that doesn't need pesticides, the crop that would cause them to lose billions of dollars. As a marijuana grower, as a person, monsanto is your enemy, may i ask you again dukeanthony, do you cut your wrists?
oh please cite a reference for that!


New Member
oh please cite a reference for that!
The best reference would be fucking logic, you don't have to write them a check if you don't use their genetics or pesticides, with cannabis you wouldn't need to write them a check..Real simple stuff..Instead of soy bean oil...hey lets grow hemp seed oil, a much better crop....but Monsanto won't get a check.


New Member
Monsanto, shut down an L.A. farm in the ghetto which allowed farmers in the ghetto to grow their own food and give to the community, the food here was nearly free...Not on Monsantos watch...some social welfare..This story is fully covered in a documentary which name slips me at the momment....I will look into that..

More about how obama has helped to shut down local gardens:
..a local story that intersects with a worldwide United Nations Agenda 21 Codex Alimentarius agenda to shut down independent and small gardens across the world. Bylaws have been put in place to ensure compliance and model slave quarters where every house looks the same. But don't worry about the mass corporate farms next door to you. People growing vegetables are with al-cia-duh.

here are the local news articles




New Member
Will you listen to yourself? It all comes down to race.....Are you fucking kidding? I am not saying the republicans have done the right thing (far from) but Obamas whiney cry baby exscuse of 'wwaaaaaaa the republicans won't let me' is ridiculous and then you go and throw into that crybaby exscuse 'its because I'm black', I cant believe you fall for that crap. Obama can change so much without the congress but he doesn't.
You really do not understand how our government is set up, do you?


New Member
You really do not understand how our government is set up, do you?
Please enlighten me smarty pants...and while your at it google executive order..and please see my short list of examples of things that obama can do without congress. My list is only just a sample.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
the reason for obama's troubles are mostly not even due to obama himself. Sure, there are plenty of rednecks who have a problem with his blackness, many more that he's a democrat, and add it all up, black democrat, sure that gets a lot of problems for him. I think thought the real reason the republicans are hating on him is because he is the president after bush. Bush fucked up SOOOOO bad and they (the republicans) were like, "hey, good plan G. dubbuyah!" the whole time. Because of this, they know they fucked up too, that they backed bush's plans and thought they were good plans. They yelled at us democrats to be patriotic and not hate on the president, even though what he was doing was obviously catastrophic at least in our view. They were fucking wrong. NOW... a black democrat is in office, and the biggest reason they hate on him is because if Obama fucks up, then they dont look as stupid. They can say, "yeah, obama sure did a lot better...." with sarcasm and not be such idiots anymore. So basically, they want him to fail to save thier pride from backing bush. They will look less incompitant by comparison if the democrats fail too. Thanks for dragging us all down to save your fuckin pride republicans!


Well-Known Member
I love how he got the "class warfare" in there....did he get points for using the Republican Party's bullshit term of the week?
Yea I see a "Librealtarian",,,A True one...What is next that you have no chance in the "Republican Party",,,Ohhhh,,,Independent,,,Your vote count's for nothing,,,Who's side you on,,,i know....I am the "Almighty,,,smoked out drunk,,,for tonightbongsmilie:eyesmoke:,,,

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
No body likes a liar, no matter their creed or religion they peddle.

To some it bothers that he is to have had alleged Homosexual affairs see obama and young
obama the homo

Maybe it is his stance for line hoppers and rule breakers
obama and immigration

Or it could be his gun running like Bush Jr did?

Or it could be that he lied about getting us out of the war as his first order of Business and then added 60k more Men and woman to fight a War for the Jews and Muslims? Here is a video with a lot of Ron Paul facts but funny Obama is in their kinda looking uncomfortable and laughing about it.
I don't think it is about color or being Democratic. I mean really, are not we all democratic if we vote on choices?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
its all just for the republicans to save their pride from the most collosal fuckup rememberable...that they thought was a great idea.


New Member
Immigration Reform Inaccuracies

The Obama administration has strengthened our borders while making our immigration system smart and fair.

Attackers:Rush Limbaugh, Mark Steyn, othersAttack Type:Broadcast remarks
Republican media figures have accused President Obama of refusing to deport hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Here are just a few examples of these inaccurate claims:


Truth posted:September 12, 2011Evidence:Government documents
President Obama’s administration recently announced policy changes that will help make our immigration system smart and fair. The new policy will help the Department of Homeland Security prioritize the deportation of undocumented immigrants who pose a risk to America’s national security. Under the new policy, DHS will review the deportation cases of approximately 300,000 immigrants and suspend certain cases for immigrants who pose no threat to the nation.
Under President Obama, deportations of undocumented criminals have increased. By deporting people who have been convicted of crimes or who pose a greater security risk, the administration is giving “low-priority” cases—like young people who were brought here as small children and know no other home, or military veterans—access to a fair system.
Refocusing the policy to prioritize people who pose a safety threat has actually led to a greater success in deportations of dangerous criminals. Contrary to attacks, the President does not have an amnesty policy.


New Member
Hey And Fucktard

Afghanistan Never posed a risk to Israel

But they did harbor and give santuary to Terrorists who killed 3000 american men women and children 10 years ago


Active Member
so·cial·ism   [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.


any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Jack Fate

New Member
The Racists are just a voting Bloc the Republicans are trying to keep

See Nixon
Southern Strategy
That's a Democrat myth. I was there. The south went republican because the democrats moved farther left. Also, there was a new generation reaching voting age, the baby boomers, and they were not going to vote for the racist good ole boys their parents had been supporting for years.


Well-Known Member
That's a Democrat myth. I was there. The south went republican because the democrats moved farther left. Also, there was a new generation reaching voting age, the baby boomers, and they were not going to vote for the racist good ole boys their parents had been supporting for years.
Yea "That's Fair and a Lie"....WTF are you sayin'?


New Member
the reason for obama's troubles are mostly not even due to obama himself. Sure, there are plenty of rednecks who have a problem with his blackness, many more that he's a democrat, and add it all up, black democrat, sure that gets a lot of problems for him. I think thought the real reason the republicans are hating on him is because he is the president after bush. Bush fucked up SOOOOO bad and they (the republicans) were like, "hey, good plan G. dubbuyah!" the whole time. Because of this, they know they fucked up too, that they backed bush's plans and thought they were good plans. They yelled at us democrats to be patriotic and not hate on the president, even though what he was doing was obviously catastrophic at least in our view. They were fucking wrong. NOW... a black democrat is in office, and the biggest reason they hate on him is because if Obama fucks up, then they dont look as stupid. They can say, "yeah, obama sure did a lot better...." with sarcasm and not be such idiots anymore. So basically, they want him to fail to save thier pride from backing bush. They will look less incompitant by comparison if the democrats fail too. Thanks for dragging us all down to save your fuckin pride republicans!
Real cute that you buy into his little excuse...real cute
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