So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?
So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?
So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?
seriously OP posted this in advanced WOW.... ok lets start with some real simple facts, foliar feed with your lights on your plants get sun spots, also you can blow your bulbs up when water vapor contacts them. Ok so now that we've cleared that up when is the best time to foliar feed, FUCKIN WITH YOUR LIGHTS OFF lol jesus man is this noob day or something? Shit or at least foliar feed as your light kicks on so its not blazingly hot and light intensive while you spray if you must spray with them on or your GOING to burn your plants ITS A FACT.
Now to the feeding question of it, your plants eat less during the middle of the night they grow the most though, idealy you foliar feed right before sun up man, think about it as if it was an outdoor plant and try to replicate that inside. Thats all you have to do to grow ANYTHING inside try to replicate its environment it thrives in from outside. Not to hard is it?
Common sense guys, lets try to keep the noob questions for the noob area
ADVANCE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION. Foliar feeding is something you should know about before steppin into this arena.
seriously OP posted this in advanced WOW.... ok lets start with some real simple facts, foliar feed with your lights on your plants get sun spots, also you can blow your bulbs up when water vapor contacts them. Ok so now that we've cleared that up when is the best time to foliar feed, FUCKIN WITH YOUR LIGHTS OFF lol jesus man is this noob day or something? Shit or at least foliar feed as your light kicks on so its not blazingly hot and light intensive while you spray if you must spray with them on or your GOING to burn your plants ITS A FACT.
Now to the feeding question of it, your plants eat less during the middle of the night they grow the most though, idealy you foliar feed right before sun up man, think about it as if it was an outdoor plant and try to replicate that inside. Thats all you have to do to grow ANYTHING inside try to replicate its environment it thrives in from outside. Not to hard is it?
Common sense guys, lets try to keep the noob questions for the noob area
ADVANCE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION. Foliar feeding is something you should know about before steppin into this arena.
And don't come on here actin like you know something cause you DON'T!!!! God I hate dueche bag's like you guys. And I really hate to burst your bubble but it's NOT a fact that you will burn your plants by spraying them with the lights on DUMBASS!!