Internet connection problems.. any computer network guru's around?


Well-Known Member
my internet connection works find in the early morning hours..

and usually around this time in the afternoon it works..

right now, its working.. but its incredibly SLOOOWWW.

my ISP (COX, which they're a bunch of brainless idiots IMO) tell me I needed a new splitter.. because the problem, when I can't connect.. seems to be with the modem. I bought a new splitter.. that didn't change anything at all. Still same problem...

Soooo, today I went ahead and paid the money for the a new SurfBoard Cable Modem. I installed the modem per directions.. and I STILL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM.

The modem, even the new one.. its weird when it happens. The old modem, the green lights on the front of it... would reset (the modem in other words) itself.. and then the modem would start over, lighting up each light one at a time, like I had manually unplugged the power cord.. and plugged it back in. Once that happens.. I know I'm about to lose my internet connection for a while.

Well, even with the NEW modem.. its still doing it. I finally got so mad I called my ISP and talked to a technician on the phone.. and wound up doing/trying all the shit that I'VE already tried.. over and over and over and over and over again... which of course, once again.. none of those 'methods' worked to fix the problem.

They're sending out a technician this coming Friday.. and I don't know when I'll have a connection and when I won't, so I may not be around much until this shit gets fixed on Friday..

I personally think its on THEIR end.. my ISP is the problem.

I mean, even the new modem is having problems keeping me connected.

But anyhow, if anyone has experienced this before and knows how to fix it.. or knows what the problem here might be, please.. by all means, help a fellow RIU toker out would ya??

I've been dealing with this internet connection problem issue for almost 3 months now.. and I'm on my last nerve with this whole situation/problem. So any help would be great.

Your PC is connected directly to the modem, or is there a router or hub involved as well?

So even when it does work, it's always slow?

Make/model/age of the PC?

Could be a lot of things. I have issues with my own computer, and I am a retired software developer. I know what my issue is though, and you could have a similar problem. I have a fan on my laptop's graphics board, located under the keyboard. I also have 3 cats lol. When it gets clogged up the fan doesn't work right, it overheats, and everything runs real slow. I have to open it up and blow it out.

Now, the chances that you have that exact problem are probably slim but the point is, the problem is not always obvious.
It depends on the node you are located. I worked at Comcast for 5 years before my current job as a High Speed Data Engineer on their backbone. The nodes have limited bandwidth depending on the Qam channels or if they are digital maybe Docsis 3.0?

It's typical to be fast early morning most people and kids are school and work, later more and more get on your node and drain the bandwidth. Your ISP should be monitoring this traffic and splitting nodes or adding another UBR (universal broadband router) in the head-end to off load some people.

Not knowing the specifics that is what I can diagnose, if you call Cox they probably won't be able to help. Sure they will ping your modem, make sure the noise levels are in check and any node problems but the speeds that you pay for are "up to" speeds not constant (many confuse this) and its specifically written that way for a reason.

See if other ISP providers are in your area, ATT Uverse or VIOS are nice options if you have them. They are pipes to your modem not shared for the most part, I have Uverse now with 20M down and 1.5M up and I always get that no matter what time.
isn't cox cable? Cable internet is shared with your neighbors. Maybe they're all fucking leeches or your network is huge? Try uncapping your surfboard

I had problems with my DSL line where it'd keep disconnecting on me specially during medium to heavy winds. Happened for years. kept getting BS answers till finally a second technician came (the first guy just tightened the grounds and left) realized we have a random second line coming in, switched us to the other line and we haven't had any problems at all.

So its probably your line
Your PC is connected directly to the modem, or is there a router or hub involved as well?

exactly what i was going to ask. did you run a speed test? if you are hardwired and getting less than 60% of your provisioned speed it's probably on their end unless something changed recently with your computer or andtivirus software. no one can say over the phone that you need a new splitter, that makes me want to slap someone. can you get into the diagnostic page of your modem to check the signals?
Do you have cable television with Cox? Are you noticing any problems with your cable t.v. reception? If you are then it could be as simple as a low signal coming either from the main line or the drop to your house. If you notice issues with your t.v. service, make sure to point it out to the technician. Sometimes they overlook that. The fact that you changed out the splitter and the modem makes me think it's a signal issue and don't let them charge you for that. That's THEIR problem, not yours.

