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I think I might hate my dad

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Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Nobody cared when they force fed me full of pharmaceuticals so why should I care about anyone else?
shut the fuck up and get a job like the rest of us....stop complaining...life sux.....nobody gets free handouts....join the fuckin club......makes me sic to see u mod....unsubscribed...


Well-Known Member
you probably won't realize it but the most important thing in life is family..good bad whatever, they are your family and they probably love you and only want you to get the hell out of their basement and make something of yourself..whether they go at it the correct way is not important...it is the thought that counts and they will have your back when nobody else does


Well-Known Member
LOL... Nusky, you've got a shit load of growing and maturing to do... seems you're in a vegetative state, pun intended.

What a maroon!


Well-Known Member
All this parental hatred saddens me,at some point in life its going to hit you that they really did have your best interests at heart.

I call bullshit on you looking for work Nusky,maybe your dad see's the amount of time wasted on this site alone,i know i see it,take the time you spend here at riu & use it looking for work & BINGO you just trippled your chance of landing a job.

How's about video games,ive yet to meet a 25 yr old who dont spend hours on video games,hows about your texting habits,another thing youth can waste countless hours on without even being aware of it.

I see a young man who's priorities are all fucked up & your home situation sucks because of it,you cant find work but you find time for leisure activitys,you dont have a job but you have a qp your selling from his home ? You desperately need a job yet you feel you have the time to invest in not only random forum talk but you have enough time to moderate ! Anything ringing a bell here,your 1st thought was a slug move which was to apply for low income housing.

This shit sickens me,put the fuckin chips down,turn off the damm internet,stop playin video games & countless hours on texting & get your ass out looking for work.

Oh,& when you do look everywhere for work & have some spare time stop eatin those fuckin chips & laying around your dads house on toke n talk,instead use your time in his home mowing his lawn,paint something,wash the family cars,clean the garage & basement,or just throw another hissy fit & throw shit like an irate school girl,its your choice,one thing i know is respect is earned & you wont earn it laying around,smashing chips & modding an internet site all day.
Sounds like you had good parents, and for that I'm happy for you. But don't bullshit yourself into thinking all parents have their kids best interest at heart. My mother flat out said she resented me, not in a heated conversation, but in a clear logical tone, and the way she treated me reflected it. She made it a point every day I lived there to do everything to destroy my self esteem, any friendships or relationships I had ever made. By age 11 I was laying on the ground letting out all my breath praying to god I could resist gasping for air, was catholic and was taught suicide would land you in hell, then I would never get peace, and thats all I wanted. When that didn't pan out I lost my will to eat entirely. It was at that point my best friend, who was 4 years older then me, saw this and took me out to a field with a bag of pot and told me "I didn't want to talk to you about this till you were a bit older, but I think I have something that can help you." He probably saved my fucking life.
Not like people didn't see what was happening, but they were all making excuses for a grown ass women at the cost of a helpless child. Theirs a reason that bitch and her husband are dead to me. So don't try to sell to me that all parents have their best interest at heart. I tried for years desperately to believe that. And while in most cases that may be true, it damn sure isn't always. Put it to you like this, think of the last time you were watching the news were a mom drowned her kids. Did she have their best interest at heart? I have alot of respect for you, but no patience for rose colored glasses.

Back to Nusky, your's on the other hand are a different matter. Sure, he sounds like a real son of a bitch, but all in all, he's not all that bad. Man up, don't make excuses, get shit done. Like I said before, if your awake, and its in business hours, you should be applying to every fucking job you see listed, I don't give a shit if you figure you have no chance of getting it. When you get contacted, sound confident at all times, desperation in your voice will get you nothing. But you are in his home, and that is HIS domain. Its his right to not be satisfied with shit and do what he can to change it, thats one habit you should pick up from him.


Well-Known Member
you probably won't realize it but the most important thing in life is family..good bad whatever, they are your family and they probably love you and only want you to get the hell out of their basement and make something of yourself..whether they go at it the correct way is not important...it is the thought that counts and they will have your back when nobody else does
Have to call bullshit on that one. If your family is destructive to you, cut that shit off. Letting someone destroy you because their 'family' is a victims behavior, and I don't play victim for anyone. As far as having your back, you need to realize not everyone has the benefit of your family, and I've seen families sell out their own more then a few times, so that "will always have your back" Is complete bullshit. My family had not problems turning their back on me. Didn't even flinch. For that matter, neither did I.


Well-Known Member
I'm not american, many people live on less than $1000 a month here. Even a lot of adults do. Besides the girl who started hitting on me makes $20 an hour as a department manager, I plan on being a home maker for her and sell weed to her friends on the side. Shes buying a house soon and I'm building an outdoor greenhouse to sell tomatoes at the local market too. I have a plan, my parents just don't know it. As for schooling, I suck at school. My Dad dropped out, I didn't but I got 50's on everything. I'm not stupid teachers just don't spend enough time teaching me one on one. Schools also give me extreme anxiety when I'm there, I just hate them.

