First Time Grow Journal from: Seed to Harvest - seeds from Attitude Seed Bank


Well-Known Member

Well I finally got around to getting some decent shots of the current progress. I believe I am seeing pre-flowers.....I could be feel free to eye fuck it as best you

I added the following nute soup recipe - Week #1 with CO2 running -------
Sensi Bloom A/B
Roots Excelurator - instead of Sensizym -
Voodoo Juice
Bud Candy
Bud Ignitor
Rhino Skin
Bud Factor X
The root mass has started to EXPLODE!! The GIRLS (hopefully).....are loving the nute soup.....still have a ton to learn about the independant strains..which makes it pretty damn difficult for a rookie to dial in - its a JOB...but thankfully I got the RIU community to lean it's all good!

The pics are of the 3 in the 5gal buckets - Tangerine Dream - (the short one), LSD (the taller one), and White Widow (the bush). - Under 1,000watt BadAss HPS 140,000 LUMENS!

The other 3 in the grow cabinet are 2x White Widow - and 1 - Pineapple Express <- all sharing the same reservoir...seem to be liking each other - 250watt HPS

Enjoy the pics and can't wait to see some premature bud formation!!!!!! ubber excited to say the least.




Active Member
Sensi Bloom A/B
Roots Excelurator - instead of Sensizym -
Voodoo Juice
Bud Candy
Bud Ignitor
Rhino Skin
Bud Factor X
Once again my dood, I'ma say BALLER STATUS for all those nutes from AN (even IF you get a hook up on the price, that's still baller IMHO). Also curious why you went with "Roots Excelurator" or "Sensiymn". Why not stick with the nutes from the AN family?

Anywhoo&#8230;&#8230;&#8230; pic 10 of 16 (sorry i'm a lil buzz not sure which one that is) is one bushy ass biotch!!!!! :weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Big Mike at AN spoke with me and we chatted for a bit about his own product and he advised to go with Roots Excelurator -- said it was a better product and more concentrated. It rocks no doubt! And I did some Foliar Spray of Neem Oil - I used 1/2 tsp of dish soap and 1 tsp of Neem Oil to 1 quart of water - the dish soap acts as an emulsifier...and use it every 2-4weeks - thanks for the kind words....wouldn't stress out too much about your plant - mine have had the same looks as yours with the fan leaves - it settles down after a while....


Well-Known Member
Here is an update - Day 6 Flowering --

I'm hoping my Bonsai plant is a Female - still can't tell really......the Tangerine Dream & LSD are for sure Females! So I am stoked as hell.....but that damn WW bush I can't tell yet.....anyone look at see if you can tell yet?bongsmilie

I also did a fresh rez change out and mixed up a batch of nute soup....
WEEK #2 Nutes @ 1230PPM PH: 5.6
Sensi Bloom A/B
Roots Excelurator - instead of Sensizym -
Voodoo Juice
Bud Candy
Bud Ignitor
Rhino Skin
Bud Factor X
Big Bud - introduced

I also changed out the rez in the grow cabinet - same nute soup as above - I have 2 white widow & 1 pineapple express - they all seem to be female and I am stoked as hell about that too! Growth is looking damn good!

Fuckin happiest time of my life thus far - growing is addicting as hell - creating life - without all the phone calls in the middle of the night or some asshole kid dating your daughter, etc...HAHAH:mrgreen:



313 Kronix

Active Member
Is that the WW in the middle picture on the top row? If so, I am pretty sure that I see pistils on the third node down on the branch on the right side.

They are all looking really good though bro.


Well-Known Member
No, it's IMG: 56, 57, & 62......the one you're referencing is the LSD...pic #49 I believe.... I will take more pics of it in a couple days and see if there is any noticeable change.



Well-Known Member
WOW!! I noticed A LOT of new growth! in only 3 days!!:lol:
Got me some SKYWALKER this shit is fuckin mind I am just BAKED!.....:bigjoint:
Here are pics of the 3 in the 5gal buckets, the 6 in veg inside 5gal buckets, & the 3 inside the grow cabinet. I just checked the water level and noticed all the FLOWERING plants are drinking on average about 1.5gallons a day now!

LSD - 24" pic#70,63 WW= 20"- is it MALE?:confused: pic#64,62,61 Tangerine Dream- 12" pic#65 - really filling out! lots of lateral branching!