Also how many cable outlets do you have in the house that have active service running to them? The more you have the more the signal is degraded. You might want to invest in a signal booster. But, wait for the technician. He should be able to fix it.
exactly what i was going to ask. did you run a speed test? if you are hardwired and getting less than 60% of your provisioned speed it's probably on their end unless something changed recently with your computer or andtivirus software. no one can say over the phone that you need a new splitter, that makes me want to slap someone. can you get into the diagnostic page of your modem to check the signals?

plenty of web sites to do speed test too. just search for broadband speed test
Do you have cable television with Cox? Are you noticing any problems with your cable t.v. reception? If you are then it could be as simple as a low signal coming either from the main line or the drop to your house. If you notice issues with your t.v. service, make sure to point it out to the technician. Sometimes they overlook that. The fact that you changed out the splitter and the modem makes me think it's a signal issue and don't let them charge you for that. That's THEIR problem, not yours.

Also how many cable outlets do you have in the house that have active service running to them? The more you have the more the signal is degraded. You might want to invest in a signal booster. But, wait for the technician. He should be able to fix it.

Yea your problem was probably the same as mine. You have two lines, one for internet and one for TV. BUT they're supposed to be on the SAME line. For some reason the internet line is FUBARd and when they switch it to the TV line it should work fine just like your TV. But thats without any response to the quoted text. But its something you should keep in mind when the guy comes.
Morning everyone! :D

I took a chance, just on a hunch... that might internet may work this morning.

It's freaking weird though... even with the old modem, which I still have... it would work fine early in the morning too! I have no issues early in the morning, with connecting to the internet. Now, with that said.. I'll be able to stay on here for about 3 to 4 hours and then it will die on me.. and if I try reconnecting after that happens, it's not going to work. But, if I wait.. after the morning session of using the internet... and try to get back on around 3 to 5pm this afternoon.. it'll probably work.. but only for a certain amount of time, before it dies as well. And just like before, once it dies... there is no getting back onto the internet.

It's driving me mad!! My ISP technician says that they'll just have to send someone out to fix the problem.

Well, I have a problem with that. Why? Well, because I have an 8-week Snow White that's got about a week left before its ready to harvest.. but the tech is coming tomorrow between 10am and 12pm.. I don't need this excitement.. and I don't need anyone coming over here gah damn it!

It almost makes me think that either the local cyber taskforce has my line tapped.. (my internet connection) and their recording every move I make.. OR.. it just happens to be a coincidence that the tech didn't know what was wrong.. and just happens to have to send out a tech to my house.

Here's the other thing.. this new modem that they gave me, is a complete piece of shit IMO. It doesn't even have the 'standby' button on top like my old one does..

I dunno. It just seems suspicious to me.. :|
It depends on the node you are located. I worked at Comcast for 5 years before my current job as a High Speed Data Engineer on their backbone. The nodes have limited bandwidth depending on the Qam channels or if they are digital maybe Docsis 3.0?

It's typical to be fast early morning most people and kids are school and work, later more and more get on your node and drain the bandwidth. Your ISP should be monitoring this traffic and splitting nodes or adding another UBR (universal broadband router) in the head-end to off load some people.

Not knowing the specifics that is what I can diagnose, if you call Cox they probably won't be able to help. Sure they will ping your modem, make sure the noise levels are in check and any node problems but the speeds that you pay for are "up to" speeds not constant (many confuse this) and its specifically written that way for a reason.

See if other ISP providers are in your area, ATT Uverse or VIOS are nice options if you have them. They are pipes to your modem not shared for the most part, I have Uverse now with 20M down and 1.5M up and I always get that no matter what time.

