Foliar feeding with the lights off?


Well-Known Member
So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?
So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?

Im curious about this too, i know my plants drink a little during the night since when i get up in the morning just as my lights are turning on, my water level in my dwc has dropped
So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?

*you seriously gonna ask that Q in the "Advanced Cultivation Forum"... /facepalm


well ill let the many RIU gurus answer this for ya ;)

(sorry.. im on my rag.. dont mind me.. cheers)
So I'm a big fan of foliar feeding but I never really thought about this... If you foliar feed in the dark period, does the plant actually eat the food?

your foliar spraying should be taking place about 2 hours left in dark period. i hope u dont foliar feed right when the lights go off.
if u think about what u asked you will get it right.
well I do it sometimes in the middle of the dark cycle and sometimes when the lights are on... just wanted to see if I was wasting my time doing it with the lights out? Plants don't photosynthesize with the lights of so will the eat with the lights off?? Or maybe when the lights just go off?
So im trying to dig up some data on the subject and i found this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dr. H.B. Tukey, renowned plant researcher and head of the Michigan State University (MSU) Department of Horticulture in the 1950s, working with research colleague S.H. Wittwer at MSU, first proved conclusively that foliar feeding of plant nutrients really works. Researching possible peaceful uses of atomic energy in agriculture, they used radioactive phosphorus and radiopotassium to spray plants, then measured with a Geiger counter the absorption, movement, and utilization of these and other nutrients within plants. They found plant nutrients moved at the rate of about one foot per hour to all parts of the plants."[2]
Foliar feeding is considered especially useful for introducing trace elements, or for "emergency" feeding of plants which are found to have a specific shortage. But in some cases, with tomatoes, for example, it is believed that foliar feeding during flower set causes a dramatic increase in fruit production.

reminds me of that simpsons epiosde with the tamaco
seriously OP posted this in advanced WOW.... ok lets start with some real simple facts, foliar feed with your lights on your plants get sun spots, also you can blow your bulbs up when water vapor contacts them. Ok so now that we've cleared that up when is the best time to foliar feed, FUCKIN WITH YOUR LIGHTS OFF lol jesus man is this noob day or something? Shit or at least foliar feed as your light kicks on so its not blazingly hot and light intensive while you spray if you must spray with them on or your GOING to burn your plants ITS A FACT.

Now to the feeding question of it, your plants eat less during the middle of the night they grow the most though, idealy you foliar feed right before sun up man, think about it as if it was an outdoor plant and try to replicate that inside. Thats all you have to do to grow ANYTHING inside try to replicate its environment it thrives in from outside. Not to hard is it?

Common sense guys, lets try to keep the noob questions for the noob area

ADVANCE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION. Foliar feeding is something you should know about before steppin into this arena.
seriously OP posted this in advanced WOW.... ok lets start with some real simple facts, foliar feed with your lights on your plants get sun spots, also you can blow your bulbs up when water vapor contacts them. Ok so now that we've cleared that up when is the best time to foliar feed, FUCKIN WITH YOUR LIGHTS OFF lol jesus man is this noob day or something? Shit or at least foliar feed as your light kicks on so its not blazingly hot and light intensive while you spray if you must spray with them on or your GOING to burn your plants ITS A FACT.

Now to the feeding question of it, your plants eat less during the middle of the night they grow the most though, idealy you foliar feed right before sun up man, think about it as if it was an outdoor plant and try to replicate that inside. Thats all you have to do to grow ANYTHING inside try to replicate its environment it thrives in from outside. Not to hard is it?

Common sense guys, lets try to keep the noob questions for the noob area

ADVANCE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION. Foliar feeding is something you should know about before steppin into this arena.

are you guys NOT understanding the question? DO THE PLANTS EAT THE FOOD WHEN THE LIGHT ARE OFF?? And hate to tell you that i'm nowhere close to being a "noob" so I really don't like people talking shit on MY thread... I own 3 houses as a part of my business of gardening and have been doing this for many years.. So watch who the fuck your talking shit too
I'm thinking you guys don't know how and the fuck to understand a question that was asked.. You don't wanna go pic for pic with me.. do ya?? Cause I bet you'll both be feeling like dumbass's when I get through with you, you should really go back to second grade and learn how to comprehend a question
seriously OP posted this in advanced WOW.... ok lets start with some real simple facts, foliar feed with your lights on your plants get sun spots, also you can blow your bulbs up when water vapor contacts them. Ok so now that we've cleared that up when is the best time to foliar feed, FUCKIN WITH YOUR LIGHTS OFF lol jesus man is this noob day or something? Shit or at least foliar feed as your light kicks on so its not blazingly hot and light intensive while you spray if you must spray with them on or your GOING to burn your plants ITS A FACT.

Now to the feeding question of it, your plants eat less during the middle of the night they grow the most though, idealy you foliar feed right before sun up man, think about it as if it was an outdoor plant and try to replicate that inside. Thats all you have to do to grow ANYTHING inside try to replicate its environment it thrives in from outside. Not to hard is it?

Common sense guys, lets try to keep the noob questions for the noob area

ADVANCE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION. Foliar feeding is something you should know about before steppin into this arena.

And don't come on here actin like you know something cause you DON'T!!!! God I hate dueche bag's like you guys. And I really hate to burst your bubble but it's NOT a fact that you will burn your plants by spraying them with the lights on DUMBASS!!
IDK to be honest, but it really doesn't matter. The water might evaporate, but the *food* doesn't and they will eat it whenever, lights on or off, till it gets washed off.

I just don't foliar feed indoors. One good bout of PM/bud rot cured my love of the mist bottle. But, when I had my orchid nursery, it was the only way to feed, roots and foliage. I also did it in daylight, usually early AM, but not always.

And don't come on here actin like you know something cause you DON'T!!!! God I hate dueche bag's like you guys. And I really hate to burst your bubble but it's NOT a fact that you will burn your plants by spraying them with the lights on DUMBASS!!

*isnt online RIU debate madness fun fun fun... errr more like screaming matches., dont get aggravated max316 :) its not you we are "attacking" its your proposed idea.. so dont get mad!! DEBATE!!!

u dont burn your plants if u foliar feed when lights are on as long as u have good air movment aka oscilating fans. the water drops dont stay in the same place for very long do to the air movement. so its not a fact that u will burn your plants.
*so you want science eh.. well foliar feeding in the dark will not work, --thats what the stomatas told me...


--anymore advanced Qs? ;) ..if not.. feel free to bite my shiny metal ass ;)
from wiki:

"In botany, a stoma (also stomate; plural stomata) is a pore, found in the leaf and stem epidermis that is used for gas exchange. The pore is bordered by a pair of specialized parenchyma cells known as guard cells which are responsible for regulating the size of the opening. The term stoma is also used collectively to refer to an entire stomatal complex, both the pore itself and its accompanying guard cells.[1] Air containing carbon dioxide and oxygen enters the plant through these openings where it is used in photosynthesis and respiration, respectively. Oxygen produced by photosynthesis in the spongy layer cells (parenchyma cells with pectin) of the leaf interior exits through these same openings. Also, water vapor is released into the atmosphere through these pores in a process called transpiration."

Where does it say anything about chemical compounds like N, P, or K. From what that says those spores deal with gas. Does your spray turn to gas?