Got no problems with COnservatives
its you Racist dickheads that I have issue with
clear this up for me, are we being racists against his black half or his white half. cuz i pretty much hate the whole package but not for the color of his skinn
Got no problems with COnservatives
its you Racist dickheads that I have issue with
I have a problem with some of the left who toss around "racist" on everyone who disagrees with your agenda. I blame the Dear Leader for that shit.
So if people have a problem with certain building codes and regulations that makes them racist?I can't find anything in recent pages that makes him sound racist. If he had a problem with skin color, why would he deny it?
I have a problem with some of the left who toss around "racist" on everyone who disagrees with your agenda. I blame the Dear Leader for that shit.
OK Duke. But just so you know . If you keep throwing the word around all the time, after a while it starts to lose its strength, power, and meaning.
Yah, but Herman Cain played the same card when The Daily Show gave him shit. Each side has become a bunch of whiny bitches.
This is the guy who should be told to resign, yet we hear nothing.
I said that?
Please point it out.
Actually pick out at any point today I called any one a racist
I do well. My little family makes over 100 k a year. Taxes aint killing this country. But you neo fascists on the right are sure trying toIf you don't like your position in life then learn something, educate yourself, make yourself more valuable and then you can get a better paying job. I was unemployed about 12 years ago. I took that time to go into debt about $3,000 for a home study course on medical transcription. I finished the course, found a job that would train me in the field as a newbie and helped me get to a point where I could make decent money. I spent half my day learning medical transcription and the other half teaching myself to type with a $20 dollar software CD. I did all this when I was 50 years old. No one owes you anything. YOU are responsible for taking care of yourself.
it doesnt have any Power to begin with
Racists know who they are even when they deny it
Yeah, dickhead... you called me a racist, several times. Since you have such a big mouth and somehow have appointed yourself grand poohbah in charge of labeling racists. I'd like you to find one post of mine that is racist on it's own merits. Not some perception that because I don't like Obama's policies makes me a racist, but something that stands on it's own. Otherwise (as we already know) you're just throwing it around as a flaccid attack.
You won't, you can't, you're done. You assume that because a person on here is Conservative, he supports progressive Republican policies. That's the first of an avalanche of mental errors you make on this forum, daily. I don't like progressive policies, I couldn't give a shit less if the mouthpiece espousing them has a R or a D in front of his/her name, as I sure as hell don't care what color they are.
Yeah, dickhead... you called me a racist, several times. Since you have such a big mouth and somehow have appointed yourself grand poohbah in charge of labeling racists. I'd like you to find one post of mine that is racist on it's own merits. Not some perception that because I don't like Obama's policies makes me a racist, but something that stands on it's own. Otherwise (as we already know) you're just throwing it around as a flaccid attack.
You won't, you can't, you're done. You assume that because a person on here is Conservative, he supports progressive Republican policies. That's the first of an avalanche of mental errors you make on this forum, daily. I don't like progressive policies, I couldn't give a shit less if the mouthpiece espousing them has a R or a D in front of his/her name, as I sure as hell don't care what color they are.
Your a Bigot also.
Do you get all your talking points from Rush Limbaugh and David Duke?