But I've got unlimited bandwidth bro... :| I shouldn't be limited at all.. I'm paying $90/monthly for my internet/tv-cable service combined.. its like some bundle package that lame ass Cox carries.

ATT or VIOS eh? I'll have too look into that.

I mean, I'm trying to start/run a business online as well... I actually had a customer contact me yesterday about one of my items for sale, and now.. I can't get the customer to contact me back, which means they've given up and probably don't want it! Which means I just lost a $200.00 fucking SALE!! Because of my ISP! Ugggghh... :|
Yea your problem was probably the same as mine. You have two lines, one for internet and one for TV. BUT they're supposed to be on the SAME line. For some reason the internet line is FUBARd and when they switch it to the TV line it should work fine just like your TV. But thats without any response to the quoted text. But its something you should keep in mind when the guy comes.

Yeah, but see.. even though I have my tv and my modem cable connected to the same point on the wall... I have a splitter than COX themselves told me I would have to have, because no other ones were strong enough or whatever. So, of course.. I bought a new one of those as well as a new modem. Neither one of those 'fixes' - fixed anything.. :|

I'm still having the same freaking issues.

I dunno though, I mean.. I'm happy as hell that at least its working 40% of the time.. at least I was able to get on like I usually do once I get back home from the Methadone clinic. It's part of my daily 'routine' you know?? and suddenly not being able to follow that routine absolutely sucks.. lol. It literally throws me off track, so to speak.

I guess I'll just see what the tech tells me tomorrow. He's in for a surprise though, if he thinks I'm just totally oblivious whenever it comes to computers/networks. I know a lot of about them.. but this situation here, I have not a clue whats causing it. SO, I hope he doesn't try and tell me that its my setup or my settings on my computer, because I guarantee you that its not on my end.. its on their end somewhere. That's what I think anyhow..

thanks for all the input/help guys.

If you have Fios in your area, maybe check into them, that's what I have, and everything is really fast. And it's fiber optics. Cox, Comcast, Roadrunner, Charter, etc... all use a shared cable connection, the more people are on the internet in your area, the slower it is, because it is a shared connection. Fios is not a shared line. It is kinda pricey though, I pay about $160 a month for cable, internet, and a land line phone. I do have a lot of tv channels though, and can download or upload an entire movie in a matter of a minute or 2 depending on how big it is...
If you have Fios in your area, maybe check into them, that's what I have, and everything is really fast. And it's fiber optics. Cox, Comcast, Roadrunner, Charter, etc... all use a shared cable connection, the more people are on the internet in your area, the slower it is, because it is a shared connection. Fios is not a shared line. It is kinda pricey though, I pay about $160 a month for cable, internet, and a land line phone. I do have a lot of tv channels though, and can download or upload an entire movie in a matter of a minute or 2 depending on how big it is...

Good God man! You serious with that? No exaggerations?

ouch though.. ouch.. $160/month is a bit high for me. I could do maybe $100 to $120.. $120 is really pushing it though.. I mean, that would be like the MOST, down to the penny.. that I could do each month.

I wish I had the money for a freaking dedicated T1 or even a dedicated T3!! muuuaahahahahah!

My brother inlaw, who runs/owns his own litigation company.. his office building is wired up for a T3 fiber-optic dedicated line.. and was over there at his office the other day while they installed it.. they, being him.. he's certified by Microsoft.. he's a computer/network/programming genius! He finished it up the other day.. and let me tell ya.. HOLY SHIT. I didn't even know the internet was capable of GOING that fast to begin with!

Dude downloaded, just to show me how quick it really was.. he downloaded the entire box set of 'The Sopranos' in a matter of 2 to 3 minutes. I don't remember how big the file was.. but I know it was in the gigabyte range.

I could never afford that for sure though.. he's paying like an outrageous amount per month for that dedicated line. He gets a monthly discount though, since he's been using the same ISP for like 10 years or something like that. But, even with the discount, I think he's still shelling out around $2500/month for the line.

Crazy fast..

I know there are faster lines, such as VPN/OC3/OC12 - But those, yeah.. the price of those is downright scary. LOL.

