Foliar feeding with the lights off?

but then it says this on foliar fedding:

"Foliar feeding is a technique of feeding plants by applying liquid fertilizer directly to their leaves.[1] It has been known for many years that plants are able to absorb essential elements through their leaves. The absorption takes place through the stomata of the leaves and also through the epidermis. Movement of elements is usually faster through the stomata, but the total absorption may be as great through the epidermis. Plants are also able to absorb nutrients through their bark."

so im confused
There are many environmental factors that also impact the effectiveness of foliar nutrient application. Generally, application during early morning or evening is most effective. Air temperatures less than 85 ºF and high humidity conditions favor nutrient adsorption into the leaf. Wind speed should be low to avoid missing the target plants and minimize drift. Nutrient application to young, actively growing tissue and buds is generally more effective than application to mature tissue.

Foliar application of macronutrients, such as N and K, can also be beneficial for meeting the complete plant nutritional requirement. For example, foliar application of K has been shown to help cotton meet the demand of the rapidly developing bolls when roots may not be capable of completely meeting demand. Additionally, foliar sprays of N fertilizer onto small grains such as wheat are sometimes beneficial in increasing the protein content of the seed.

found here!OpenDocument
I'm thinking you guys don't know how and the fuck to understand a question that was asked.. You don't wanna go pic for pic with me.. do ya?? Cause I bet you'll both be feeling like dumbass's when I get through with you, you should really go back to second grade and learn how to comprehend a question

i will pic for pic. although i did like your question. but ill go
but then it says this on foliar fedding:

"Foliar feeding is a technique of feeding plants by applying liquid fertilizer directly to their leaves.[1] It has been known for many years that plants are able to absorb essential elements through their leaves. The absorption takes place through the stomata of the leaves and also through the epidermis. Movement of elements is usually faster through the stomata, but the total absorption may be as great through the epidermis. Plants are also able to absorb nutrients through their bark."

so im confused

*i feel the same.. rub your belly while your pattn ur forehead while standing on one foo.. hopping... also while saying "rubber bumpy, bumpy bumpers".. lmfao
maybe you should learn to read asswipe i said that you dont always burn plants with your lights depending on how intense they are if your using an hps you better spray as the lights kick on or your fucked and i dont care what you say i've seen it with my own eyes many many times. Asking about foliar feeding with lights off is just dumb, it says all over the fucking internet the answer to your question it says it in cervantes book on growin, it says it everywhere in the NOOB areas of all the growing websites. I dont know what else to tell you but that maybe you should change the thread name and reword your original question if thats not what you were talking about. good day to you sir.

And don't come on here actin like you know something cause you DON'T!!!! God I hate dueche bag's like you guys. And I really hate to burst your bubble but it's NOT a fact that you will burn your plants by spraying them with the lights on DUMBASS!!
your not gonna burn them that way because your drying up the water. I even said if you shake your plants off and you spray RIGHT when your HPS kicks on you wont burn, but you gotta do it RIGHT away, outside is a different story you can get away with spraying in the middle of the day sometimes.

u dont burn your plants if u foliar feed when lights are on as long as u have good air movment aka oscilating fans. the water drops dont stay in the same place for very long do to the air movement. so its not a fact that u will burn your plants.
which is why like i said you spray in the ass am as your lights turn on before they hit full intensity or you spray right the fuck before they turn off this way you dont burn them because your not blasting them with light for a long period with water drops there. Says it in every grow book ive ever read, and every grow tutorial i've ever read, not that i needed them to tell me that... If you know anything about how plants take in food it kinda makes sense....

thanks for posting that canna
*so you want science eh.. well foliar feeding in the dark will not work, --thats what the stomatas told me...

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--anymore advanced Qs? ;) ..if not.. feel free to bite my shiny metal ass ;)
which is why like i said you spray in the ass am as your lights turn on before they hit full intensity or you spray right the fuck before they turn off this way you dont burn them because your not blasting them with light for a long period with water drops there. Says it in every grow book ive ever read, and every grow tutorial i've ever read, not that i needed them to tell me that... If you know anything about how plants take in food it kinda makes sense....

thanks for posting that canna

*like i said, im here to troll the AMC forum :) haha

Holy fuck really????? I asked a simple question... DOES THE PLANT EAT FOOD WHEN FOLIAR FED AND LIGHTS ARE OFF?? Really not that hard of a question, I know what foliar feeding is and how it works!!! You people need to learn how to comprehend a question... I see why people come onto this forum and get discouraged by getting answers from people like you guys..
Holy fuck really????? I asked a simple question... DOES THE PLANT EAT FOOD WHEN FOLIAR FED AND LIGHTS ARE OFF?? Really not that hard of a question, I know what foliar feeding is and how it works!!! You people need to learn how to comprehend a question... I see why people come onto this forum and get discouraged by getting answers from people like you guys..


I think toyota just pwnt u belief is that yes, plants will consume in the dark, but minimaly. The best consumption rate occurs in the presence if a catalyst, such as light. While higher temps will increase the rate, the optimum rate of consumption is with the presence of a light source. Hope that was helpful...btw, u show em blood, they'll sharks...stress free.
I'm going to put an end to all this nonsense. It is pointless to spray plants during lights off. Research has shown that stomatal activity is at its highest during the early hours of lights on and the later hours or right before lights off. If you spray your plants at night the only thing you're going to do is add to the relative humidity and if in flower you're going to increase the chance of Bud mold. However this last statement is contingent on proper air circulation.also you can spray your plants under hids if you use a light spreader that eliminates hotspots thus eliminating burning. And again proper air circulation is necessary for spraying any plants in any environment during a lighted period. and as stated in a previous post a couple times throughout the entire threadis in regards to bulbs breaking when moisture hits them. I feel obligated to raise caution to the grower who chooses to foliar and use the hide system take adequate measures and possibly raise your lights and increase your air circulation if only for 10 minutes then lower lights back to where they were.
Noob here and very good question. You guys forget that guys like me review these posts ALL the time to gain info.
Max, well done to defend yourself and thanks for all the info. It's something I've wondered but hadn't asked. Now I don't need to!

What I have noticed is some people shouldnt post so much rude shit on another persons post. No question is a bad question. A sarcastic, inaccurate answer gets the post off topic and makes you look like a douche :)

Hope you got the answer you were looking for Maxx. Now someone go teach the newbie forum now to not fuck up germing seeds :p
Hey I'm not an expert or scientist so ain't gonna post load of scientific data to overwhelm anyone, just gonna say from my experience. This my first post so go easy on me, I been growing n using this website for few years now bout time I came out of the shadows and made an account !

This post may be dead now, but jus saying I foliar feed when lights go off because I feared water droplets would act as magnify glass and light would cause burn spots. Even after an hour, all the plants felt dry not wet, so they must be absorbing in the dark? Generally my plants do well so was hard to tell if was making a difference, but I did have a plant that was doing poorly on my last run and after a few foliage sprays of small amount of kelp that plant picked up pretty quickly.
Also I turned my fan away just to make sure the water wasn't being blown off.
See people saying on here with backed up data that plants absorb foliage feed better when temps are lower and humidity higher ( unless I read that wrong) so makes sense when in the dark as it gets cooler and humidity rises?
I see people saying about an hour or two before lights on. Would probably be best, but if you're an indoor grower like me, and have your lights off during the day, how the hell do you get in there without messing up their light schedule lol. And how do you see without a green light, I would cause damage if I went in there with no vision!
wow, such astounding stupidity

for anyone that doesnt know.
yes you should foliar feed at night, yes it will work