nobody deserves to be carpet bombed either.fdd2blk europeans slaughtered and mutilated and genocided(yes, genocided) a large percentage of the human population.(slavery &ww1-2 alone) asians didnt, africans didnt, south Americans didnt. Its not normal and its not human nobody deserves that.
or you could fight to your death for your own freedom.Well, I would say you could be a "victim of slavery"
Its relevance. Is. Beacused u implied that if a. Vitim of a. Crime can't defend. Themselevs, then they deserved it,no, she didn't "deserve it".
this has no relevance to slavery.
fdd2blk europeans slaughtered and mutilated and genocided(yes, genocided) a large percentage of the human population.(slavery &ww1-2 alone) asians didnt, africans didnt, south Americans didnt. Its not normal and its not human nobody deserves that.
Egyptians?ffs slavery is not racism anyway, in the dark ages white germanic tribes like the Angles had slaves who were Angles, Greeks had Greek slaves, nothing to do with racism. just stick to talking about weed and other stuff that you might know something about, i havn't time for all this religion shite i have a bad magnesium defficiency to worry about.
Its relevance. Is. Beacused u implied that if a. Vitim of a. Crime can't defend. Themselevs, then they deserved it,
if you mean jews and moslems, no they havn't islam has only been around for less than 2 thousand years so they cant have been. secondly, you like many other people have been fooled into beleiving anti-semitism is racism, it is not, judaism is a religion not a race. the jews are partly responsible for this myth, But DNA can show us that Ashkenazi jews dna is differant to Sephardic jews DNA, and how do you account for felashas, negroid jews from africa, and there are chinese jews ffs!
Sorry about the periods, typing from phone and double space makes. A damn periodall your periods. i can't make sense of this post.
groups of people are enslaved by fewer men. you used a helpless women against numerous attackers. your argument holds no merit.
how could 1000's of grown men allow themselves to be enslaved, day after day, after day?
i await your answer.![]()
Soo blacks enslaved whites. Those racist bastards!95% of jews today have no connection to biblical jews,
Biblical jews were from Judah and fled to Africa and around the world after being slaved by egypt.
(Judah-Sudan) just something to think about
Todays zionist jews almost all come from Russia Germany and Slavic countries.
What we know today as jewish is actually an old slavic empire that was converted and dispersed you can look at a person and tell by the nose, they are a race of people.