But yeah, thanks for the help beasto.

appreciate it.

There are cheaper plans, I have a triple plan, phone, cable, and internet, and the 2nd best one (at the time of signing up), there are cheaper ones, I think that start at like $69.95 or somewhere around there, maybe less, they always offer deals for the 1st year, then you get raped like I am after the year is up... I have 50mg/25mg download/upload speeds. I downloaded the entire The Office seasons 1-7, with each season being over 1gb, about 8gb total, in like 5 minutes. I got every wwf/wwe ppv which was 60gb, in 1 hour about. We only have 3 choices in my area, Comcast, Fios, and Dish Network. We had Comcast, and having to talk to tech support every week got a little annoying. I talked to Fios 3 times in 3 years, the initial hookup, the renewal, and I wanted to know how to get the caller id on the tv.

I like the service, but the prices are a little much after the 1st year....

Good God man! You serious with that? No exaggerations?

ouch though.. ouch.. $160/month is a bit high for me. I could do maybe $100 to $120.. $120 is really pushing it though.. I mean, that would be like the MOST, down to the penny.. that I could do each month.

I wish I had the money for a freaking dedicated T1 or even a dedicated T3!! muuuaahahahahah!

My brother inlaw, who runs/owns his own litigation company.. his office building is wired up for a T3 fiber-optic dedicated line.. and was over there at his office the other day while they installed it.. they, being him.. he's certified by Microsoft.. he's a computer/network/programming genius! He finished it up the other day.. and let me tell ya.. HOLY SHIT. I didn't even know the internet was capable of GOING that fast to begin with!

Dude downloaded, just to show me how quick it really was.. he downloaded the entire box set of 'The Sopranos' in a matter of 2 to 3 minutes. I don't remember how big the file was.. but I know it was in the gigabyte range.

I could never afford that for sure though.. he's paying like an outrageous amount per month for that dedicated line. He gets a monthly discount though, since he's been using the same ISP for like 10 years or something like that. But, even with the discount, I think he's still shelling out around $2500/month for the line.

Crazy fast..

I know there are faster lines, such as VPN/OC3/OC12 - But those, yeah.. the price of those is downright scary. LOL.

But yeah, thanks for the help beasto.

appreciate it.

There are cheaper plans, I have a triple plan, phone, cable, and internet, and the 2nd best one (at the time of signing up), there are cheaper ones, I think that start at like $69.95 or somewhere around there, maybe less, they always offer deals for the 1st year, then you get raped like I am after the year is up... I have 50mg/25mg download/upload speeds. I downloaded the entire The Office seasons 1-7, with each season being over 1gb, about 8gb total, in like 5 minutes. I got every wwf/wwe ppv which was 60gb, in 1 hour about. We only have 3 choices in my area, Comcast, Fios, and Dish Network. We had Comcast, and having to talk to tech support every week got a little annoying. I talked to Fios 3 times in 3 years, the initial hookup, the renewal, and I wanted to know how to get the caller id on the tv.

I like the service, but the prices are a little much after the 1st year....

ah alright. I'll def. have too look into that.

I'm hoping that the tech can find out what the issue is tomorrow and fix it.

I mean, its got to be something fairly simple because like I said, my connection works GREAT early in the morning. But, again.. I know that at some point between now and noon.. at some time between those times, I know my connection will die/get dropped.. and I won't be able to get back on no matter what I do.. until a certain time later this afternoon or later this evening sometime.

If it would just work like this all the time??! I'd be one happy son of a bitch!

See, here's the other thing.. which its kinda hard to explain, but I'll do my best to explain it.

When my connection dies.. I've had certain days where my connection would die/get dropped.. and the modem would restart itself, like I had manually unplugged the power cord and plugged it back in you know? The lights would, one-by-one, come on as the modem re-established its connection.. or tried to anyhow.. but there were times when it would actually reconnect... meaning all the lights on the front of the modem would be on like they're suppose to be.. but, when I clicked on 'my connection' to connect to the internet.. it would even tell me that 'My connection' was now online.. but in reality, I still had no connection.. and then when I would check my IP #... it wouldn't be the right # either. When this would happen, the internet would work (some times).. and when it would work.. even with the wrong IP #.. it would be sooooo gah damn slow. I mean, SLOW man.. like, for example.. it took about 3 minutes for the 'Google' search engine page to fully load.. and we all know that that's not right.. somethings def. wrong there.

