FREE pipe #3

Lol and it was true... I watched this thread for fuckin' four hours on my phone til' I got home!

Now that's dedication...
Hmm...over 300 posts and no winner...Went out to dinner with my girlie and even stopped for frozen yogurt, and this thread is STILL going stong! I can't wait till I get my FDD spoon so I can post some pics and break 'er in!
Well I'm currently just gettin' twisted watchin' this thread and stupid shit on youtube... I like lauging... Hit or miss? I think this shit is hilarious!
Hmm...over 300 posts and no winner...Went out to dinner with my girlie and even stopped for frozen yogurt, and this thread is STILL going stong! I can't wait till I get my FDD spoon so I can post some pics and break 'er in!

LMAO! Exactly what I did.. except my girl was pissed because I just yupped her the whole time as my eyes were glued to my phone!

Damn, I'm desperate! Oh, well know your place...