Here is updated pics of all plants in Flowering & Veggin........



313 Kronix

Active Member
WOW!! I noticed A LOT of new growth! in only 3 days!!:lol:
Got me some SKYWALKER this shit is fuckin mind I am just BAKED!.....:bigjoint:
Here are pics of the 3 in the 5gal buckets, the 6 in veg inside 5gal buckets, & the 3 inside the grow cabinet. I just checked the water level and noticed all the FLOWERING plants are drinking on average about 1.5gallons a day now!

LSD - 24" pic#70,63 WW= 20"- is it MALE?:confused: pic#64,62,61 Tangerine Dream- 12" pic#65 - really filling out! lots of lateral branching!

Here is updated pics of all plants in Flowering & Veggin........

I can't see any signs of male or female on your WW yet. I'm still waiting for signs of sex determination on a few of mine as well and I'm on day 12. Hopefully this doesn't mean that they are going to take extra long during flowering.


Well-Known Member
313Kronix: believe it or not I am using my cell phone! Just normal settings......yeah that WW is just chilling for 9 Days.....hopefully it will reveal itself soon! <female> can only hope!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Update the BUSHY White Widow- I checked it early this morning before lights out.....IT WAS A MALE!! & 1 in the grow cabinet was a MALE so I chopped both of them out. I did end up with 1 female White Widow. So I have 1xLSD, 1xTangerine Dream, 1xWW, & 1x Pineapple Express left Flowering at the moment........

I have 6 still vegging which include: 1xWhite Widow, 2xTangerine Dream, 2xLSD, 1xMoby Dick..............they all look really swell.



Well-Known Member
I still have a WW in Flower & Veg....and the one in Veg is showing sex already as FEM so yeah I am good to go......just got to get my cloning method down.


Well-Known Member
Here we are at the start of WK#3 ---Day 13 ------heading into Day 14.......Fresh Rez change out with some fresh pics!

Nutes up to 1490ish PPM; 5.6PH; Temp 75 inside tent @ 50%RH; Rez Temp: 68

Nutes @ WK#3-
Sensi Bloom A/B
Big Bud
*B52 - Introduced
Bud Candy
*Nirvana- Introduced
Roots Excelurator - instead of Sensizym thru whole grow
Rhino Skin
Bud Factor X

Everything is looking good so far........just watching the BUD development......:mrgreen::hump:

I can say that this LSD went from 8" at the beginning of Day 1 Flower and now @ Day 13 it has grown to 30"!!! The Tangerine Dream is now at 15" and looking Great!

The WW & Pineapple Express are also doing really well at 20" w/good pre-bud development.




Well-Known Member
You have an awesome setup bro. I hope everything continues to do great throughout the rest of the flowering process. I look forward to seeing some major buds on these girls.



New Member
Looks good bro, my Tangerine Dream died, I read a lot of problems growing that strain with mediocre yields so I never replanted the other beans. Might never don't know.



Well-Known Member
~Flowering Day 16~
Well I must say my thumb is getting greener everyday! I swear I should just post up in my tent with a small cot and chill with I think I spend more time in my tent than I do with my girl sometimes...hahah.....but she isn't 3 days the LSD has grown another 6 fuckin inches! Total Height - a YARD stick! and I started flowering her when she was 8"! I love this shit....I feel like when I go open my tent I am in the Amazon Rainforest just soaking in all the foliage......what a great smell and wonderful sight!:leaf:

LSD= 36" Tangerine Dream=17" - shorter but freakin BuSh! the other 2 in the GrowCab = White Widow & Pineapple Express -are rockin at 25"!! I realize these are not monsters but for my VERY FIRST Grow, shit I am just stoked as hell.

But the Bud sites.......HOLY SHIT- They are EVERYWHERE!! Bud Ignitor- It is the simply works....I'm a believer......I will leave it at that.:clap:

Here are the pictures without the damn HPS fuckin it up! And they are drinking like a AA straight out of REHAB!! 1.5-2.0 gallons every 48hours! LOVE IT!!

Thanks for all you guys support here at RIU.....and my trimmings after the TRIM REAPER!......I will use 190 & 220micron bubble bags & 3lbs of Dry Ice! It is the REAL DEAL for some serious HASH!

Enough are the latest pictures, enjoy!