But like I said, its hard to explain...

but I've actually shot video from my phone.. showing what's been going on so that when the tech comes tomorrow, I can show him that I'm not crazy.. and I can show him exactly what's going on. I think that was the best thing I could have done really.. IMO..

anyhow, I thank all of you for your help, suggestions, advice.. and suggestions.

Your issue sounds like it is definitely not a splitter, but either something on their end, or in the modem itself, or wiring beyond what you have access to. Hopefully they can fix it, I know slow internet can be very frustrating...

Best of luck with that bongsmilie

ah alright. I'll def. have too look into that.

I'm hoping that the tech can find out what the issue is tomorrow and fix it.

I mean, its got to be something fairly simple because like I said, my connection works GREAT early in the morning. But, again.. I know that at some point between now and noon.. at some time between those times, I know my connection will die/get dropped.. and I won't be able to get back on no matter what I do.. until a certain time later this afternoon or later this evening sometime.

If it would just work like this all the time??! I'd be one happy son of a bitch!

See, here's the other thing.. which its kinda hard to explain, but I'll do my best to explain it.

When my connection dies.. I've had certain days where my connection would die/get dropped.. and the modem would restart itself, like I had manually unplugged the power cord and plugged it back in you know? The lights would, one-by-one, come on as the modem re-established its connection.. or tried to anyhow.. but there were times when it would actually reconnect... meaning all the lights on the front of the modem would be on like they're suppose to be.. but, when I clicked on 'my connection' to connect to the internet.. it would even tell me that 'My connection' was now online.. but in reality, I still had no connection.. and then when I would check my IP #... it wouldn't be the right # either. When this would happen, the internet would work (some times).. and when it would work.. even with the wrong IP #.. it would be sooooo gah damn slow. I mean, SLOW man.. like, for example.. it took about 3 minutes for the 'Google' search engine page to fully load.. and we all know that that's not right.. somethings def. wrong there.

But like I said, its hard to explain...

but I've actually shot video from my phone.. showing what's been going on so that when the tech comes tomorrow, I can show him that I'm not crazy.. and I can show him exactly what's going on. I think that was the best thing I could have done really.. IMO..

anyhow, I thank all of you for your help, suggestions, advice.. and suggestions.

For this problem contact the internet service provider,
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well everyone,

I'm happy to inform you all that my internet is now working like it should!

I have no idea why its suddenly working. Yesterday, which was basically the first day of usage of the new cable modem I purchased.. I had no problems at all yesterday with my connection. In fact, I left it connected (online) ALL DAY yesterday. Well, most of the day.. there were two times when I disconnected and even unplugged the modem and plugged it back in.. but I had no problems at all with it yesterday.

I'm tempted to call my ISP back and tell them I don't need the technician to come out now..

but I'm also afraid, that this could be one of those "things" where, as soon as I make an appointment to have a tech come out, it'll work like it should.. or even better than it should.. but I'm afraid that as soon as I cancel the appointment, it'll fuck up on me again.. you know? But, I guess I'll cancel the appointment because theres nothing the tech can do, if its working correctly.

However, I did grab my phone a few days ago when it was still all fubar'd and shot video of the front of the modem.. and then got a screen-shot of me trying to use the internet.. I did it so that the tech wouldn't think I was crazy or anything like that... that way, I could literally show him what it was doing before..

but, anyhow.. it seems everything is good now. In fact, it seems like its almost faster than it was before. Time to go run a speed test... I'll be back with the test results.


P.S. - I thank all of the users that came in, and gave me great advice/suggestions in trying to diagnose/fix the problem. You all are appreciated more than you realize. Thanks.