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I think I might hate my dad

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New Member
seriously. First he's an ex-military guy and anti-drug. I got in trouble about a year ago, got angry at my parents and started throwing things. They called the cops, cops came in and took me directly to the psychiatric ward. From there they pumped my parents full of bull shit.

They tells me that I'm schizophrenic because of pot without any investigation. All they asked was what drugs I do and I admitted I smoke pot. My Dad tells me that I have no friends, have never had friends because they all (and they don't all) use drugs.

He tells me I can't tell people's emotions and feelings. I tell him I can to and he doesn't know what I can and can't do. He says I have no friends and thats why I can't tell people's feelings and that the process with these workers will help me get friends and be "back on track". Bull shit, the only time I didn't have friends was when THEY forced me to go to a new school that I hated and I just never bothered to make friends, I was already in grade 11.

Then he says that I don't do research on the drugs that I do and that he looks at the company and looks for non-biased research. Well the only non-biased research I've seen on pot, the pros WAY out weight the cons. You can make BS research reports either way, science doesn't prove shit.

After that, I took my morning caffeine pill. I tend to gag on coffee and tea specially when its cold/colder. He proceeds to tell me that my system is going to explode from drug use. I guess smoking an ounce a month and taking 1 100mg caffeine pill will kill you, quickly.

After all that he constantly pokes at me because I'm now 200 lbs. I used to be 120 all my life pretty much and it feels pretty damn good to be 200 regardless if its fat. I feel way more confident. But he always pokes at me. I eat 1 meal a day and barely snack, I don't like working out but when ever I decide to eat chips or something he's like "you shouldn't be eating that" or "that'll make you fatter". Just because YOU were skinny till you were like 30 doesn't mean I will be. Just shut the fuck up because your waist is the same size as mine idiot


Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
maybe hes just upset cuz he wants to see his son do more than sit in his basement and smoke pot.....maybe hed het off ur back if u showed him u could be productive....


Well-Known Member
should of never started throwing shit,I would of put you out right there.
And weed does tend to bring out the mental illness in people,I've seen it happen.


Well-Known Member
Tell him to go talk to his imaginary friends. Roll a fat ass blunt. Light it up in his house in front of him. Pack your shit, blow smoke in his face and leave.

Well I mean if you enjoy burning bridges.


New Member
they had the right to call the cops, but the cops had no right to put me in the psych ward. I should have gone to jail if they wanted me to learn a lesson, not pump me full of pharmaceutical drugs. I'm a naturalist and only do natural drugs. I dislike all man made drugs including things like tylenol.


Well-Known Member
well wow, if you just throw shit in your dad's house, of course he'll want you gone. not saying what your dad did is right, but if you want to make him look like the asshole, then you gotta be an angel. dont smoke weed in his house. dont throw the shit he bought you around. and if he still acts like that, then you can feel how you want


Well-Known Member
they had the right to call the cops, but the cops had no right to put me in the psych ward. I should have gone to jail if they wanted me to learn a lesson, not pump me full of pharmaceutical drugs. I'm a naturalist and only do natural drugs. I dislike all man made drugs including things like tylenol.
Very few stores around me sell Tylenol anymore.... Strange. You don't like LSD?


Well-Known Member
By choosing to live there over making your own way, regardless of how much sense it might make it is a choice you're making. You don't want to struggle and live on the streets? Fine, then follow the rules. It's pretty simple, really. When you have your place you can make it a rule that no one can have tylenol in your house. It makes about as much sense, but hey, the man worked for that shit, show the proper respect.


