what is it that convinces you ?

let me say this, i've recently discovered this in my burnin journeys not too long ago. afew weeks maybe. but look, ive read a thread of Padawanbater and i've noticed that we don't give God the title he really has. imean, we see God above us, but we don't see God as infinite above us.... He's God Almighty. Alpha and Omega(beginning and end). He been here infinite time, which is hard to grasp. He knows all, he see's all, because He made all, because He made all. He's in control. its His world, its His rules, He's the boss. unbelievers say, man that's impossible, believers are crazy. right? but stop going by what you see, and go by what you feel in your heart.... stealing, killing, fornication, lying & others is frawned upon by anybody with sense. these are things God doesn't like. its foul to Him, so its foul to us. it's like this, when someone gets a gift or hears about someone else's gift... an amazing gift. they say no, no, ''its too good to be true''. the same, hearing about God. no, no, ''its too good to be true'' ''idont/cant believe it/you'', is it not the same principle?... well, you say ''inever seen God, where's the proof?'', ''your lying to me if you can't show me proof''. itold you about it.. now, if you wanna see it firsthand, just open your eyes and look at it. if you don't see proof of God, then your looking too hard because its clearly in everyone's faces.... like isaid before, life is too complex and in extremely great detail for it too just happen ''naturally'' without a master plan to be in place from the very beginning.

another thing also, anybody can see something somewhere, point to it and describe it to show others, and some still won't see it when its right there in their faces, and that's the truth.

Why would a being that has been here an infinite amount of time and will continue for infinity, create a universe that can support life for only the smallest fraction of it's existence? The heat death of the universe will take far longer than most people can imagine. It is far less than infinity though. Why would this infinite god care about a bunch of apes running around on a rock orbiting an average star? Where is this evidence that he cares about us? It's bad enough you can't demonstrate the mere existence of any infinite being yet you give him even more attributes that you can't possibly know.

Whenever religionists get caught up in their contradictions, the fall back position always seems to be that we cannot possibly know and understand the mind of god, yet it is the claims of understanding that create these paradoxes to begin with.
Why would a being that has been here an infinite amount of time and will continue for infinity, create a universe that can support life for only the smallest fraction of its existence? The heat death of the universe will take far longer than most people can imagine. It is far less than infinity though. Why would this infinite god care about a bunch of apes running around on a rock orbiting an average star? Where is this evidence that he cares about us? It's bad enough you can't demonstrate the mere existence of any infinite being yet you give him even more attributes that you can't possibly know.

Imo (assuming and hoping that we survive our gestation as a pre-starfaring species) it then becomes our responsibility to become or generate substrates for life and especially mind that will not require the energy-intensive medium of aqueous (or any covalent) chemistry.
cheers 'neer
Bingo.. or Checkmate? I forgot which game this was.
Why would a being that has been here an infinite amount of time and will continue for infinity, create a universe that can support life for only the smallest fraction of it's existence? The heat death of the universe will take far longer than most people can imagine. It is far less than infinity though. Why would this infinite god care about a bunch of apes running around on a rock orbiting an average star? Where is this evidence that he cares about us? It's bad enough you can't demonstrate the mere existence of any infinite being yet you give him even more attributes that you can't possibly know.

Whenever religionists get caught up in their contradictions, the fall back position always seems to be that we cannot possibly know and understand the mind of god, yet it is the claims of understanding that create these paradoxes to begin with.
Whenever religionists get caught up in their contradictions, the fall back position always seems to be that we cannot possibly know and understand the mind of god, yet it is the claims of understanding that create these paradoxes to begin with.

THIS! This is the point of the entire thread!

You just leveled up!
to answer this question, you must answer within yourself... "what, in your own mind as an individual, do you think god is" once you figure out what god is to you, weather its energy, spirit, collective consciousness, or magic... you must figure it out, and then you must give yourself an explanation on why this is the most reasonable explanation for you as an individual, depending on your life circumstances.

once you figure out what god is...TO YOU. then you can ask yourself if you think it really exists... or if you just want it to exist so badly, that you make yourself believe it exists.

in my opinion...believing in any denomination is giving up your power to take responsibility for your own thoughts, actions and words.

god is a man in the sky- i only have to be responsable every sunday, if i do something wrong...ill just tell myself in my head im sorry.
god is collective consciousness- what happens will happen, regardless of what i do or say.
god is more powerful than me- i cant make a difference within myself...let alone about the way the world is today.

every instance, just more and more justification for living out your lives exactly as you want to live them, instead of how you know you should live them.

in my opinion, what you need to believe in...if anything.

believe in yourself.

yet this is the hardest thing for any human to ever do, because once you understand that in its entirety...not only do you become responsible for yourself, and everything you think do or say. but you also become responsible for the rest of everything else that isn't a part of you.

for now that you have awakened your mind, now that you are not asleep anymore, now that you are concious of everything you do, think or say... now its time to help the rest of the world "wake up".

with great power comes great responsibility, with great knowledge comes even greater responsibility...
Why would a being that has been here an infinite amount of time and will continue for infinity, create a universe that can support life for only the smallest fraction of it's existence? The heat death of the universe will take far longer than most people can imagine. It is far less than infinity though. Why would this infinite god care about a bunch of apes running around on a rock orbiting an average star? Where is this evidence that he cares about us? It's bad enough you can't demonstrate the mere existence of any infinite being yet you give him even more attributes that you can't possibly know.