I wouldn't join the military at all. My Dad hated the military, his knee caps are shot, his memory is shot, he's almost died MANY times, been held captive etc. It's just not worth the money.
I don't mean to sound judgemental. Fuck it, yes I do, that's not being a man. Seriously. Thats not, living off your women sucks. I did it because one of us had to stay at home for our daughter (has a condition that requires surgeries) and she was making more money then I was. With that said, I HAVE FUCKING HATED IT. Every day a little of my soul feels like its died off. I'm at the end of it, have applied at a fuckload of places, and have two prospects that look really really good, but for alot of good jobs the employment process takes forever. A man was never meant to stay at home, its not natural for us, and its fucking soul sucking, I wouldn't wish it on my fucking enemy. Don't misunderstand, love my little girl, but again, man was never meant to stay his ass at home, it makes me sick.

Stop making excuses. "I suck at school, schools give me anxiety, I hate them, I plan on living off my girlfriend." SERIOUSLY?! Come on, nusky! You can do better then that. I can't believe there is a breathing man alive, worth keeping his nuts, that can be okay with that. I don't give a fuck if you have to get a minimum wage job to afford an efficiency to grow in to get started, but if you don't do it on your own merit, you'll never be a man. Just a boy playing at being a man. That's no way to live. One day you'll have a kid,be someone they can look up to.


Well-Known Member
you become what you hate.

i started out hating my dad, but by the end i was just like him and hated myself.

angry, shouting, screaming, hitting, throwing things, breaking things at the drop of a hat.

which really fucked up my life and made me depressed and suicidal for years.


Well-Known Member
Maybe its offensive to you for me to be living off the system and selling pot for profit, but I plan on doing it the rest of my life and eventually owning a green house selling hydroponic tomatoes to restaurants. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks about it. Nobody cared when they force fed me full of pharmaceuticals so why should I care about anyone else?
Force fed pharmacuticles,are you fukin kidding me,bo fukin who,they gave you dope because a 25 year old man freaking out & throwing temper tantrums at mommys house isnt normal activity for a man.

This statement tells all us working folk exactly why your dads on yer ass,you are a snail right now,later in life after you get a big light you hope to graduate to a slug who lives of the government FOR LIFE ,great fukin plan there jackson.

So the best you plan to do with your life is to lick the governments ass for free taxpayer money & grow tomatoes that you sell to resturants,un fukin believable.

Yep dads a dick all right,im outa this thread never to return,im with mesa but offended isnt how i feel,damm loafers.


Sector 5 Moderator
Dude, it's one thing if you take an adult that has not been brought up in an abusive environment, and put them in an abusive situation. It is totally another if a person has been abused since they were so small that they absorbed their abuse as though it were true (i.e. "you are worthless", etc.)....

In other words, unless you have lived someone elses life, you only show yourself as being ignorant by judging them.

That said, there is some value to your advice. (@nusky >>>>) Getting out of the situation (moving out, limiting contact) so that you can create the space for you to heal and build your belief in yourself as a separate and valid person who does not need your dads approval is a very valid path. Its scary, sometimes, and it may not be easy, but you will find yourself a new and much stronger person for the experience.
Wow, Nusky should have to pay money for this advice! Are you a psychologist or a psychiatrist?


New Member
I don't see how getting mad and breaking stuff, punching stuff, and throwing stuff is "childish" I do it all the time. I've been to anger managment, I've always had a very bad temper. I know where it comes from and I don't want to say because its private and very graphic. When I told the doctors they didn't believe me and just said why would anyone do that to you? It was just a dream. But it wasn't, it was extremely vivid and I wasn't sleeping when I remembered it. It's also why I get very anxious around schools.


Well-Known Member
“Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson


Well-Known Member
my advice is quit smoking and get a job.You say you cant go to school so try and work with some roofers.In a month you'll have enough to get an apartment.
It's hard work but the moneys great.


Well-Known Member
my advice is quit smoking and get a job.You say you cant go to school so try and work with some roofers.In a month you'll have enough to get an apartment.
It's hard work but the moneys great.
a friend of mine offered me a job working with him roofing about 7-8 years ago (would have been my first good paying job) but i had to turn it down, i'm so afraid of heights even being on a roof causes me to go into a panic attack.


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine offered me a job working with him roofing about 7-8 years ago (would have been my first good paying job) but i had to turn it down, i'm so afraid of heights even being on a roof causes me to go into a panic attack.
I've been on some crazy roofs.Almost fell off one cause I was spraying some shit on the chimney and its clear so i didn't see it on the shingles so I went to get the front and slipped but I grabbed a tree branch at the last second.Im sure I'd be dead if I fell.
I also seen someone od like 5 stories up.The fire department had to come get him lol

I did it for a few weeks when I was 15,brought home 625 every week.


New Member
I'd do roofing but starting around next month there will be snow on the ground here. I'm not sure if they do roofing in the winter, or at least that much of it. I was thinking about typing up a cover letter explaining I'm looking for apprenticeship and go to the Ford dealership. Maybe I can sweep floors and get coffee and shit for a couple years and move up.

Also with the assistance I'm getting I get free college/university. My worker says I'm "making great progress" and will have an interview to see if I qualify by the end of next summer. I'm going to be taking horticulture.
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