I think I might hate my dad

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Well-Known Member
A friend of mine worked roofing, he was working on a normal house, not to high up, and everyone was jumping into the back of a pickup truck because the day was done, he landed on a nail that went straight through his foot.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine worked roofing, he was working on a normal house, not to high up, and everyone was jumping into the back of a pickup truck because the day was done, he landed on a nail that went straight through his foot.
NICE!...I love it!...I worked construction for over 20 years, everyone gets it sometime...and it fuckin hurts.I had a whole 2 x 4 stuck to my foot when I jumped off the scaffold into what I thought was a small puddle...ended up being a deep hole , filled with water, and the 2x4 with a spike waiting for me at the bottom. Yep, it hurts. espeically when you JUMP on it


Well-Known Member
NICE!...I love it!...I worked construction for over 20 years, everyone gets it sometime...and it fuckin hurts.I had a whole 2 x 4 stuck to my foot when I jumped off the scaffold into what I thought was a small puddle...ended up being a deep hole , filled with water, and the 2x4 with a spike waiting for me at the bottom. Yep, it hurts. espeically when you JUMP on it
damn that really sucks


Well-Known Member
...and by the time your punctured foot heals, the other foot and ankle are so fucked up from limping around in work boots ,that it starts all over again


Well-Known Member
I don't see how getting mad and breaking stuff, punching stuff, and throwing stuff is "childish" I do it all the time.... .
spoken like a child! my heart goes out to your parents.they must feel horrible to have raised someone like you.


Well-Known Member
....Did you ever think that maybe that kid screaming was raped as a child and thats why he gets angry? Did you ever think that maybe, he was mentally abused by his parents and teachers? Really just shut the fuck up and leave my thread because you are completely stupid if you think things don't happen for a reason. I hope your child gets raped and we'll see how well he reacts to things
boo hoo! cry me a river. again you speak like a child.
kid, you have some serious issues. for the sake of your parents, see a shrink, point him to this thread.
any adult mods here? if you allow this mod to rant like this,what does it say about this site?


New Member
You're acting like a child by not showing compassion what if I said 9/11 was deserved? Thats basically what you're saying. Also ive been to a few shrinks they are all bull shit
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