Whenever religionists get caught up in their contradictions, the fall back position always seems to be that we cannot possibly know and understand the mind of god, yet it is the claims of understanding that create these paradoxes to begin with.

iunderstand your thoughts and iaccept that, but when it all boils down to it, you either believe in God, or you dont. nothing in between. if you don't believe in God, then everything about God is false, has no meaning, and is completely useless for you(unbelievers). is it not?. now after saying this, iwill say one more thing to yall which is. NO MAN will EVER see God's light being a worldly person. but again, if anybody doesn't believe in God, then anything about God has no significant meaning for you. but we all must die, and you could be wrong in not believing in God... good luck.
iunderstand your thoughts and iaccept that, but when it all boils down to it, you either believe in God, or you dont. nothing in between. if you don't believe in God, then everything relating to God is false, has no meaning, and is completely useless for you(unbelievers). is it not?. now after saying this, iwill say one more thing to yall which is. NO MAN will EVER see God's light being a worldly person. but again, if anybody doesn't believe in God, then anything relating to God has no significant meaning for you. but we all must die, and you could be wrong in not believing in God... good luck.

isnt it possible that your god is not real?
what do you mean by "anything relating to god"? do you mean the mysteries of the universe? all the stuff on earth?
what do you mean by "anything relating to god"? do you mean the mysteries of the universe? all the stuff on earth?

He means when you have God in your heart you grow to desire the things of God and not of man.
You beging to change once you've surrendered your heart to God and begin to see things for what they

You begin to see God's character, and understand his teachings once you have surrendered. Until you have truly
surrendered you will not understand what we are talking about and what we have experienced you have no idea
because you refuse to give it up to God.
He means when you have God in your heart you grow to desire the things of God and not of man.
You beging to change once you've surrendered your heart to God and begin to see things for what they

You begin to see God's character, and understand his teachings once you have surrendered. Until you have truly
surrendered you will not understand what we are talking about and what we have experienced you have no idea
because you refuse to give it up to God.

i mean i done did all that dude and im on the side of he doesnt exist...well atleast to me the god you worship doesnt exist at all.
He means when you have God in your heart you grow to desire the things of God and not of man.
You beging to change once you've surrendered your heart to God and begin to see things for what they

You begin to see God's character, and understand his teachings once you have surrendered. Until you have truly
surrendered you will not understand what we are talking about and what we have experienced you have no idea
because you refuse to give it up to God.

What does "truly surrender" mean? Be as specific as possible.
What does "truly surrender" mean? Be as specific as possible.

a bunch of ppl get around you and start prayin and you just denounce anything against god then you get dunked in the holy water again cause once wasnt good enough and then you un-questionably follow what the book/preacher says and try to live christ-like.
i mean i done did all that dude and im on the side of he doesnt exist...well atleast to me the god you worship doesnt exist at all.

Well hate to tell you but you may have thought you did but you didn't because once he has you nothing can take you from his hand.

What does "truly surrender" mean? Be as specific as possible.

Well there are alot of things. One of the biggest is to deny self and it is hard, very hard because we want so many things that the world tells us to put our security or faith in. As time goes by once you surrender to God by dropping to your knee's and laying it all out on the line you will look back and say wow look how far I've came and how I have changed. This is not maturity, it is real change in yourself and people will notice it as well. Even when you don't chastize your friends or try to talk to them about it you will notice they start dropping by the wayside. When you start changing and it is obvious they start avoiding you and not inviting you around because it makes them feel uncomfortable in the things they continue doing so it is easier for them to just not be around you than to feel the way you make them feel just being around.

I hate this saying but you see it all the time "Why not try God you've tried everything else." To truly surrender you must drop your pride, deny self, and tell him you give up and you realize that everything you have is his and he has given it to you and that you realize that you can't do it alone. Doing this does not make you any less intelligent or have less critical thinking skills it will actually open your eyes and suprise you that you never thought of things like this and that ad that is when you recieve true freedom and your priorities change.
a bunch of ppl get around you and start prayin and you just denounce anything against god then you get dunked in the holy water again cause once wasnt good enough and then you un-questionably follow what the book/preacher says and try to live christ-like.

Thank you for clearing that up, now I know without a doubt you never did the above as you stated. The baptism has nothing to do with your salvation, it is simply an outward expression of your faith that God asked you to do. The salvation is in repentence and faith in Christ. No one has to be around you praying, you can do it in the privacy of your own home through a genuine heart. Only God can take a heart of stone and turn it back to flesh, not a preacher or a book. You can read the Bible all you want and that is not going to save you, it is all about your faith in Christ and repentance.
Thank you for clearing that up, now I know without a doubt you never did the above as you stated. The baptism has nothing to do with your salvation, it is simply an outward expression of your faith that God asked you to do. The salvation is in repentence and faith in Christ. No one has to be around you praying, you can do it in the privacy of your own home through a genuine heart. Only God can take a heart of stone and turn it back to flesh, not a preacher or a book. You can read the Bible all you want and that is not going to save you, it is all about your faith in Christ and repentance.

you can tell me what you think, but im pretty sure i know what happened in my life and its pretty bold for you to be speakin on god's behalf like that sayin i didnt do it right cause if i did i wouldnt not believe...lol and baptism is the last step to you being "saved" which is what you are talkin about.
Like I said you are mistaken, and the act of Baptism is not salvation just a public outward expression of your faith.

This is what the Bible says about the false convert (people who think they are saved but really aren't.)

Matthew 7

21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.