

Active Member
I want a light that can use fluorescent while the plants are vegging and HPS when its time to flower, I figure its cheaper than buying to light fixtures cuz I can change out the bulbs? Is there such thing?


Well-Known Member
I want a light that can use fluorescent while the plants are vegging and HPS when its time to flower, I figure its cheaper than buying to light fixtures cuz I can change out the bulbs? Is there such thing?
No. There are two totally different style lights and use two totally different type of ballasts. There are many types of HID (High Intensity Discharge) bulbs and HPS is just one of them. Metal Halide (which is used for veging) is also a HID type lamp. If you wanna use HPS you'll need a set-up which is specific for HID type lights. You'll need a reflector, socket, ballast, cord kit.

If you wanna use your flourescent fixture for veging that would be fine and then you can change lights (not just bulbs) for flowering.

My suggestion would be to spend the $ on a HID set-up and make sure you get an electronic(switchable) ballast so you can use either MH or HPS bulbs in the fixture. When I say "switchable" I mean from 1 HID bulb (MH) to another HID (HPS) bulb. NOT from a HID bulb (HPS) to a flourescent bulb.

Lastly, HID lamps get much hotter than flourescents so you'll need to be careful as to how close you keep the lights to the plant leaves. Flourescent bulbs can be within a few inches of the leaves whereas HPs (or MH) shouldn't be any closer than a foot. Also, depending on your room size (if you have a small sealed area) you'll need proper ventilation for a HID type light.

HId type lamps are the way to go if you can afford the set-up. These are grown under HID (both MH & HPS) and the bottom post shows them at 21 days.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
If your going to spend the money on a HPS light then why don't you et a switchable ballast that can run MH and HPS? It wouldn't cost any more than an HPS and a good flo light....