Internet connection problems.. any computer network guru's around?

Man oh man, what a fucking morning for my ass. Not my ass, I mean.. for me.

Yeah, what a morning its been for me! I got up this morning, went to the methadone clinic and got my two days worth of meds and then drove back home like I do every day of the week except Sundays. I got up at 5am and immediately checked to make sure my internet connection was still working like it had been for the past two days, which was excellent!! Well, I got up.. double-clicked the 'connect me' button.. but couldn't get on.. and sure enough the lights on the front of my modem were once again flashing.. therefore telling me that the modem isn't even established a connection with my ISP.. so of course I have no fucking internet.. I had nothing, once again!!! Fucking, my ISP must have some of the shittiest equipment.. OR.. they just don't know how to set the shit up properly.

Anyhow, I thought I was going through the same shit that I told everyone about at the beginning of my (this) thread.. with the connection/modem problems right?

Well, I had it at this point.. I had hit my boiling point, and with my Sicilian blood at its boiling point.. I just said fuck it, I'm not even going to attempt to fix it
this go around.. I'm just going to call my ISP.

So, I call my ISP as soon as they opened.. and wouldn't you know it, all their 'technicians' were busy with other customers at that time. Are you kidding me??! How many techs do they have available total?!? Like 2 or 3?!? There's no way all the techs were busy with other customers.. or so I thought.

Turns out they were busy with other customers.. or so I suppose they were anyhow. I finally get through to a live tech and tell him the problem, and that its a brand new modem.. and I mentioned to him that about 24 hours after purchasing the new modem, my internet finally and suddenly began working like it should.. actually seemed to work better than it did before, with the old modem I had connected. I left it connected pretty much for the past 2 days straight (except for the occasional 'unplug' or 'modem reset' tests.. just to make sure everything was good and working like it should) and it stayed connected the entire time.. and the times I did do a quick 'power unplug' or 'modem reset' to test its durability of being able to reconnect.. it did just fine. Worked great. Well, so then the tech tells me that I wasn't the only customer that was experiencing connection problems.. apparently it booted a few hundred or even thousand users/customers off the internet. The cause was apparently from 'storm damage'.. but, I didn't hear any fucking storms come through here.. though we did have some gusty winds with some rain, thunder and lightning most of last night, this morning.. and this afternoon. So anyhow, that made me feel a little better.. the tech telling me that this was the cause of me having no connection.. I felt a LOT better.

And wouldn't you know it.. its clear outside right now with the sun shining brightly.. and that's when my connection came back online. This is when I was able to reconnect to the internet.. once the sun came out. LOL... fucking crazy man.

I mean, what are the odds of something like that happening.. right after I finally get my connection problems solved with a new modem and cables... you know what I'm saying?!? LOL... sheeeesh! If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all!! heh :|

Man oh man, what a fucking morning for my ass. Not my ass, I mean.. for me.

Yeah, what a morning its been for me! I got up this morning, went to the methadone clinic and got my two days worth of meds and then drove back home like I do every day of the week except Sundays. I got up at 5am and immediately checked to make sure my internet connection was still working like it had been for the past two days, which was excellent!! Well, I got up.. double-clicked the 'connect me' button.. but couldn't get on.. and sure enough the lights on the front of my modem were once again flashing.. therefore telling me that the modem isn't even established a connection with my ISP.. so of course I have no fucking internet.. I had nothing, once again!!! Fucking, my ISP must have some of the shittiest equipment.. OR.. they just don't know how to set the shit up properly.

Anyhow, I thought I was going through the same shit that I told everyone about at the beginning of my (this) thread.. with the connection/modem problems right?

Well, I had it at this point.. I had hit my boiling point, and with my Sicilian blood at its boiling point.. I just said fuck it, I'm not even going to attempt to fix it
this go around.. I'm just going to call my ISP.

So, I call my ISP as soon as they opened.. and wouldn't you know it, all their 'technicians' were busy with other customers at that time. Are you kidding me??! How many techs do they have available total?!? Like 2 or 3?!? There's no way all the techs were busy with other customers.. or so I thought.

Turns out they were busy with other customers.. or so I suppose they were anyhow. I finally get through to a live tech and tell him the problem, and that its a brand new modem.. and I mentioned to him that about 24 hours after purchasing the new modem, my internet finally and suddenly began working like it should.. actually seemed to work better than it did before, with the old modem I had connected. I left it connected pretty much for the past 2 days straight (except for the occasional 'unplug' or 'modem reset' tests.. just to make sure everything was good and working like it should) and it stayed connected the entire time.. and the times I did do a quick 'power unplug' or 'modem reset' to test its durability of being able to reconnect.. it did just fine. Worked great. Well, so then the tech tells me that I wasn't the only customer that was experiencing connection problems.. apparently it booted a few hundred or even thousand users/customers off the internet. The cause was apparently from 'storm damage'.. but, I didn't hear any fucking storms come through here.. though we did have some gusty winds with some rain, thunder and lightning most of last night, this morning.. and this afternoon. So anyhow, that made me feel a little better.. the tech telling me that this was the cause of me having no connection.. I felt a LOT better.

And wouldn't you know it.. its clear outside right now with the sun shining brightly.. and that's when my connection came back online. This is when I was able to reconnect to the internet.. once the sun came out. LOL... fucking crazy man.

I mean, what are the odds of something like that happening.. right after I finally get my connection problems solved with a new modem and cables... you know what I'm saying?!? LOL... sheeeesh! If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all!! heh :|


lol @ storm damage. i used that line all day when i worked tech support and someone was screaming at me. "there seems to be an area issue. it's not just you. we'll fix it shortly, i PROMISE" lmao. how can your internet be fucked up for days from a storm that happened yesterday? and it still doesn't explain connectivity issues based on time of day (works in the morning but not at night). that shit is NOT normal, 100% fiber or not.

from that whole thing i just read it sounds like you have water in your drop or possibly in the tap, if you can tie it to wet weather. i would wait a week before celebrating, not to be a downer. having worked in that industry for years i can say with absolute certainty that these intermittent issues are almost NEVER resolved or correctly identified. once something starts working, the company says "see? all better" and stops spending time on it and gives you a canned apology and throws you a credit. meanwhile the issue hasn't been fixed, and the cycle starts over again.

next time this happens, try to order something on demand that's free and see if you get an error of any kind. if you do, call the company and have them interpret that specific code. they should at least be able to pinpoint why the vod doesn't work, and that can be a big help in troubleshooting the internet if the rep has half a brain.
I work in the industry, and can tell you splitters can cause havoc with modems. Test it without the splitter and see if you still have the issue. If so, either the signal is not strong enough, or the local network is fucked up. With cable, having other users on your node CAN cause some slowing, but shouldn't knock you off....and they'd have to be using some serious bandwidth, like downloading HD movies or something.

By rights; even with a splitter (assuming the splitter is good) you should have a strong enough signal that it shouldn't be a problem. If you're in an apartment building, it may be the signal coming into the building, or the building wiring sucks

And as said above, if you have trouble with On Demand, that indicates a signal issue (or just a loose connection)

bleh.. :| I got a freaking 'F' - wow.

Well no freaking wonder! Came from a NY server... which is 1300 miles from here.

This ones a little better according to my current location:

I went from an 'F' to an 'F+' :D Making progress! .....heh.

mine comes all the way from Albuquerque. :(
