
i uset to beleeve in satan until one nite i coudlnt sleep and went down stairs real quiet and wached my mom n dad put the prsents under the tree. They stil leeve cokies for satan but i steel them al.
in christian religion yes....he was one of gods favorites....till he got jealous..........

thats what always got me is how he could "revolt" because they say angels had no will, they did as god what made lucifer so special to feel all these extra emotions????
Just check out the old testament.

OLD TESTAMENT = Not really proof that those villagers killed children and animals for worship since the old testament is just one mans story book that the church claims is the true story. Actual proof would be historical execution documents or historical documents from prisons, which since supposedly God killed them that would mean there is no actual proof that these individuals where wound guilty of committing the crime, and yes even back then there had to of been some type of government and law enforcement. So even if the situation happened the government should have stepped in instead of your so-called God.
in christian religion yes....he was one of gods favorites....till he got jealous..........

thats what always got me is how he could "revolt" because they say angels had no will, they did as god what made lucifer so special to feel all these extra emotions????

the words omnipotent god came to mind of he is all knowing than he would of had to have know what was to unfold satan could not have like suprized him but rather just anther puppet my religion there is a saying the all is mind the unvirse is mental ...u can go deep with it or just take it as where all in the mind of god ..
Ur fuk in the head if i ever saw any of use i will slit ur fkin throat u fkin piece of shit satan is a weak faggot thts y gods in charge and satans in the ground hideing like a bitch
another dumbass gods in charge im nt even christian and i even no satan is no match he was jst a littlt faggot serving god and had a tantrem so god booted his ass owt hahhahahahaha
fuk up u all r allshit so fuk ur idiodic mouth up this is a mj forum nt a dumbass forum u ignorent bastard

IM IGNORANT!!! lol fuck u buddy im not the one goin into other ppls threads (in the spirituality section mind you) and bashing ppl for things im clueless about