Well-Known Member
let me say this, i've recently discovered this in my burnin journeys not too long ago. afew weeks maybe. but look, ive read a thread of Padawanbater and i've noticed that we don't give God the title he really has. imean, we see God above us, but we don't see God as infinite above us.... He's God Almighty. Alpha and Omega(beginning and end). He been here infinite time, which is hard to grasp. He knows all, he see's all, because He made all, because He made all. He's in control. its His world, its His rules, He's the boss. unbelievers say, man that's impossible, believers are crazy. right? but stop going by what you see, and go by what you feel in your heart.... stealing, killing, fornication, lying & others is frawned upon by anybody with sense. these are things God doesn't like. its foul to Him, so its foul to us. it's like this, when someone gets a gift or hears about someone else's gift... an amazing gift. they say no, no, ''its too good to be true''. the same, hearing about God. no, no, ''its too good to be true'' ''idont/cant believe it/you'', is it not the same principle?... well, you say ''inever seen God, where's the proof?'', ''your lying to me if you can't show me proof''. itold you about it.. now, if you wanna see it firsthand, just open your eyes and look at it. if you don't see proof of God, then your looking too hard because its clearly in everyone's faces.... like isaid before, life is too complex and in extremely great detail for it too just happen ''naturally'' without a master plan to be in place from the very beginning.
another thing also, anybody can see something somewhere, point to it and describe it to show others, and some still won't see it when its right there in their faces, and that's the truth.
Why would a being that has been here an infinite amount of time and will continue for infinity, create a universe that can support life for only the smallest fraction of it's existence? The heat death of the universe will take far longer than most people can imagine. It is far less than infinity though. Why would this infinite god care about a bunch of apes running around on a rock orbiting an average star? Where is this evidence that he cares about us? It's bad enough you can't demonstrate the mere existence of any infinite being yet you give him even more attributes that you can't possibly know.
Whenever religionists get caught up in their contradictions, the fall back position always seems to be that we cannot possibly know and understand the mind of god, yet it is the claims of understanding that create these paradoxes to begin with.