Why do races hate other races so much?


Well-Known Member
C'mon, you think there weren't any black African slave traders napa23?

So Europeans 'invented' racism, budgetguy?

There were but they were mostly prisoners of war or debtors initially. They were taken to help develop communities in AFRICA, not North and South America. There's a difference. And the scale was no where near as large as when Europeans came in. They also recruited Africans to go slave raiding. It was that or be enslaved themselves. Perfect example, Angola. Budgetguy is right, go to some college African history classes. Nice attempt to downplay Europe's' influence.


As a white person I can strongly say white people are biological cancer cells that have spread through earth. Everything on earth has melanin except us. Now research what a cancer cell looks like. lol

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
That's bullshit. Native Americans welcomed European settlers. What did they get? Tricked into giving away their land, european diseases, and near extinction. But oh wait, we'll let you keep a tiny fraction of what you once owned. Same thing in Africa basically. Europeans were drawn to Africa by gold, then they realized trading humans was more profitable. I think humans are generally welcoming and curious. And then some are just greedy.
That is 100% incorrect. Quit talking out of your ass


There was slavery and racism in this world long before there was a "Europe".

-Typical white lie.-

Their were empires that were based on culture and family kinship. Racism is totally different and its in the context of globalization so go read a book.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
There was slavery and racism in this world long before there was a "Europe".

-Typical white lie.-

Their were empires that were based on culture and family kinship. Racism is totally different and its in the context of globalization so go read a book.
Empires that also had the class system. So when the Roman empire enslaved their own people. Is that racism too? I dont get it?


Well-Known Member
there was slavery and racism in this world long before there was a "europe".

-typical white lie.-

their were empires that were based on culture and family kinship. Racism is totally different and its in the context of globalization so go read a book.
:d !


Racism exists in the context of inernational affairs, nobodys talking about racism in places everybody is 1 ethnicity, That might be one reason rich white people need a university course to learn about reality. (people lie so much they create a false reality)


Well-Known Member
Empires that also had the class system. So when the Roman empire enslaved their own people. Is that racism too? I dont get it?
Who cares, this guy can't have any European blood in him while proclaiming all Europeans are 'white.' That's offensive to me. The whole time saying that whites 'invented' racism, for global control.

Are you fucking stupid? I know you're not white napa23. Why say you are?


Well-Known Member
bottom line it all comes down to one thing and one thing only...money...it always has and always will


Well-Known Member
For pete's sake...race is not geography. If an Asian moves to Oklahoma, he is still an Asian.


jonblaze your lack of education stinks from here. Even if not all europeans are white I dare any colored person to try to marry into european royalty. You will end up like dodi fiyad and princess diana


Well-Known Member
the jews n arabs have been at war for thousands of years.... race means nothing.....this country is more racist than most other places that are more distracted by religion...we were the last industrialized nation to ban slaves..we will be the last industrialized nation to have universal health coverage as well..money$$$ is what slows progress


Well-Known Member
jonblaze your lack of education stinks from here. Even if not all europeans are white I dare any colored person to try to marry into european royalty. You will end up like dodi fiyad and princess diana
yar im cant spill 2 gud sry, i made it ter 8th grade nd droppit out.

What's your point? That you want blacks marrying european royalty? Wanna hear something funny dude? My wife's maiden name's coat of arms has a Moorish prince's head on it.

Edit: On a stick.


Well-Known Member
That's bullshit. Native Americans welcomed European settlers. What did they get? Tricked into giving away their land, european diseases, and near extinction. But oh wait, we'll let you keep a tiny fraction of what you once owned. Same thing in Africa basically. Europeans were drawn to Africa by gold, then they realized trading humans was more profitable. I think humans are generally welcoming and curious. And then some are just greedy.
I think it goes back farther than that :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
That fits the definition of racism, saying native americans and africans are generally welcoming, and that Europeans are just greedy.

Pure ignorance.