I'm sure it's a good game and all, but come on, don't spam us with B.S.
Get real man, if you don't like my shit get lost, the internets a big place, even on RIU alone, lots of threads I don't post in.
Above is a link to a thread you started.
Everyone has there likes and dislikes and I actually come to RIU and other places to find out more about what other people are into- What you call spamming I would call supporting or promoting. Hey this is what I do, if you give a shit click on this, it's either me or my friend or someone I support or something I find interesting or funny- If you think I suck then don't waste your time because life is short and your time would be better spent doing something you enjoy. If there is anyone on RIU who has something going on I would love to see a thread about it so maybe I could learn something or find something new. If you work somewhere I would like to know more, if you have a hobby I would like to know more, if you think something is awesome or really sucks I would like to know more. FDD blows glass that's interesting, I can't do it but thats interesting to me, Great White North hunts, again I like reading the threads but I can't hunt, 420God has a Deer that's cool even though I don't like deer I'm glad theres a thread.
I'm going to start a new thread on Haters & Rap music and the first ammendment.
you showed me that andy really isn't that bad of a guy. i'd love to smoke you and him out some day.