Well-Known Member
well, i have rather bit of difficulty thinking that a ex military guy accepts his son trying to treat him like his drill sargent (sic lol) did.

getting angry never helped a family dispute anyway,
you could scream all day at him, wouldnt matter, either you go all the way and break him and good luck with that before he throws you out.

nah, 13 i could beat the shit out of my dad if i wanted, never did, just made sure he knew (he was a violent bugger till i took him in a bearhold and he couldnt move, just tried a feeble attempt to crush my balls, guess you get really afraid when you find out the kid you been abusing is much stronger than you, i make him feel like a kid.)
he was disabled and i was a berserker (get angry, get superstrong) so not even close to a fair fight.

but i never hurt him, so he never kicked me out.

want to know how i made him better? after i moved out, i got tired of his incessant phoning me, worrying, nagging, getting angry and yelling at me.
so i said to him "dad, stop this shit or i wont ever talk to you again"

he didnt stop, so i didnt talk to him for 2 weeks, then he was a little better but began again, so i stopped talking again.
kept this up till he stopped getting angry and overexcited over everything.

just "dad, i cant talk to you, if you dont respect me too"

course i was moved out of his home, phone is alot easier.

but, instead of getting angry, you could walk out, everytime he gets angry.

just say "this is pointless, we arent getting anywhere, just angrier and angrier till it blows up, whats the point of that, im going out to cool myself and wait for you to cool down, when im coming back, we can talk, if you have calmed down"

cause your dad, might be worrying about you, but he´s also brainwashed and overafraid.
(wouldnt mention the brainwashed part, soldiers can be sensitive about that)
but i would mention how you feel about this, tell him what you know about weed and shit like that.

be the better man, end this.


Well-Known Member
Yo Nusky, you just have to roll with it, don't let it bother you, don't take it too seriously, realize he only truly wants the best for you, this is just his way of doing it. All parents struggle with parenting, it's a learning process just like anything else. The most effective way I discovered while dealing with a parents misguided process was showing them I can make the right decisions all on my own. Maybe that approach will work for you too. Show your dad some real research about cannabis, and when I say real, make sure it's a published scientific journal, something he won't be able to argue with. Show him you can be a productive stoner. The weight thing is probably, in his mind, linked to smoking weed, can't really blame him for that.. So show him you can be active, nay, weed MAKES you active! Go for a small jog or walk around the block after smoking a bowl, if he asks your motivation, tell him marijuana :D Show him it actually improves your mental state, your attitude. This is also a learning process on your part. He's family, I can pretty much guarantee you don't hate him, just dislike his decisions. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I KNOW I hate my dad...and NO, I don't live at home...in my case, he's an evil basterd.....Honor Thy Father my ass...I would'nt spit on his burning corpse, just because it might cool it down...I would'nt throw gas on it either, I'd rather him burn slowly....I would give up my left nut to watch him star in a snuff film....I wouldn't clip off a toenail to save his life....I hope he suffers a long and miserable remainder of his lonely pathedic excuse for a life.

...and if he's still hacking my shit, I hope he reads this too.


Well-Known Member
Well both of my parents are still breathing, but are dead to me, and have been for many years. When I was 16 I had a job and I got in one of many dramatic fights with them and my mother said, "then you should move out," apparently as a threat, but I took it as an offer. I immediately started looking for efficiencies I could afford, but made the mistake of letting her guilt me out of it. After that they wouldn't let me work. When I turned 18 after I graduated I busted my ass looking for a job, first one I found, I moved the fuck out. You want to be free? Get out. Is it easy? Fuck no, but goddamn sure worth it. For now, bite your tongue, and if your awake, be applying for a job until you get one. When you get one, work as many hours as they let you and put back for three pay checks (most places will want to see the last 3 paystubs). You don't need anything fancy, you just need it to be yours.


Well-Known Member
well, dont be around people that make you miserable.

basically my point with dad, told him "if you are going to be a miserable bitch, we won´t hang, you dig?"


Well-Known Member
...I love my family too...thats why the evil sperm donor will never spend any time with them...I love them too much to expose them to his insanity


Well-Known Member
...I love my family too...thats why the evil sperm donor will never spend any time with them...I love them too much to expose them to his insanity
Same here, I'll die before I let either of my 'parents' anywhere fucking near my kids.
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